You Don't Have To Take Responsibility!

The heated brush of Zhu Qingyue's breath upon her skin caused goosebumps to immediately prickle into existence. It was hard to think when he was so close, and every inch closer made it even more difficult to organize her thoughts. His handsome face was so near as to be almost touching hers, and with his close proximity, she could not help but notice how all too perfect his pale skin was. There were few, if any, pores visible, even this close; his face was as smooth as an eggshell. And his eyes… Zhu Qingyue's eyes were truly gold. Not hazel, not light brown, but quite literally metallic gold in colour.

Mesmerized as she was by the sight of him, it took a few seconds for his words to truly register in her mind. As soon as it sank in, though, Li Meirong promptly dumped all of her careful calculations into a mental trash can. Her misgivings were all but forgotten as her anxiety kicked up into high gear.