Finalize His Plan

A snort sounded from high above. The spying foxes glanced up into the tall branches. Above them, a rather small, golden colored fox nestled inside an empty bird's nest. 

The golden fox snickered evilly. "While you guys are so busy attempting to analyze our Sovereign Lord's hidden thoughts, I can easily tell that our Ladyship is most certainly upset."

Ever loyal, Lang Ju, snorted back at the golden fox and jumped to His Lordship's defense.

"Yan Wen, ah, Yan Wen, what could possibly worry Her Ladyship when she is already mated to the most sought out male god, the Huli Jing's Sovereign Lord?" Lang Ju admonished, clearly feeling that he was correct. He looked at Yan Wen with an expression of near disgust at the very thought.

It need not be mentioned that were it not for the curse, the Sovereign Lord would own a harem of a thousand goddesses at his beck and call, or so at least that's what Lang Ju thought.