Part 3 of the H scene

Her legs were spread apart just enough to allow his cock to fit between them, and he pushed it, saliva-covered, up and into her pussy with a smooth, somewhat swift motion. Both of them let out a moan of pleasure as they began making love. It wasn't their first time, so there was no need to worry about the pain of breaking her hymen. All they needed to think about was how absolutely blissful it felt to be having sex with each other.

Ryusuke thrust swiftly into her, pushing his entire length into her and pulling all but the head of his penis out with each stroke. Their breathing became ragged, and their moans became louder as they went. Ryusuke was doing most of the work; Cang Yue didn't want to mess up the rhythm by trying to add to the motion, so she just contracted the muscles in her pussy and in her legs each time Ryusuke went to pull his penis out of her, causing an increase in friction and making it harder for his cock to retreat than it was for him to push it into her.

Cang Yue had wrapped her arms around Ryusuke from the beginning, and she now had them wrapped tightly around him, pressing their front sides together so that the cleavage of her breasts had created a little vacuum between their chests, pulling their bodies together even more strongly. Ryusuke started to slide his arms under her body to try to pull her yet closer, though he knew that getting closer to her would be impossible at this point.

Their lips met and they kissed fiercely as they made love; their tongues danced with each other in and out of each other's mouth, and Ryusuke began to thrust faster, causing their passionate love-making to transform itself into full-blown, hot, steamy sex.

Cang Yue broke contact with Ryusuke's lips to breathe, and she said, "Ryusuke, faster!" It was a command to be sure, but the way spoke it made it sound as if she was pleading for him to go faster. Ryusuke sped up his thrusting, and Cang Yue went back to kissing Ryusuke.

It felt so good, Ryusuke wanted it to last forever. He knew that such a wish was foolish, because eventually it would start to become painful due to the many times of repeatedly rubbing their skin together, but he wished for the feeling as it was to continue forever.

As it was, however, he could feel the muscles in his groin start working to cause him to orgasm. He fought the feeling, trying to ignore it at first, and just focusing on how wonderful it felt to be inside Cang Yue's pussy.

At the same time, he felt a familiar sensation start to build up each time he pushed his cock into Cang Yue's pussy as far as it would go. His focus shifted from trying to ignore the impending orgasm he knew was coming from him, to trying to cause Cang Yue to reach her orgasm first so he wouldn't feel bad about getting the inside of her body dirty without allowing her to climax.

She pulled her lips away once again and started moaning wildly, "Ohhh...mmmm...ohhh, Ryusuke..." Her breathing was sharp and rapid, and his matched hers as he moaned her name as well.

"Cang Yue...oh, Cang Yue!" he breathed as he thrust his cock faster still into her pussy, increasing his body's desire to release the pressure building at the base of his cock, and also sharpening the sensation he felt every time he pushed himself fully into her body. Cang Yue became more and more incoherent, allowing her moans to become abbreviated to short bursts of "Ah! -ah! -ah!" while Ryusuke's grunts began to sound very similar, though lower pitched.

And then, all of a sudden, Ryusuke found that he couldn't stop it any longer. He desperately fought against the feeling, but it was as futile as trying to prevent himself from falling from the sky without anything to grab onto. Fortunately, the feeling in Cang Yue's pussy was so strong now that it was pulsing through his cock as he made his last few voluntary thrusts into her body. As he was feeling this, Cang Yue began screaming, "Oh, Ryusuke, I'm...I'm...ohhhhhhh!"

Ryusuke's cock shuddered violently as he released what felt like gallons of cum and sent it gushing into Cang Yue's pussy, and at the same time, the outside of his cock felt like it was being mercilessly buffeted by tidal-force ocean waves from all sides. Ryusuke joined in and chorused her as he came into her, allowing his body to take over for him as he thrust jerkily into her pussy, subconsciously wanting to get every bit of his juice into her as he possibly could before his orgasm stopped.

Eventually, his hips stopped moving of their own accord, and he collapsed onto her, breathing hard, and he just lay there as the muscles in his groin continued to convulse. Cang Yue did not object to his body weight; she too was relaxing in the aftermath of her orgasm – Ryusuke could feel it still going on around his penis, though much less forcefully than it had been.

They lay there silently for a good ten minutes before they moved. Ryusuke got up, pulled his penis out of Cang Yue's pussy, and easily bent back over Cang Yue to give her a gentle kiss on the lips. "Mmm, that was really great, Cang Yue. Do you want to go get cleaned up now?" Aside from being very dirty with sexual juices, he noticed that they were both covered with a great deal of sweat. Apparently, they had been at it for a long time.

Cang Yue looked up at Ryusuke and smiled shyly. Ryusuke turned to head towards the door, but Cang Yue grabbed his hand before he could take more than a step in that direction. When Ryusuke looked back down at her, he saw her blushing fiercely. "Um...I'm sorry Ryusuke," and her voice lowered its volume enough to tell Ryusuke that she was very embarrassed about what she was about to say, "but I'm...I'm not done with you yet."

After the whole night of pleasuring themselves. Ryusuke woke up the next morning and looked at her peaceful expression and went out of her room. He went to take a bath and towards Yuanba's room as he had to teach him about how to control his Profound Energy.