There was something about a woman driving that excited me or maybe it was because the woman in question happened to be super hot and also the equivalent of a vampire princess. She was gracefully maneuvering the vehicle on the car-filled streets of the city. We were heading somewhere special if I were to believe what Chloe told me. With only two days remaining before our assault on the enemy HQ, she believed she needed to gear up.
After a few minutes of driving, we parked up in front of a 5-star hotel. Confused, I asked her:
"A hotel? Not that I have anything against them, but if you wanted to have your way with me, your bedroom's queen-size bed is enough."
"Haha" she rolled her eyes playfully. "The person who is going to supply us with the weapons doesn't like moving from his house, he is something of a recluse. Thankfully we of the Crimson Clan are one of his most VIP clients, so he agreed to 'come' here. He is 'residing' in this hotel."
"That still didn't tell me who we were going to meet. Is he a vampire, a Lycan, a magician, or something else?" Since entering the supernatural world, I had seen plenty of monsters thought only to exist in nightmares, now I was curious and eager to meet more of them.
"Be patient you'll see." she smiled at my questions. We got out of the car and she handed her keys to the steward. We then went inside the spacious lobby and were greeted by the receptionist.
"Hello, I Am Chloe Crimson. We here to meet Mr. Razach," she told to the guy.
"Hello, Miss Crimson. Let me check." he tapped deftly on the keyboard of his computer, before making a quick call.
"Hello, Mr. Razach there's a person asking for you at the reception.''
With our inhuman senses, Chloe and I could, of course, hear the other side of the conversation.
"They can come up." The voice on the phone had an ageless quality to it.
"Mr. Razach confirmed with me. You can take the elevator directly to the top floor," he said while giving us a magnetic card and pointing toward the elevator.
"Thank you." Chloe took the key and we headed toward the top floor. Soon enough we were in front of a luxurious suite door. We knocked on the door. And a voice told us to come in. On the other side of the door was surprisingly a clearing in the middle of the forest. The heady scents of nature filled our noses and we could even hear birds chirping in the trees.
"Whoah! I didn't see this coming." I exclaimed with wonder.
"Yeah... when I said he accepted to 'come', he didn't exactly, he just opened a gate from his place to the top floor of this hotel."
"How?" I asked dumbfounded. I wasn't privy to the powers of other supernaturals but I knew that one needed some serious mojo to pull this off.
"Well let's just say it has to do with his profession. Come we have a bit of forest to trek through" With that we started walking.
After 1 km we came across a wooden cabin. "He lives here?" I asked
"What? Did you expect a castle or something?" she asked with a smile.
" Kind of."
"Let's enter you'll see."
Coming through the door we stepped into a large space that looked like the interior of a manor. From the proportions, a wider space than the cabin could possibly hold."
"Mr. Razach, we're here!" Chloe suddenly screamed out loud.
"You can come directly to my office Miss Crimson, you know you're always welcome in my house." answered the same ageless voice that I was starting to associate with the mysterious Mr. Razach.
Chloe led us downstairs to what looked like a basement. We walked through a long corridor and reached a door. Inside the room, the temperature was extremely high, making one feel like stepping into an inferno. In the middle of the place was a hunk of a man, his torso was naked and he was wielding a hammer, constantly striking the anvil. Sparks were flying all over the place. He had long red hair reaching the middle of his back bound by a leather cord. He looked like he had just stepped out from a faraway time.
Noticing us he put the hammer on the ground, "Miss Chloe it's been too long since you graced this old man with your presence.''
He walked toward us after cooling the newly made saber. His gait was imposing, he was easily 2 meters tall, and he must be used to making people around him feel like dwarves.
"How are you, Mr. Razach?" Chloe asked
"same old, same old." He answered with a genial smile. His face was handsome and young in contrast with the way he addressed himself. He looked to be barely out of his teenage years but I learned not to judge people by appearance, Chloe's father and Atticus are fine examples of this fact.
He seemed to finally notice me and pinned me down with a focused stare. His expression was a mix of surprise and genuine puzzlement.
"And who is this gentleman?"
"He is my companion, his name is Samsara Yu."
"Peculiar name, You must be descended from the Aso Continent."
"Yes my father came here from Aso, I've never been there myself."
"Not to be rude but I can seem to place your race. You look human but the aura you give off is inhumane and intriguing. As expected of Miss Chloe's companion. "
"Well don't worry about it, as for my nature even I don't know, just suppose I am something never seen before."
"Hmm, truly interesting it's been a while since I found something or someone I can't see through."
"To return the question what are you exactly?"
"Miss Chloe didn't tell you ?" he asked looking in Chloe's direction.
"I didn't, I thought it would be a surprise. Samsara entered our world just a few months ago so he is still excited about meeting a new type of supernatural."
"Oh I see, can you try to guess?" Razach said taking a glance at Samsara.
"My senses tell me you are human but more than that there is some kind of power residing inside you. I also feel like you're old, extremely so but you look young if I were to hazard a guess I would've said that you're a mage but it feels wrong."
"Wow, your senses are astonishing Mr. Samsara, well you're right I am indeed human or I was. The thing is, 3000 years ago I was a druid, I practiced druidic magic and lived peacefully in my village. Until a tragedy happened and changed the course of my life, that day I sacrificed something of mine to obtain immortality and power. As for what and why? we don't know each other that well yet. Just know that now I am an immortal druidic warrior, there are few others like me in the world." His expression was melancholic as if he was remembering a distant time.
' I didn't even know druids were real and He is an immortal one to boot, truly fascinating, I wonder what one must sacrifice before becoming a supernatural like him'
"Mr. Razach, Is my order ready?" Chloe asked getting back to the original purpose of our visit.
Shaking his head as if the act would also clear the memories burdening him, he regained an easy smile and answered:
"Of course, come, follow me."
We walked for a few minutes, we took numerous turns which gave me a new appreciation for the size of this mansion. Who knew that something that looked like a small wood cabin in the forest could contain such a vast place? I also had the time to observe the decorations of the place, I was starting to see a pattern for those long-lived races, they often liked to collect antics, I suppose it is to remember the past times they had lived through. If one were to estimate the historical or even monetary value of the art pieces or antics that were in this place, the estimation would surely make one lose his sanity. This mansion was basically a museum.
We finally arrived in front of a door covered with carvings depicting wars and battles, From those one could feel a suffocating killing intent. Mr. Razach put both his hands on the door and pushed it open. Inside rows after rows of weapons could be seen. The size of this room was impressive. The weapons came in all types from spears to longswords, from hatchets to sabers, from daggers to bows.
Weaving through the rows of weapons, he led us in front of a huge wooden box, he activated a mechanism and a sliding panel came out from the side of the box. Inside I could see a huge scythe protected by some sort of glass with a sigil imprinted on it. The blade of the weapon was impressively long (2m) and was blood red, looking extremely sharp.
"This is honestly one of my most accomplished work, it was incredibly difficult to make while respecting your specifications but somehow, I managed to complete it timely." He exclaimed looking proud of himself.
"Wow!" This was truly one amazing weapon, it looked deadly, somehow fitting for Chloe.
"Mr. Razach this is truly a work of art and very much to my liking." Chloe's face broke into a full-blown smile radiating something dark and dangerous.