Collect Them All

To get the equipment, Unparalleled Handsome need to kill a lot of boss monster. it is okay if boss monster respawn like any other monster, the highest the rank of boss monster, the long it respawn. 1star boss need 1 day to respawn. 2 star need 3 day, 3 star need 1 week, 4 star need 2 weeks and the 5star rank boss monster need 1 month to respawn.

the highest the monster rank, the loot are bountiful too.

for the 1 star boss monster, the highest the loot rank are silver. in the last hunting, Unparalleled Handsome and friend lucky enough to get a lot of boss monster and get alot of equipment.

after the explanation of spy, now all member of Little Alliance know a little thing about it and feel really cheat by them. almost all member log in on that time, except for 2 player, Little Ein and Little Yang.

I still wandering around in the wild and try to get my luck back, for Yang, he still log out after long time hunting we doing.


In AGO (Angel Guardian Organisation) place right now

all elite and member of AGO start moving. they already list the guild they will hunt. but too hunt them, they need a lot of time. it can effect they leveling time and they can fall behind with another player in term of level. but they really devote themself to organisation and don't care about themself.

they divide themself to 5 group, the first group led by Van Helsong, the second group will led by Ninjaz, the third group will be led by Orochi, the fourth group will be led by Masamume, and the last group will be led by Fear Me.

Orochi and Masamume are brother in real life, they too are solois like Van Helsong, they meet Van Helsong in previous VRMMO and got friend with him. Orochi is lolicon and when Van Helsong told him he will make a organisation and the mission of this organisation will be protect a little girls.

without much thinking, he agree to join and become elite in organisation, Van Helsong and Ninjaz know he is lolicon, but not his brother. his brother always see Orochi just like parents spoil their children when Orochi with children so he dont mind about it at all.

for Fear Me, he is the expert in Final Days Guild. he have the ability to become upper echelon in the guild, but he is not interesting in it. he don't want to be bound with the guild and just wander around. he join Final Days just to help the leader of Final Days who are his friend in real life.

this 5 group mission is to hunt the equipment that stolen from Little Alliance warehouse. 1 group will be attack 1 guild until they got all equipment stolen. the total equipment Little Alliance have are 100+. this equipment are from Unparalleled Handsome hunting in the last week. he always got lucky to meet boss monster in his hunting.

this 100+ equipment now scatter across some 2nd and 3rd rate guild. so they need to retrieve it.

after some times, many 2nd and 3rd rate guild got attack by unknown group of player. the leader got confused who are the one that attack them. after sometimes, this leader got invite to mysterious group chat, this group chat is create by Van Helsong.

in the group chat Van Helsong type

"i don't want to make it long, just send me all the equipment you stole from Little Alliance. if not just forget to play in Fantasy Online peacefully"

seeing this make all the leader of the guild confused, why solo player like Van Helsong doing this. all the leader not scare by Van Helsong, but how can Van Helsong can obtain a lot of player to attack them.

one of the leader call Mysterious Expert from Overhaul Guild answer

"hahaha. you are just solo player, i don't know how much money you pay for them to attack us, this will not last forever. let's just forget about this incident, or else i send all member of Overhaul to hunt you until you can't play again"

everyone know how strong Van Helsong are, so it will not profit them if this incident continues, they can hunt Van Helsong down, but the price they must pay not will be light. the leader can only be sigh agreeing. after that Van Helsong answer

"i think i have heard that sentence from someone else, but i forget who it is. hmmmm, oh yes, i remember. Slaughter Devil told to me too exactly same sentence like yours. after that he disappear don't know where. so i juts say it for last times, give all the equipment your stolen to Ninjaz, he will wait in city. if you don't want to send the equipment, don't forget to carve your name guild in stone so anyone don't forget that you have ever step foot in Fantasy Online"

after type this, Van Helsong delete the chat group and continue the operation.


In the next day, 1 member of Little Alliance called Mighty Van contact Yuri that he have all the equipment that stolen from warehouse. he is Van Helsong little brother in real life. Van Helsong send him to Little Alliance to help them when they need help. Van Helsong though is good for his brother to meet a lot of player with same ages, and of course the main mission to report every event in the guild.

hearing this, Yuri not believe it until he got gift from Mighty all the equipment that lost.

Mighty say his brother help him when he told the incident to him. his brother ask for the guild that stole it to return the equipment, and all the guild agree to it without grudge. Mighty say his brother tell why they can't stole our equipment because it just like adult bullying child, so the guild agree to it with regret instead because what they do are immoral.

now that all the equipment is return, Yuri and the other can continue with the plan to manage the division. but there is the problem, how about the gold coins the spy donate?

Mighty say just keep the coins, just make it atonement to the spy.


I and Yang finally log in, after wandering around to get my luck back, but nothing happen, i contact Yang to hunt together. in this time, I and Yang still don't know the incident that afflict the guild.

I look in Guild Information and shock, the warehouse of the guild is full of equipment, if i know this i will ask Yuri to give me some. after that i look out for the equipment, what shock me that there is no equipment to Archer. I don't know what to say, my bad luck is really the worst of all. so i go to guild chat and type

"Guys, why don't you leave some archer equipment for me, im still wearing normal equipment by now TT_TT"

seeing this, all member got angry. in a second, the guild chat become chaotic. seeing this i confused, so i try to search information. after that now i know why they angry, because to take the equipment you need guild points.

in fact the reason for them angry not because of that, but because I am not there when the incident occur. everyone know i am one of the Higher Rank Division, so when i am not showed up when the incident happen, and calmly ask for the equipment, they become really angry.

before i can apologise, Unparalleled Handsome type

"Don't blame Little Ein, he is one of the Higher Rank not just because he is one of the founder, but he is expert archer too. you know, not many people can playing archer class, because there are no system guide to help player using bow. you need a talent to do so. but, Little Ein can using bow like you swing the sword with really high accuracy. and the fact that in this guild only Little Ein are archer class, and only archer equipment are not in the warehouse, you will know how bad luck he is. i am scare if he intervene with the incident, we will not getting our equipment back and this guild in the edge of disband. before the incident, he got bad luck too, so I and the other Higher Rank just can lighten his burden by giving him coins to buy normal equipment"

seeing this make me want to cry, laugh, depressed, in the same time. i only can dumbfound. i want to get back my luck by wandering around the wild, but what i got speechless me. i feel ashamed of myself.