Meeting Qingyue and Yuechan

Jasmine started thinking for some time and then said, "Both of them are in close door cultivation. It seems as if your Blue Wind Ranking Tournament is going to attract a large amount of attraction."

Ryusuke smiled as he knew that Chu Yuechan and Xia Qingyue would come to the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. Both of their cultivation realms were already above the scope of the Blue Wind Empire and it would definitely shock the world and alert those Sacred Lands.

Ryusuke didn't put the Sacred Lands in his eyes, he wasn't scared of them as he knew how strong he was. He softly said in a mysterious voice, "You have no idea about that."

Jasmine narrowed her eyes as she knew that this meant that she would get some surprised in that tournament. Ryusuke then started moving inside the Frozen Cloud Asgard as he enveloped the whole sect in his Divine Sense and searched for Qingyue and Yuechan.

He opened his eyes as he came to know their location and warped to their location. He was inside the place where the disciples get the Frozen End Divine Arts and saw Chu Yuechan sitting on the floor while concentrating and increasing her cultivation base.

He saw some Purple Veined Divine Crystal besides her and knew that she was still cultivating. He released his Divine Energy and sent it within the Purple Veined Divine Crystal and destroyed the Divine Energy inside it and converted it into the Profound Energy which was easy and quicker to absorb for Chu Yuechan.

The sudden quick and easy absorption of the energy caused Chu Yuechan to be shocked as she quickly absorbed that energy and experienced a small breakthrough.

4th Level of the Tyrant Profound Realm.

She gradually opened her beautiful eyes, as soon as she saw Ryusuke standing in front of her, a lone tear fell from her eyes as she said, "Are you really standing in from of me or am I dreaming about you so much?"

Ryusuke gave her a soft smile which soothed her heart and said, "Of course, I am standing in front of you." He stepped towards her and put her head on his chest and praised her in a slow voice, "You have grown really strong. I am proud of you Yuechan."

His words caused Yuechan to double with joy, she was initially very scared that Ryusuke would leave her because of her weak strength and trained hard for this purpose. She wanted his recognition, at this moment, she didn't care about anything else and just wanted to remain in this position forever.

She closed the distance between their lips, Ryusuke was surprised when he felt her lips touch his, but he got over it soon enough and kissed her back in full force and pushed her back against the wall.

Both of them started savouring their moment with each other and enjoyed this moment because of the long distance for such a long time. As both of them parted apart, Chu Yuechan had a large blush on her face as she turned her seductive body.

She softly said in a very low voice, "Not here… you can take me in my room." Ryusuke was surprised by her advance and just once in his life, he said huskily, "I won't let you sleep for the whole night, so be prepared."

He then added after some moments, "Right now, I also have to meet up with Qingyue." Chu Yuechan nodded as she understood that he would have to go and meet up with Qingyue right now.

It has been a long time since both of them met each other, besides, in these months, she and Qingyue had become much closer than before and she didn't feel jealous that Ryusuke wanted to meet up with Qingyue right now.

Before going to Qingyue's room, he said to Chu Yuechan, "I will always love you Yuechan." His words sent her heart fluttering as she felt happy when she heard it from his mouth.

Ryusuke then disappeared from the room and left Chu Yuechan in her own thoughts. He appeared in Qingyue's room and looked her and there in the room. He saw that she was sleeping on the bed right now.

He quietly went near her bed and whispered in her ear, "Wake up." Qingyue's beautiful eyes fluttered as she opened her eyes and saw Ryusuke standing in front of her.

She quickly got up and rubbed her eyes so as to clear her eyes and make sure that she wasn't sleeping right now. Ryusuke lightly said, "So, don't I get a hug?" He even made an innocent face when he said that.

Qingyue stretched her arms and hugged him with her full strength, she asked him, "Where were you?" Ryusuke smiled as he caressed her head and said, "Well, I was with your brother. It seems as if he had a large amount of talent untapped, I simply helped him tap into that talent."

Qingyue was a bit confused and asked him, "Really? You really think he has such a great talent." Ryusuke smiled as he said, "Yes, his talent in cultivation isn't any lower than you. And his Profound Veins have just been awakened so the Divine Energy inside his Profound Veins have increased his Cultivation Base very quickly."

Qingyue didn't care that her brother was stronger than her, she just wanted him to be safe and happy. Both of them hugged each other for some time. Ryusuke let go of her and both of them started talking with each other and catch up with each other.

Ryusuke told her about his time in the palace and then quietly listened to her time spent in the Sect. Wheels of time move forwards and they talked for the whole day and soon enough night came.

Ryusuke smiled a bit as he remembered his promise to Chu Yuechan and went in her room. He saw her sitting on the bed in her White coloured pure Night Gown. He smiled as he saw her figure and felt the blood rush in his veins.

Her seductive scent in the air seemed to have been the last push and he went towards her and started kissing her face and slowly and slowly lowered down his kisses to her neck. Chu Yuechan moaned in a very seductive voice, "Mmm…mm…"

It almost sent him out of control as he got her out of her clothes and both of them started to have sex with each other. Ryusuke didn't let Chu Yuechan sleep for the whole night as they experienced the pleasure together with their bodies.

Chu Yuechan was more than happy to receive his love, she was carving for this from some months as she didn't have sex in these months. She wanted to feel him inside of her once again.

Because, she felt that this was one of the only ways she could show her love to him. Besides, she also experienced a great amount of pleasure, so she was happy with it now.