Managing Guild

After we finished hunting, Yang, Yuri and Daisy go back to crystal city. Yuri and Daisy need to accept member for the guild, and Yang need to log out to rest.

for me, i going to blacksmith to buy some normal level 50 equipment and weapon.

my luck is so bad that not a single equipment drop are archer equipment.

after buying equipment, i want too help Yuri and Daisy, but managing the guild not my speciality. so i just can go back training or log out.


In yuri place, what Unparalleled Handsome say really work. there a lot player apply for the guild.

Yuri and Daisy already sorting the player that applied, because the guild only have 95 spot, they need to choose it carefully.

after some discussion with Unparalleled Handsome, they agreed to welcoming the highest level player first, so they can doing guild quest to increase guild level. when guild level is 3, guild can accept 1000 member.

for ordinary guild, 1000 member is already high. the difficult is to collect the member. but for the rank guild, 1000 is still small number.

after accepting the player that applied, Yuri next job is to ask the member to go doing some Guild quest to get guild experience. Yuri make some assignment, when player complete the quest, they can get 100 guild point. this guild points can be exchange to equipment in guild warehouse.

of course, many member don't want to do that. for the new guild like this and only 10-13 years player can applied, they don't have anything in the warehouse.

but what shock this player are the warehouse is full of equipment. it is not normal equipment, but bronze to gold equipment for any level.

the player got excited and immediately want to do the quest. they make the party of 5 player and going to guild hall to accept the quest.

Unparalleled Handsome plan really work. almost all the new member of Little Alliance doing guild quest. for the next plan, creating many division in the guild.

the first division are High Rank Division. this is the upper echelon of the guild. High Rank Division can only be obtain by expert player. the first seat is Unparalleled Handsome, the second seat is Little Daisy, the third seat are Little Yang, and the fourth seat is me.

for the Unparalleled Handsome, everyone know he is expert, but for the other their title are the founder, so they can have seat in Higher Rank Division.

the second division are Battle division, this division will be the main force of Little Alliance Guild. all that have the ability under Higher Rank Division, will join this division. when they become much stronger and have recognition from Higher Rank Division, they will obtain their own seat in the Higher Rank Division.

the third are support division, this division for all lifestyle class like blacksmith, chef, or any other lifestyle class. the most powerful lifestyle class, can become one of the Higher Rank Division.

the last one are free division, this division are for member that want to be free, they have freedom to choose which division they want anytime.

Unparalleled Handsome plan to make some audition to fill the Higher Rank seat, so they can move to the next step. they need a lot player to help manage the guild. just for now, only Unparalleled Handsome doing almost all the jobs.


of course, not all player in Little Alliance are happy with it. there too some player don't like every single of it. yes, they are the spy some guild send.

guild from 3rd rate to 2nd rate already sending some spy. but for 1st rate and super guild, they don't want to do that. they too curious about Unparalleled Handsome, but it is not worth it. they know how merciless Van Helsong and his organization are.

this spy immediately tell their leader of their guild what happen in Little Alliance.

hearing this information, greedy can be look in their eyes, how can this little guild can obtain so many high rank equipment. so they make a plan to take all the equipment from Little Alliance warehouse by collecting guild points.

there are another way to collecting guild points, and it is by donate some coins. 1 chopper can get 1 guild points.


just for an hour, most player donate a lot of gold in Little Alliance. of course they are the spy. every spy in the guild compete with each other to get a lot of equipment as possible.

at first, Yuri, Daisy, and Unparalleled Handsome really happy for this, but after they look the warehouse almost empty, they know that something was wrong with it.

Unparalleled Handsome not thinking there will be some movement from other guild. it is their first VRMMO, and their first guild. how come they know what happening.

after that, the warehouse really empty. not a single equipment left. the player that took the equipment are the one who donate a lot of coins. the strange thing are they not only took the equipment for their class, but other class too. after they took out the equipment, they left the guild.

this event alarming Unparalleled Handsome. so he decided to log out and want to find out what really happen in the internet. after some times, he found out. this player are called spy, they work for other guild to investigate the guild that dangerous to them.

Unparalleled Handsome didn't know that he join Little Alliance the guild will alarming another guild. angry can be seen to his face, after that he log in to the game.


In the Guild Chat, it become really chaotic. all player that ready to collect some Guild Points found out there no more equipment in the storage.

In guild chat, Unparalleled Handsome make an honest announcement that all the equipment already been taken by spy. he explain what spy is and he is really sorry for what happened. he make promised to get another equipment that have the same quality with the last equipment.


In Angel Guardian Organisation, Van Helsong have a sudden meeting with the expert in there. this meeting of course is about Little Alliance incident.

but for AGO, it still hard for them to identification this spy and which guild back up it. after the minute, Van Helsong got mail from Rose Queen. this mail include the information of all spy. Van Helsong tell the other expert he finally found the info and this info is 100% reliable. all expert in Angel Gaming Organisation got shock after hearing this, how can Van Helsong can get that information so fast, in fact super guild cannot do that.

After the meeting end, AGO finally make a move and ready to destroy the guild that make problem to Little Alliance.


In our MC place . . . .

I still training my archery skill in the wild. in fact i don't know that the guild already have a crisis and i am still training and enjoy the scenery around me hopefully forgetting some bad luck that happen to me recently.