Don't be scared

Kai Xin sat next to Lyle who seemed to be struggling in his sleep. The loud thunderstorm was worsening his nightmare.

"D-don't hit me..." murmured Lyle as he tossed around in his sleep.

His forehead was covered with beads of sweat as he whispered something inaudible.

Kai Xin gently pushed his bangs away from his sweaty forehead as she softly murmured comforting words to him.

"Don't leave me...Don't leave me..." mumbled Lyle as he frowned in his sleep. He kept kicking the comforter with his legs as he cried.

His breathing was getting heavier and it appeared that he was about to get out of breath.

Reaching out with his hands, he tried to call for help.

Taking his hands, Kai Xin gently whispered, "Mummy's here, Lyle."

When he felt someone gently patting him on the chest, the warmth made him felt relieved and his breathing slowly returned to normal.

Unconsciously holding her hand tight against his chest, he murmured, "Don't leave me, mummy..."

Kai Xin kissed his forehead and whispered, "I won't leave you..."

The frown slowly went away as he felt better.

Tears pooled in her eyes as she remembered someone important to her.

As she continued to pat his chest, she kept whispering, "I won't leave, Lyle...I won't leave..."

Somehow, the words were mixed up and she said with a sob, "Zi Han, mummy is here. Don't be scared."

DX who had entered the room quietly was stunned when he heard her.

When Lyle mentioned about her having a son, he had thought maybe Lyle remembered wrongly.

After all, he was very young then and was in trauma. When Han Ye's background check on Kai Xin came back with nothing, he chose not to pursue further.

Zi Han.

She had never mentioned anything about having a son, and neither did Han Ye.

If his assistant missed out something this important...DX frowned. Maybe Han Ye needed to be retrained.

Slowly, he backed towards the door. When he arrived at the door, he waited for a second before knocking softly.

Hearing the knocks, Kai Xin quickly wiped off the tears with the back of her free hand. Without turning over, she asked, "DX?"

He walked in and wrapped his arms around her.

Even though he had hundreds of questions that he wanted to ask her, he knew from watching her that she did not want anyone to know about it.

In a hushed tone, he asked about his son instead, "Did he sleep well?"

She patted his hands that were linked in front of her as she felt his body pressing against her back.

Still holding one of Lyle's hand, she replied, "He had nightmares earlier but everything is fine now."

DX patted his son's head lightly, "Don't worry too much about him. His doctor said that he would be fine. As for the nightmares, it only appears during thunderstorms now."

"He's strong like his father."

DX nodded.

His mind went back to those terrible days.

After his father's death, he had been working hard trying to protect the Du Corporation from falling into the hands of those who caused Du Jin's early demise.

For years, he had not felt any sort of joy. It was only until he met Kai Xin that he started feeling as if there was more to life than work.

When he received an anonymous letter that informed him about him having a son that was left in an orphanage, he dismissed it as a prank.

He was sure that all of his exes used pills and no one ever came forward claiming that they were pregnant with his child.

However, he was unable to sleep that night. Even though Kai Xin was there, he was distracted and was unable to enjoy the night with her. In the end, it was the question that she asked that helped him with his decision.

"Do you want to take the 99% percent chance that he is not your child or risk the 1% chance that he is?"

Even though everyone else told him that it might be a hoax, DX still went to the dilapidated orphanage himself to retrieve the boy.

He could have sent someone, but if that was really his son, he wanted to be the first to see him.

DX released Kai Xin and sat down next to her.

As he watched his sleeping son's tight grasp on Kai Xin's hand, he smiled.

It had been a while since he looked at Lyle properly. That poor frightened little boy had grown up.

When he first saw Jack, he knew that he was his son. He had been so small then.

Even though he was almost five, he looked more like a 3 year old. Luckily, despite his stature, Jack had been healthy.

After he brought him back, he managed to adjust quickly.

However, he kept asking for Lyle and talking about the games he used to play with Lyle.

When questioned, the man operating the orphanage had said that Jack was a little imaginative and that he might have an imagined a friend to deal with the previous abuse.

Unconvinced, DX had took Jack to an old trusted friend, Dr. Phillip, who then suggested for DX to look more into the matter.

DX dug deeper and eventually, he found out from the friends of the twins' mother that she had sold one of his sons for drugs.

Fearful of his retribution, they had spilled everything to him.

The reason why Elaine had never went to the Du Family when she realized that she was pregnant was so that one day she can show him how "well" his sons had lived under her care.

She wanted revenge.

Revenge against his cruelness towards her. Revenge against his lack of ability to love her.

Most importantly, she wanted revenge against him for abandoning her.