
Missing In Action

"Julie," Aaron called my name once more. His deep soft voice brought me back to reality.

Whew! I gave a deep sigh of relief. It was just my lewd imagination. That was close! I blinked several times to make sure my expression did not give away what was on my mind. I pretended to be in a daze and answered with a purr, "Y...yes?"

"I wanted you to look at me so you can see the sincerity in the words I'm going to say," he said with a gentleness in his eyes. He removed the thumb and finger that held my chin gingerly. Instead he held my hands close to his chest. "Don't think I didn't search for you. Don't think I abandoned you."

Search? Abandoned?

How could he search for me when he was the one missing in action, a prisoner of war in one of his missions? Abandoned? Probably. He promised me he will not abandon me and stay with me. After his graduation in the military school, he would come get me and let me stay by his side. He knew I was alone and was already an orphan. I innocently agreed without knowing that he'll be sent on his first mission in a rebel-infested area. I waited for three years. Then, seven. Until the years dragged on and I was already absorbed in my own personal mission: to reclaim what was mine from my scheming relatives.


It was almost a month and a half before high school graduation.

That Saturday afternoon, after grandma gave me her permission, my friends and I went to the plaza to skate. We decided to relax and enjoy ourselves before our final exams. During those crucial days we would be burying ourselves in our books and reviewers. After that, we would be busy sending out application forms for entrance examinations to universities and colleges of our choice. Then the graduation ceremony and the graduation ball.

"Have you decided what business school you plan to go to?" I asked Lizzie, and Molly. The three of us have decided to pursue a business management course while Brenda had decided to take preparatory law course and eventually proper law abroad.

"My brother suggested A University. It's the best business school in the country." Lizzie answered as she tied the laces of her roller skates.

"Then let's submit our application forms there. I have confidence that we would pass the entrance examination." I held on to Brenda's arm as we started to roll slowly along the skating rink.

"I believe so, too." Molly replied from behind us. "With how much we learned from Aaron's tutoring it's impossible to fail."

"He simply amazes me. He's a genius I should say." Lizzie overtook me and Brenda and made a smooth one hundred eighty degree turn to face us.

"Too bad he's going to the military academy. He'd be better off as a businessman." I remarked looking far ahead at the boys and girls who were skating in pairs.

Soon, we were skating around the rink. Sometimes forming a line, sometimes pushing and pulling each other. Molly, even though she was on the plump side, would smoothly navigate turns and perform maneuvers, much to our amazement. This was the only sport she liked because when she becomes lazy enough to walk, the wheels provided her ease in travelling by foot.

That was exactly what happened when we decided to get some snacks at Tom's Café - the four of us skated to the coffee shop.

Since Brenda's uncle owned it, we were given student discount, so it was the most economical place to get some snacks aside from it being safe and cozy.

Before we entered, we changed into our sneakers and hung our roller skates over our shoulders. I immediately saw Aaron serving customers over the counter. Brenda offered to take our orders and went straight to the end of the queue.

When Brenda returned ten minutes later, Aaron was following behind her carrying a tray with our orders.

"Aaron, you don't need to bring our orders here. It's self-service and you're quite busy," Lizzie scolded Aaron, who has just placed the tray on our table.

"It's okay. It's break-time for me anyway," Aaron grinned sheepishly then sat down across me. He leaned his cheek over his curled hand and rested his elbow on the table like he was bored, watching us sip our hot chocolate. "Does it taste nice? I added a bit of cinnamon."

We nodded our heads at the same time as we indeed tasted something different in our hot drinks. The truth is, it tasted better and richer.

I smiled at Aaron meekly. He winked at me.

I looked at my friends to see if they saw what he just did. They pretended to be oblivious to the deed and immediately turned their heads away to look at some random things around the café.

"By the way, when are you taking your entrance examination in A University?" Aaron asked.

"The Sunday after our final exams which, fortunately, did not clash with it. Otherwise, we would all be stressed trying to review for both exams." Molly replied before blowing on her cup of hot chocolate.

"That's great. Would you like me to drive you there? I'm off that day." Aaron volunteered though he doesn't have a car. But with his abilities he could easily borrow one from a friend. The idea thrilled me but my shyness overcame me.

"James is going to bring me there." Lizzie answered thoughtfully. "How about you Julie? Molly?" She seemed to be giving Aaron a hint.

"Uncle Ben said he'll drive for me." I mumbled, for I knew it was a lie. "He's an alumnus and will be meeting his college friends there." That last sentence wasn't. I could only wince at myself for the opportunity I just let slipped.

"Dad would bring me." Molly replied matter-of-factly.

Aaron pursed his lip and looked down. There was a look of disappointment in his face. I could see his furrowed brows like he was deep in thought.

Brenda, who seemed to read between the lines spoke first. "Aaron, just stand by. Who knows if any one of these girls might not have someone to bring them to A University, after all?" Having said these things Brenda glanced my way as if she already knew who it would be.

Aaron nodded in understanding then stood up, pointing at the counter with his thumb. "I've got to go. Break time is over. I'll see you in school."

"Thanks." We all said in chorus as we watched his back disappear from the corner.

Lizzie made a mocking gesture at me with her face. "Hey," she said. "Don't think we don't know that you're the poor little rich girl in this group. I bet your Uncle Ben wasn't planning to bring you to A University even if he's the only one who's good to you. Julie, you could have accepted Aaron's offer."

"Are you that thick you can't tell if he likes you or not?" Brenda exclaimed as she showed her annoyance at me. "We are not forcing you on him, but at least show some kindness. You've always turned him down. It's not like he's asking you to marry him."

"Besides, we all know you like him as well. Why are you like this to him, pushing him away?" Molly blurted out her thoughts that she had been withholding for the longest time.

"Hey, hey, hey! You're ganging up on me." I said in a playful tone. I turned pensive instantly. It took a while before I could utter the words: "I'm scared."

"…," Brenda, Lizzie and Molly with raised eyebrows.

"Say what?"

"I'm scared. I feel I don't deserve him. He's smart and great and all. I'm just a poor little rich girl." I said sadly. "I'm boring."