Killing the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign

After 2 hours of thorough sex, Ryusuke finally stood up and placed his feet on the ground, he turned towards Chu Yuechan who was laying on the bed with a satisfied expression on her face.

Ryusuke caressed the back of her head before he kissed on her soft cheeks speaking, "Take rest for now Yuechan. You have already trained enough, let your body rest."

Chu Yuechan let out a "Mhm~" it was as if she was a young kitten who had melted into his embrace. How wonderful would it be if she could stay like this forever?

However, Ryusuke knew that time was of essence since the Realm King could come now, he must go forward in his plans and decided to move out of the room as he knew what he had to do.

'Looks like I should destroy the Three Sacred Lands fast enough… And deal with that Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign in the Moon Slaughter Devil Nest. The Yin qi should be enough for me to advance a small realm…' Were the thoughts going on in his head after the great sex he had with Chu Yuechan.

He knew that he shouldn't delay his journey to the Divine Realm, he had to get some Ice Phoenix Blood for Chu Yuechan, even though she was trying her best to cultivate the Frozen End Divine Arts, it was unfortunate that those depended on the Bloodline rather than effort.

To cultivate the arts, she must have the Ice Phoenix Blood or a special physique or special meridians like him. He knew that he shouldn't risk her life by trying to evolve her meridians or her physique there he decided to get the Ice Phoenix Blood, it was the safest option for now.

He moved out of the Frozen Cloud Asgard and returned back together with Feng Xue'er while silently taking the place of the Shadow Clone, dispelling it silently.

Feng Xue'er didn't realize when he exchanged positions with the clone and played in the snow, she was having the best time of her life as she always had the wish of playing in snow but couldn't go out of her empire.

It was a dream come true so she was staying here and the time she could to enjoy, Ryusuke decided it was enough as from his memories of the clone, he knew that she had enjoyed enough here at this place.

He decided to deal with the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign first, it would be foolish of him to let it live longer. Ryusuke called out for Feng Xue'er, "Alright Xue'er, follow my clone, big brother will go and come back in a jiffy."

Feng Xue'er didn't know where he was going but she pouted and cutely asked him, "Where are you going big brother? I want to come tooo..."

Hearing her say that in such a convincing way, he was sure that anyone else other than him would have faltered immediately but he didn't.

He stared at her and spoke in a dignified manner, "I thought Xue'er was a good girl who listened to others. I guess that's not the case. No matter, I will be sure to inform that to your father."

Feng Xue'er pouted, and ran towards the Frozen Cloud Asgard, Ryusuke made a clone and made it follow Feng Xue'er.

He himself had a serious expression on his face while he split apart the space and was right in front of the Moon Sovereign Devil Nest in an instant. He entered the place with a very cold and serious expression.

He induced the Divine Energy in his body and started to search for the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign living inside the Moon Sovereign Devil Nest.

He released a bit of his energy to wake up if the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign was sleeping, and just as he expected he sensed a large mass of the Devil Energy coming at him.

He didn't even turn his head and grasped the face of Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign. It surprised the Devil that Ryusuke could see in the such darkness and how he could sense such strong amount of power from his body which shouldn't be possible in this realm.

"You, who are you? How come you are so strong yet haven't broken the space and entered the God Realm. It's impossible for someone of your strength to be here for a long time before breaking the laws of space and time." He spoke with a hint of fear in its voice.

"We both know that is a lie. I wonder, what reason you would have for lying to me at this point. Do you think I would leave you alive if you were a tiny bit respectful to me, Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign?" Knowing that the opponent knew about his real identity, he hissed at him and suddenly used a large amount of Devil Energy to slip by Ryusuke's hands.

"So, you know this King's real identity. I wonder who you are? You should know that I am the one who fought with the Evil God and even he wasn't able to kill me." Suddenly, he released an extreme amount of Yin Energy from his body.

Ryusuke heard from the Azure Dragon in his Dantian, "This… This power! The Evil Infant's Wheel of Myriad Tribulations!" It was so surprised when it felt this aura, it could feel that the most dangerous sword was nearby.

What he didn't think was for Ryusuke to already know about this, he stared at the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign, "With that puny strength, you cannot compare to me!"

He released a lot of Divine Energy along with the Bloodline of the Azure Dragon to create such a pressure on the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign that he fell onto the ground with not an ounce of strength to get back up.

Ryusuke glanced at him with pity in his eyes, "Such a pity, this whole place is advantageous to me because of my Primordial Chaos Divine Veins, you were a true god at your peak but at the moment, you are a weak Sovereign Realm existence."

"Your time has come Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign!" After he said this, the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign smiled ruthlessly and thought for a moment before saying, "This is not the end. Even you shall collapse just like how multiple Gods and Devils did."

"Talking about that sword? It's useless in front of me right now." Ryusuke used his Rinne-Sharingan and stared into the space where he saw the Most Dangerous Sword, the sword which killed all the true gods from the world.

Evil Infant's Wheel of Myriad Tribulations!

"For now, I have no plans of making this conversation even longer. Amaterasu!" After saying that, Ryusuke turned his back on the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign as he started to burn with a Bluish-Black Flames, eating his body and soul at the same time.