Investigations (3)

I was never the type to get into fights when I was little, weird how these days I can't walk anywhere without stumbling in an ambush or an attack. Also, I seemed to look actively for them now.

As I was having this deep and profound thought about my life, a gigantic wolf paw with wicked sharp claws at the extremities came into my line of sight heading straight for my throat. I willed for protection and these claws impacted an invisible barrier heavily. Despite having managed to block the assault the force of the impact sent me flying and crashing into the wall of a nearby building.

The barrier I willed into existence helped me avoid being damaged by the crash. I dislodged myself from the wall making them release a groaning sound of metal. I rose to my feet and looked at the 'i don't know how many pounds of muscles' man staring at me as if I was dinner.

In the sky flash of light often appeared accompanied by booming noises indicating the intensity of the combat. I had never seen a fight of this proportions. Both of them were actually so powerful their clash made the nearby buildings quake from the resulting vibrations.

Focusing my attention back on my fight I started thinking about the ways to defeat this monster. His physique had become so sturdy after doping that blunt blows barely had an effect on him anymore and sharp attacks only left him with scratches.

Taking a deep breath I initiated the attack for once, exerting all my strength on my right leg I jumped forward leaving deep a footprint on the ground. My jump sent me sailing past the tops of other buildings.

As my ascending momentum reached its peak I willed for the air under my feet to condense forming a stable platform allowing me to stand upside down mid-air for short moment before I crouched and propelled myself toward the ferocious werewolf on the ground.

He saw me approach with a stunning velocity and raised his vigilance, despite his confidence in defeating me after having ingested the liquid of the mage, the weird power I used to defend myself against his onslaught of attacks made him wary.

In a flash, I had crossed the distance between us and almost reached him, as I was nearing his position I once again willed the surrounding air to condense, this time leaving a vacuum in my immediate surrounding as it gathered to form a 3 meters long wind blade.

With my descent it whistled speaking of its unparalleled sharpness, the werewolf immediately realized the deadliness of the attack and tried to avoid it but it was too late swinging my arm in a powerful slash, the wind blade cut through the atmosphere and bisected his body in two. His upper body was separated from his lower one as a geyser of blood and guts erupted from both parts.


I landed heavily and left a crater on the ground. As I regained my bearing I was hit by a bout of dizziness and knew that I had overtaxed my will, every single cell of my body was hurting and I could barely move toward the fatally injured werewolf.

Standing over his body I could see his muscle twitching as he tried to move despite his condition, speaking of his tenacious vitality. I crouched and put an end to his misery before falling dead tired next to his corpses.

The battle raging in the sky was at its most intense moment as both of the fighters were launching their most powerful moves. Chloe was shrouded in a frightening red haze as she sped leaving broken afterimages in the sky preventing the mage from locking on her position and throwing head-size fire orbs.

I was wondering how with all this commotion people hadn't come to this place to see what was happening, but I thought about it and deduced that it should be thanks to Chloe's subordinates. The battle paused for a moment as Chloe asked the mage about their goal, killing all those people.

''Our goal? '' he gaze went far away and he said '' Nothing much, our master just really need the souls of those beings.'' with a fanatical look.

My expression changed as I heard his words.

'The abyss I saw in that body, it's what happens when souls are forcibly ripped out of their bodies.' I realized with a start.

Chloe turned cold as she understood the ramifications of this act. In the supernatural community, the soul wasn't a well know subject, it was only known to be what demons were after.

The fact that they needed such massive amounts of souls didn't bode well for the future. It also indicates that they must have fallen or been under the service of a powerful demon.

Although the veil between the worlds was closed and no demons or angels could come in, they still found ways to manipulate humans.

''I see, why do you need so many souls? and which demon are you working for?'' Chloe asked sternly.

The mage looked confused before bursting in loud laughter.

''Why we need so many souls is not for us to know it's of course part of the master plan. As your second question, no punny demon could be my master, his brilliance and power are incomparable, he is destined to rule the world.'' He laughed manically.

As she heard this answer I could see Chloe frown, I guessed that like she was starting to see that this story was hiding an extremely sinister plot. She calmed down and coldness return to her face. As she gazed at the lunatic individual she said:

''Even though I still don't know your goal, you gave me a good place to start digging. Now it's time for you to die.'' her crimson eyes became brighter and brighter until they looked like red suns. The presence emanating from her was powerful, brutal, and archaic. It was exactly the same presence she had when she finished drinking my blood for the first time.

The mage looked at her and seemed to remember something.

''You are Chloe Crimson, the blood dragon!!!!'' he said his face painted with fear.

I was still on the ground resting after my fight with the werewolf as I watched their fight. I felt the energy Chloe was giving now and knew she got serious.

Since the day she took my blood something seemed to awaken in her, something that was passive for a long time, the same thing that made her grow faster than a normal vampire. Her power was rising as time passed, she told me she was actually as strong as a 2000+ years old vampire.

So I knew as she was fighting with the lunatic that she wasn't using all her power, she was acting this way because she wanted him to think that they were on equal ground in this fight and that if he gave his best he would manage to kill her eventually, allowing him to not bother hiding anything from her.

A bloody haze surrounded her and turned into a dragon, the beast looked extremely real and was giving an aura of absolute bloodthirstiness. Its gaze locked on the now pale mage and it moved.

A blood streak parted the sky as the blood dragon sped through the atmosphere toward the enemy. He was sweating heavily as he cast a spell, a blue-colored barrier formed around him, he seem to condense all the existing magic power in his body to consolidate the barrier.

It was hopeless though, as the bloody dragon gave zero f*** and ripped through his barrier as if it was a bubble. Before he could register the breaking of his last line of defense, a part of his body was ripped in a single bite.

He screamed shrilly as he looked at his missing lower body.

''My master won't let you stop him!! even if you manage to find who he is you are not his match, nobody is his match, he will destroy—'' before he could end his tragic monologue, the blood dragon twisted and ended him with another bite before dissipating in the air.

As the blood dragon disappeared Chloe's face seemed to flush and all the small wounds she got from this fight closed until none were left, I guessed his blood was nourishing. She got down from the sky and landed right next to me.

''Are you ok?'' she asked after looking at the corpse of the werewolf.

''Yeah don't worry I just overexerted myself. So souls catcher huh?''

''yeah, it seems this group is even more dangerous than I thought, the fact that they are stealing souls can only indicate a relationship with the demons'' she answered frowning. She looked up and her eyes briefly glowed, a few seconds later her two subordinates appeared

''Take care of the clean up'' she ordered before helping me to my feet. We went back to the car and headed back to the mansion.