Meeting Jasmine once again

After absorbing their life forces, Ryusuke glanced down at the Ancient True Devils and used his Sharingan to create an illusion which made him invisible for the True Devils. He started to gather all the Spatial Rings of the men that were killed in this cliff.

He knew that all these people were one of the strongest persons in the Divine Realm and their gathered treasures would surely be able to help Qingyue and others in their cultivation.

He knew how strong he was at the moment and he knew that he would have to quickly make Qingyue and other's cultivation realm rise up fast. His Red Sharingan Eyes were deactivated and he remained standing there looking at the True Devils gathered around him.

He deviously smiled as he thought of an epic idea, he thought 'Why don't I take these Ancient True Devils in my Kamui Dimension. If the Enemy is too strong, I can use these Ancient True Devils to hold off the enemy. They can also be used to intercept a large no. of cultivators which would give me enough time to escape.'

He started to use his Profound Energy and started to fly up in the air. He glanced down a the whole place where the Ancient True Devils were wandering around and took a deep breath.


A Large Black Hole appeared out of nowhere and started to suck all the Ancient True Devils inside it. Ryusuke was a bit surprised at the amount of Profound Energy he was using at the moment as he knew that if he wasn't at least a Divine Origin Realm then he wouldn't have been able to do this.

After he put all of them into his Kamui Dimension, he warped out of that Cliff in the Frozen Cloud Asgard. The disciples saw him and already knew who he was and slightly bowed down in front of him.

Ryusuke raised his hand and stopped them in their movements and spoke to those girls, "Where is Sect Master right now?" The girls shook their head as they didn't know where the Sect Master was.

Suddenly, he felt a gust of wind hit his face and saw Jasmine standing in front of him. He smiled as he looked towards her, he could observe the changes in Jasmine in this month. It seemed as if her height grew a bit and she looked much more cheerful than before.

He was somewhat surprised by the change in her expressions. After some moments, Jasmine's expression turned grave as she started speaking, "Why did you release such a large amount of Azure Dragon's Aura? You must have known that the cultivators from the Divine Realm had entered this Realm, so WHY!?"

It seemed as if she was really mad at Ryusuke for trying out that stunt, she continued to speak without letting Ryusuke any chance of explanation, "Did you know how worried I was? Did you know what was my condition when I felt your Aura completely disappearing from this Realm?"

It seemed as if the aura of Jasmine was growing stronger along with her anger, Ryusuke nervously laughed as he heard her words and started speaking, "Hey, hey, listen to my explanation, will you?"

Jasmine stopped overflowing her aura and motioned for him to start speaking, he sighed in relief as he started speaking, "There were two reasons as to why I did that. No, make that three reasons. The first reason is that because of all these strong Divine Realm Experts, it was causing a large amount of instability in the space-time in this dimension."

"The second reason, it is because many of these people would definitely watch the Blue Wind Ranking Competition and believe me when I say that there would have been a bloodbath if any information about the participants spread in the world. Even you and I together wouldn't be able to save everyone."

Jasmine looked confused as she asked, "Why? I don't think that there is anyone strong enough in this Realm." Her eyes suddenly widened in realization as she said, "You don't mean…"

Ryusuke nodded with a serious expression on his face and said, "Yes, that information would be enough for a Realm King himself to make a move. And any of the Realm King is involved, all other Realm Kings will get involved in this and then there would be a bloodbath."

He then paused for some moments and once again started speaking, "The third reason, it is my way of telling them that I am here in this Realm. This news will definitely spread in all of the Divine Realm. And it will reach in every Realm including the Dragon Realm."

"If the Azure Dragon is right, then the Dragon Realm will send many experts to protect me. But if it is wrong, then I also have a backup plan."

Jasmine was a bit surprised as to how deeply he thought of this. She asked him one last time, "Who were the people from the Divine Realm? What did you do with them?"

Ryusuke shrugged as he started speaking, "Who knows? They didn't look too strong. Well, I had a backup plan for them and let them feel Despair before their deaths."

Jasmine's eyes widened as she was surprised and exclaimed, "You killed all of them!" Ryusuke shrugged as he started speaking, "Why are you so surprised? Did they come here to talk with me? They came here to kill me and if possible, all those related to me. Do you think I would leave them alive with that threat hanging on my head?"

Jasmine stayed silent as she heard him speak this, even though she hated her Realm, she was unhappy that Ryusuke had to dirty his hands and kill those bastards. She asked him in a curious tone, "How did you kill all of them? I could feel that the strength that they wielded were very strong, perhaps the one of the strongest in the Star God Realm if we exclude the 12 Star Gods."

Ryusuke mysteriously smiled as he started speaking, "Who knows?" And with that he changed the topic by asking her, "Enough of this topic, where is Qingyue and Yuechan right now? I haven't seen them for so long, I want to meet them."