Investigations (2)

His nails extended, sharp as razors, and he slashed at me with an aggressive ferocity. I quickly sidestepped his attack, narrowly avoiding his deadly claws. But his pursuit was unrelenting, and he closed in on me with incredible speed, unleashing a powerful kick towards my stomach. Reacting quickly, I blocked his kick with the palm of my hand, but the force behind it sent me flying backward, my hand trembling from the impact. Miraculously, I managed to land on my feet after doing a midair backflip.

As I faced the formidable vampire, I knew I was no match for him physically. His monstrous physique was a clear indication that he had been alive for more than five centuries. In a split second, I conjured up a shield to protect myself from his punch.

To his surprise, his fist made contact with an invisible barrier that prevented him from reaching me. Meanwhile, the shifter had morphed into a massive, 2.5-meter-tall bear and charged towards Chloe with an impressive speed that belied his heavy build. But Chloe remained calm and focused, her eyes glowing crimson with an intense power that grew stronger by the second.

As the bear approached her, she vanished into thin air, evading his deadly paw and causing him to crash into a wall, leaving a large crack in his wake. The bear was confused by Chloe's sudden disappearance, but before he could react, she appeared behind him like a ghost and thrust her hand through his chest from behind, retrieving his still-beating heart. At first, the bear didn't realize what had happened, but as he saw blood dripping from his chest onto the ground, he turned and looked at Chloe with horror.

She stood before him, her face cold and emotionless, holding his heart in her hand. Enraged, the bear tried to attack Chloe, but before he could take a single step, she crushed his heart in her hand. The light in his eyes flickered and died as he fell to the ground, defeated.

As I saw the ease with which she killed the shifter, I remembered her status as a true vampire and the frightening sobriquet 'blood dragon'. As witnesses of the death of the shifter, the werewolf and the magician looked at Chloe with an unprecedented serious gaze.

''You, you are a true vampire!'' said the werewolf his eyes filled with a little bit of fear.

The one who was most frightened was the vampire with whom I was fighting he looked at her in abject horror. Before when he saw her he knew she was a powerful vampire but as she didn't release her aura, he didn't notice she was a true vampire.

You need to understand the coercion true vampire exert on a normal one was immense it was an innate difference of bloodlines, a superiority of lifeforms. As he was distracted I didn't miss a bit and will invisible blades to cut him up. The formless willpower took the form of a saber and flew toward the shocked vampire.

He tensed as he felt the danger nearing him but he couldn't avoid it as he couldn't be faster than thought. Blood splashed and one of his arms was separated from his body, another splashed and his legs were removed leaving him twitching like a fish out of water.

I sped forward and appeared next to his sorry figure before any of his allies realized something was going horribly wrong I had already removed his head from his shoulders.

The mage having realized the situation was getting out of hand with two of them already out of commission.

''You!, what are you, and what kind of spell was that?'' he said curious and furious at the same time.

''No matter I will have the time to slowly find out later.'' He said calming himself before sending a vial of blue liquid to the werewolf who caught it and sniff it. As he did a voracious smile appeared on his face. He gulped it instantly. As he consumed the mysterious liquid a snapping sound of bones followed and he turned into a 2m tall wolf standing on his two hind legs.

As Chloe saw this her eyes narrowed and she spoke for the first time since we got here.

''What did you give him? He now gives the feeling of a lycanthrope'' she asked the mage. The mage merely smiled and said

''A little booster to help us send you two to hell, as I can only take care of one of you, I leave the other one to him. I feel your the bigger threat so I will handle you personally, aren't you grateful'' he said looking at Chloe maliciously. The morphed werewolf trained his gaze on me with an enormous amount of bloodlust. Looking at his powerful physic and muscles I felt it wasn't going to be as easy as getting rid of the vampire was.

The first time I saw them my internal ranking of them went like this 'Mage, Vampire, Werewolf, Shifter'. But now with the help of the weird liquid he ingested, the threat I feel from him seems to have risen, which means the situation was f***ed with a possibility of my 5th death.

Chloe noticed the situation and looked at me worried she wouldn't have the time to assist me in my fight as battling the mage was gonna take her full attention. I smiled at her reassuringly and sent her mentally

'Don't worry about it I can't die, be careful with the mage'

She was a bit reassured and smiled at me before focusing on him.

It's important to notice that the workers were still alive and were paused in the same position thanks to the mage spell but I didn't know if they were conscious of what was happening around them.

The wolf pounced on me turning into a shadow, he speed so fast that I couldn't even move out of the way to avoid his charge. He appeared before me soon enough, with a violent slap of his paw I felt a massive impact on my side that made me airborne and sent me crossing through a window outside the building, I felt violently on the ground and spurted blood through my mouth from my internal injuries. I stood up with difficulty when I saw an unbelievable sight greeting my eyes, a gigantic wolf falling from the sky headed toward me. I didn't think and flipped backward avoiding it. He came crashing on the concrete with a loud boom, but he was unbothered and looked at me with the same intensity.


As we looked at each other a loud noise resounded from the building and a hole appeared on top of the building. A shadow flashed and stopped midair. Soon enough another shadow followed and stopped mid-air too, it was Chloe and the mage.

Chloe's clothes were a bit ripped and burned but she didn't have many wounds only a few scratches, the mage though look a lot more worse for wear. His jacket was nowhere to be seen, his shirt was ripped and he was bleeding from punctured holes on his neck and the slashing wounds all over his body.