Release attempt and memories (2)

I saw many other souls' memories afterward, they were all from different time periods but their ends were all similar, death by soul extraction. I was wary, going through so many lifetimes left me feeling ancient. Despite the numerous memories, I still didn't manage to see the face of their leader. All I knew was that they already existed more than a thousand years ago.

I retracted my consciousness, and Chloe looked at me expectantly.

I was lost in thought and didn't react making her believe something went wrong.

'' You can't free them? ''

''Oh..yes, I mean no I can free them now, I just got lost in their memories. ''

''What did you learn from them? something useful? ''

''Well kinda, they have a green serpent for symbol and their leader seemed to be pretty powerful from what I sensed. They've been operating for much longer than we thought. Many centuries ago judging by the memories of their victims."

Chloe looked to be pondering as she stayed silent for a moment.

"I don't recall any group within the supernatural world with this type of symbol, but I could be wrong. We should look into it when we get back to Nebula City, my father's library should have records on them. He accumulated a large collection of scrolls and ancient books."

"That would be really helpful. We should try to find their base in this city soon before the number of deaths escalates. After seeing the memories, I believe it isn't a small operation. The group we are looking for should only be the tip of the iceberg. Whatever their goal is, I don't suppose it is anything good for the rest of us." I said seriously.

"You're right but it's easier said than done, we didn't manage to find them all this time, they are more sneaky than rats, or do you have a plan?"

"Yes I have thought of something, do you remember how I communicated with you from Nebula City, I think I can do the same thing for them. Before I couldn't because I wasn't strong enough and I didn't have anything linked to them, but this time, I am stronger, plus I have these souls. I think I can follow their resentment to find where those assholes are hiding."

"Will it work?"

"I am not 100% sure but I have a good feeling."

Without wasting any more time I gathered my willpower, shaping it like a sword I slashed at the glowing stone.


The stone exploded in numerous dots of lights, making a beautiful scene. Then the temperature started to plummet. The room went from slightly warm to unbelievably cold, I could even see both our breath coming out as white mist. I knew that I had succeeded as this coldness wasn't a natural one, it was created by ghosts.

Before us numerous individuals appeared, they all wore different apparel but they had the same crazed expression on their faces. The room seemed cramped all of a sudden.

"I hope you know what you are doing," said Chloe a bit pale.

"Yes... don't worry "I answered a bit pale too. I mean this was the first time I had to deal with ghosts. Of course, I had seen them inside the stone but not under this form. They were just glowing orbs. Plus all of them appearing together in this room in all their phantoms glory was truly a horror show vision.

The ghosts finally noticed our presence, they turned as one and fixed their gazes on us. Feeling the menacing vibes they were giving I decided to make a barrier between them and us, just in case. Having their gaze fixed on us made goosebumps appear on my skin.

I tried to ignore them and focused my willpower on my eyes, they shined a mystical aqua blue light and the world changed.

Through them, I could see a black gas surrounding the place. There was a conspicuous black pilar that went out of the room and was directed far in the horizon. I knew that should be their resentment, I wasn't sure I would be able to actually see it but it seemed I could.

'Truly imagination is the limit concerning what willpower can do. ' I marveled at that fact.

Covering my thoughts in a film of willpower, I sent them shuttling through the black line. As soon as I came in contact with that line numerous freakish sounds of anguish could be heard, I did my best to ignore them.

It was like I was speeding on a highway while driving a race car. My thoughts blurred forward, I barely had the time to appreciate the flashing scenery. In the blink of an eye, I was somewhere else, it was outside the city, in front of an abandoned factory situated in the middle of nowhere. There were men dressed in black robes with a green serpent pattern patrolling the perimeter. When I focused on what was inside the factory, I hit a barrier, an immense pain filled my senses and I came back to my body.

Opening my eyes, I saw the ghosts still surrounding us, and Chloe looking tense. I rubbed the middle of my brows feeling a migraine coming still suffering from the after effect of the collision with that barrier.

Chloe noticing I was back to myself, breathed out and asked:


"Found them. Now I should do something about them." I answered looking at the ghosts.

With a wave of my hand, I dispelled the barrier, instantly they pounced on us like bats hungry for blood. I spread my will like a web and they were all caught in it, I felt a strain, I knew my willpower wouldn't be enough to contain them so I had to act quickly.


I poured out my whole willpower into this compulsion and sent it to all the ghosts via the web of willpower. Those angry faces became blank. Following that, the black haze that was surrounding them started to fade, their expressions became peaceful and free. They all look at me with an emotion so powerful they didn't need to voice it. I felt it coming in waves through the web link I made.


As they disappeared one by one they sent some kind of energy, it made me feel at ease, it was so warm and I was so tired, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up gradually feeling unspeakably comfortable, it was due to the fact that I was lying on a pair of shapely thighs. I looked up and saw Chloe playing with the locks of my hair. Looking around I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw that all the ghosts were gone which meant I managed to do it.

Standing up I felt energized as if I slept for a whole day. But the setting sun told me I was out for just one hour. I had a thought and opened my status:

Name: Samsara Yu

Age: 17 years old

Race: ???

Willpower: (affectation)

Unique ability: Death with benefits

'Hmm.....My willpower had a massive boost and also there seemed to be something else.....Just like I thought something changed, it seemed to be my luck!'

Focusing on the feeling I had, the information came to me.

Karmic Luck (rare): Gained by karmic virtue. Those that have it are blessed by Karma.

'I don't know how helpful it is, but it sure sounds amazing.'