H-Scene part 2

He didn't press extremely hard; just hard enough to allow the constant pressure induce a sensation in Cang Yue's pussy that would make her ready to take Ryusuke's cock.

Cang Yue allowed another moan to escape her lips, and she actually started to gently rock her hips forward and backward against Ryusuke's fingers. Cang Yue began to moan softly with each breath, and each moan began as her hips began to move forward against his fingers. After a few brief moments, Ryusuke could tell that Cang Yue no longer wanted her pants on and removed them.

Cang Yue took Ryusuke's hard cock in her hands and silently stroked it a few times before she raised the head to her lips and licked it once. Ryusuke felt an involuntary spasm jerk his cock out of Cang Yue's hands. He also couldn't help the fact that he grunted with obvious pleasure at what she had done.

As a reward for treating him so wonderfully, Ryusuke produced his own tongue from between his lips and made wet contact with her clit. It tasted wonderful! Up until now he had only been able to smell her, and even that had been tantalizing enough. Now, with her juices on his tongue, he was practically in heaven!

Cang Yue may as well have been with him in heaven, because she let out a sound that was a mix between one of her moans and a grunt of pleasure of her own. Ryusuke pushed his tongue farther out of his mouth, making it travel the length of her clit.

He moved it up and down along her pleasure nub, never doing the same thing twice. Sometimes he would use just the tip of his tongue, and other times, he would give her clit a full-out lick with the full breadth of his tongue.

Along with moving it up and down the length of her clit, he also moved his tongue side-to-side, causing the skin of her clit to move along with it. All the while, Cang Yue let him know what she thought about what he was doing by sighing and humming at the same time.

And it felt absolutely wonderful. Cang Yue had now pushed her head down far enough to cause Ryusuke's penis to slide into her mouth. She wasn't yet bobbing her head up and down; rather she was making sucking motions with her mouth to provide sexual stimulation for Ryusuke's cock.

Ryusuke knew that he shouldn't yet start thrusting into her mouth, and he was okay with that because of how her hums made tiny vibrations that pulsed from her lips to his penis, giving him an absolutely wonderful sensation. She moved her tongue all around, sometimes playing with the skin around Ryusuke's head, sometimes teasing him by just barely touching the tip of her tongue to the hole at the end. She did all this while sucking lightly as if she was casually sipping at a fountain soda.

Ryusuke remembered that he had hands, and subsequently brought them up to grab Cang Yue's ass. He squeezed firmly, and started rubbing his hands along her ass-cheeks. At the same time, Ryusuke tried a different stimulus: instead of using his tongue, he retracted it back into his mouth and pursed his lips so that they were now directly on her clit, rather than on the skin around it.

He too began sucking on the tiny piece of skin; it was loose enough that it could just barely make it into his mouth before he let it pull itself back to her body. Ryusuke didn't know how it would feel, but he hoped it was something good for Cang Yue.

Apparently, it was. The sound Cang Yue made was nothing less than a squeal, and Ryusuke was glad that he experimented, because Cang Yue was now bobbing her head up and down on his cock. It was a medium-paced motion, and it was very rhythmic. Ryusuke began to rock his hips up and down, moving exactly as fast as Cang Yue was, allowing her to control how deep his cock went into her mouth.

It started out not very deep, but he wasn't upset. Only about a third of his cock went in the first few times, as far as he could tell (it's not like he was sitting there measuring it though – he was busy). But slowly, he felt Cang Yue's jaw begin to open wider, and as it progressed, he felt his penis slide farther and farther into her mouth.

He almost stopped, but he realized that if she could handle it and she wasn't stopping, that he would probably cause more of a disruption by refusing her pleasure than he would by going along with it.

So, he just continued to go along with what she was doing, and he resolved to make sure he caused her to have just as good, if not a better, experience as he was having.

Ryusuke once again put his tongue on Cang Yue's clit, after having sucked on it for a good while, and started to crane his neck upward. He dragged his tongue along with him, and it wasn't a very far journey from Cang Yue's clit to the lips of her vagina. He slid his tongue from her clit to her pussy lips, and was rewarded with another hum of pleasure that sent vibrations up and down his cock. Very gently, Ryusuke pushed apart the lips of her vagina and thrust his tongue into her.

If he thought it tasted good on the outside of her pussy, he couldn't even begin to describe how wonderful the inside tasted. It was so wet; everything was covered by a sweet, tangy liquid that allowed his tongue to slide almost effortlessly into and out of her pussy. He did his best to match the frequency of his thrusts into her pussy to the frequency with which she allowed his cock to continue to go in and out of her mouth.

Most of all of this was unconscious; there was no way Ryusuke could concentrate on everything that was happening at once and have it go this smoothly. While his tongue played with her pussy, his hips thrust perfectly in harmony with the bobbing of her head, and at the same time, his hands groped and rubbed and caressed every part of skin he could reach, including her ass, the back of her thighs and calf muscles, the lower part of her back, her stomach, breasts, and her sides.

All of it was slow enough that Ryusuke knew he wouldn't reach an orgasm for a long time, but he didn't care. He almost didn't want to ever reach it, if what they were doing would continue to feel this good. At the same time, he realized that he would eventually want to thrust into a different opening than Cang Yue's mouth.

Amazingly, by the time he reached this thought, Cang Yue was pulling Ryusuke's cock out of her mouth. She wasted no time in saying, "R-Ryusuke, I'm ready for you now..." Her voice was soft, and it was spoken in a sigh that just dripped pleasure.

Ryusuke removed his mouth from Cang Yue's pussy and Cang Yue sat up so that Ryusuke's head was between her legs. Ryusuke sat up quickly and got up on his hands and knees as Cang Yue turned around and lay face-up on the bed to Ryusuke's left. He quickly crawled backwards and straddled her, making sure that none of his weight settled on her knees.