Reaching Frozen Cloud Asgard

The Dragon God also knew that Ryusuke wasn't an idiot, he had those mysterious abilities against which even the Realm King would be helpless. He also knew that he knew the Heavenly Slaughter Star God so she could also help him out against the Realm King and hold him for some seconds.

For now, Ryusuke was staring at them as he ordered the dragons, "Go away for now… Just take care of the threats that come this way. You don't need to deal with the Realm King, I will take care about that matter…"

The Dragons stared at each other both very unsure of what they should do but they decided to put their trust in Azure Dragon and nodded back. They trusted their Dragon God and knew that if he had spoken then no harm could befall on Ryusuke.

After finalizing their talk with him, they finally took a look of the girl besides their prince. The dragons sucked a breath of cold air as they stared at Feng Xue'er, she was basically a fairy in the world of the mortals.

There was only a single person who could be said to be more beautiful than her in the entire Dragon God Realm, Shen Xi, the Dragon Queen of the Realm. She was the said to be the most beautiful woman in the entire Cosmos…

Ryusuke shook his head as he saw their surprised expression and ordered them, "Now go away…" The Dragons replied back this time, "Yes, young master…"

And with that, they left the area with the speed that they came. It was so fast that Feng Xue'er wasn't even able to see in which direction they went…

She looked in every direction and then asked Ryusuke, "Brother Ryusuke, where did they go? And what is this threat from the Star God Realm and Moon God Realm…? Tell me about it, maybe I can help as well."

Ryusuke pulled her into a hug as he brought rubbed the back of her head, "Naa, don't worry… They can take care of these minions of the Realm King. As for the threat of Realm King, that is indeed serious but I don't think we need to be worried in a short time."

"Huh… Why not?" This was the Feng Xue'er's question as she didn't understand why would they not have to worry about it in short term time.

"Because, he will wait for information from the men that he sent here, these Dragons' are strong enough to capture them and suppress them for eternity. There will be a limit for which the Realm King will ask for information, and it won't be very soon, most probably a year atleast. Because, the passage of time is different for them, they do not think that a year is too much time if the distance between Realms is too great." Ryusuke stared at Feng Xue'er as he finished his explanation.

Feng Xue'er didn't know why he sounded so sure but she decided to trust him at this point, it wasn't like she had any other choice right now.

Ryusuke decided to let her calm down as he spoke up, "Don't worry about it, I will take care of it as the time comes." Feng Xue'er nodded her head as she spoke out, "Alright then, let's continue, I… I want to see snow."

Ryusuke nodded his head and decided to touch her hands, he suddenly used his Kamui ability and nearly teleported to the outside of the Frozen Cloud Asgard.

Feng Xue'er was amazed at this speed as she curiously asked him, "What was this ability Brother Ryusuke. Can I learn it as well?"

Ryusuke cheekily smiled, "That wasn't an ability, that was my pure speed. Don't worry, with the speed you are getting stronger, you will reach this Realm soon and have similar speed."

He wasn't entirely wrong to say that, with her potential, it wouldn't be too hard to reach the Divine Tribulation Realm but as for the speed similar to his, that was simply impossible to achieve at that Realm.

Feng Xue'er's eyes drifted on the ground and saw that it was covered with snow, her eyes twinkled with excitement as she decided to land on the ground and touch the snow.

Ryusuke also lowered down on the ground as he saw her staring at the Snow in amazement in her eyes, she picked up the snow and whispered, "Its so cold…" And let the snow fall down on the ground and stared at Ryusuke.

Ryusuke also wanted to meet up with Qingyue and Chu Yuechan so he quietly made a clone and left it there with Feng Xue'er. It wasn't as if he had to fight right now and also wanted to give some time to Feng Xue'er while also meeting up with both of them…

He knew that Chu Yuechan was trying the hardest to catch up to him as she felt that her talent wasn't sufficient to stand with him, she was the most hard-working one among his wives and yet he hadn't given her sufficient time.

He decided to meet up with Qingyue later and entered the sect with the intention of meeting up with Chu Yuechan. She was laying on her bed with a bored expression on her face, her body was covered was slightly wet as she had just finished with the Frozen End Divine Arts.

She had finally comprehended the Third Stage of the Frozen End Divine Arts; it was the maximum one can comprehend without the blood of the Ice Phoenix and she had finally surpassed her master in both strength as well as comprehension.

It was safe to say that between the two of them, Chu Yuechan had surpassed her in everything, the only thing she lacked was the experience to manage the sect but that would come with age.

She heard the knock of her door and heard a familiar voice, "So… My wife is bored huh?" She was surprised to hear his voice right now and nearly yelled out in happiness…

Chu Yuechan got up from her bed as she moved closer to hug him, Ryusuke returned back her hug as they both remained glued to each other for a few minutes and got used to each other's presence.

Ryusuke's hands roamed all over her body, from the back to down to her ass as he rubbed it very softly and gave it a light pinch. "Ouch…" moaned Chu Yuechan as she felt those familiar hands…

She didn't say anything against it and released the hug, she stared into his eyes with a loving expression and voiced out, "I missed you dear."