Swallowed by Chu Yuechan

Ryusuke's right hand rested on her great ass as he whispered back to her, "I missed you too Yuechan…" With that, their heads moved closer to each other and slowly closed the distance between their lips.

Ryusuke pulled her closer with his hands, so close that her chest was against his own chest and he could feel her twin peaks against his body. It was a wonderful feeling which turned him on…

He released pheromones as Chu Yuechan also felt a hot feeling, even though the whole Sect was made with Ice, she couldn't suppress the hot feeling in her body and knew what it wanted.

Ryusuke stared at the soft bed as he pushed her onto her soft bed as he glanced at her with lust evident in his eyes, Chu Yuechan also stared back with the same intensity.

She slowly removed the fabric one by one but was stopped when Ryusuke held her hand gently, he whispered, "Let me do it." She didn't oppose him and silently agreed as Ryusuke started to remove her clothes one by one.

His hands were twitching as he wanted nothing more than to tear apart the clothes which were covering her body but he endured that thought and gently unclothed her.

Soon enough, Chu Yuechan's naked body was visible to his eyes, he burned that sight into his mind and huskily said, "Let's start!" With that, he pushed his lips on top of her and gave her a long kiss.

While kissing her, he also touched her ass and pulled her closer to him, he was holding her body so tightly as if he was afraid that she will run away if he doesn't do this.

They finally parted to take some breath but Ryusuke didn't stop and started to kiss her neck, her snow-white skin. He fondled her breasts as he slowly and slowly went down while kissing her body…

As he kissed her body, Chu Yuechan felt a shiver run down her spine and let out a cute moan, "Ah… Mhm~" Ryusuke didn't stop and continued his way down, he reached her navel and gave it a kiss…

"Mmhm~" Was let out by Chu Yuechan as she touched the back of his head and huskily said, "Its unfair that I am the only one naked… Let me help you remove your clothes." Her face was completely red as she said that, she couldn't even imagine saying something like this but here she said it…

Ryusuke grinned as he heard her words and replied back in a cheeky tone, "The stage is all yours darling." The way he said it made her heard beat rapidly, she liked this feeling very much…

She stood up while showing off her body to Ryusuke without a tint of shame for it, he had already seen it multiple times so it shouldn't matter much for her, that was what she thought.

She removed his cloak that was worn by him, the shirt and his pants as well, she wasn't very skilful in it but Ryusuke was patient, it was interesting for him to see Chu Yuechan trying to remove his clothes.

He also didn't stop his hands, Ryusuke touched her body as well and took full advantage of her snow-white creamy body, she bends down a little so as to open the button of his pants and let him look at her back…

As soon as the button opened up, she was a little excited at her accomplishment and pushed the pants down… She gulped down as she saw a familiar thing inside his underpants…

His underpants were forming a tent because Ryusuke's dick was completely erect at this moment, she raised her head and gulped down as she saw Ryusuke's grin.

Ryusuke's grin widened even more as he spoke out, "Now, we have done it on the bed many times. Time for a change…"

He took some moments to think before he expressed his desire, and said with a smirk on his face, "For now, I want Yuechan to suck me off… Do that then we will start it…"

Yuechan was very embarrassed as she heard that, she lightly nodded and stared at the Tent formed in his underwear and slowly pushed it down, and stared at his dick.

It was completely erect and twitching lightly, she was a little scared if she would be able to take it in her mouth or not. She suddenly heard Ryusuke's order, "Now start!"

She opened her mouth to the limit and put the tip of his dick in her mouth, this was just a start and her face went down as she swallowed more and more in her mouth.

Her tongue rolling around his dick giving shivers down his spine as he felt an unreal amount of pleasure and touched the back of her head, he slowly pushed her to swallow it more and more…

Sadly, his dick was too long for her to swallow completely, but she was able to take half of it inside of her mouth and started to move to-fro motion by letting him experience more and more pleasure.

After 10 minutes or so, she heard him say, "I am Cumming! SWALLOW IT ALL MY DEAR!!" He shouted out his last words as she felt his dick secrete his white cum into her mouth…

Soon enough, her mouth was completely filled with his cum as he gulped down to swallow it more and more…

After shooting off his cum in her mouth, it didn't seem as if Ryusuke was still satisfied as he had a hideous grin on his face and picked her up from her waist and gently placed her on the bed as she stared at him.

He stared at her pussy entrance and licked his lips, her put two fingers at her pussy and felt them getting wet as he commented, "Such wetness, looks like I am not the only one getting excited."

To this, Chu Yuechan didn't have any words to reply back to him as she simply nodded while blushing as well, she had finally finished gulping his cum and looks towards Ryusuke with a pleading expression as she said, "Don't tease me anymore dear!"

Those words were enough to light the fire of lust in his heart as he nodded, "As you say my beautiful wife…" He held his dick in his hand and placed it at the entrance of her pussy…