With just one quick look, she knew

DX had mobilized everyone he could to find his son.

He sent out a worldwide request to his friends and acquaintances who participated in searching for the boy.

When Han Ye finally managed to track down a clue in Brazil, DX personally went to get his son.

Kai Xin who was with him at that time asked to tag along.

In addition to searching for his son, he had to handle the multiple attacks on his company.

All of these burdens had given him many sleepless nights.

She had seen how much suffering he had silently endured when he found out that he had a child that was lost and alone out there.

She knew that, for some reason, he was infatuated with her. She wanted to use his infatuation in case there were any bad news.

After a heated argument, he relented.

Their lead led them to a child trafficking group that operated from within Brazil.

Han Ye managed to track them down to an old building in an abandoned construction site.

With his team of retired SWAT hired mercenary, they managed to capture the traffickers after an intense exchanged of bullets.

However, in order to cover up the extent of their evil deeds and to get rid of witnesses, the traffickers had set off the bombs hidden within the old building.




A series of loud bang was heard as the building collapsed.

When DX saw the building collapsing, for the first time in his life, he had felt the ultimate despair.

That was the first time Kai Xin saw the arrogant man broke down and it was then that she realized how important family was to this man.

She watched as the man she called arrogant and callous cried for the son he never knew.

He had been like a maniac, digging through the rubbles trying to look for his little boy.

Kai Xin had tried to stop him but DX was unable to recognize her and he had pushed her aside roughly.

He was so deep in his grief that he could not think clearly.

Unable to bear it, Kai Xin had knocked him out.

Taking over the leadership, Kai Xin ordered the stunned Han Ye to arrange for help and to get the paramedics ready on standby.

Against everyone's disagreement, she took the leader of the traffickers into the forest.

For about an hour, they heard an increasing intensity of screams and ghostly wailing.

By the time she came back with him, the smug look on the leader's face was replaced by one of deranged.

Han Ye had noted that the trafficker were missing a few digits and he was covered in gory open wounds from top to bottom.

He was stunned as the woman coolly tossed a blood covered knife onto the ground.

In her blood soaked clothes, Kai Xin then informed Han Ye that the children were locked in the basement.

"There is a high possibility that they are still alive. Get your men to work faster. I want the rubbles to be cleared out within a day. Anything more than that and the children might die from suffocation."

"President Du?" asked the ever so loyal Han Ye. He glanced at the man lying on the ground.

"Let him sleep for now."

Han Ye had been slightly awed by the young woman before him that he had temporarily forgotten about how scary his own boss is.

"I will get to it!"

Kai Xin kept DX asleep through the use of medicines.

If they managed to save his son, great. If they found a body... It might be better for him not to see it.

Given the state of the area and the cruelty of the traffickers, the body might not be...complete.

The workers managed to clear a small part of the area by the end of the day.

One of them reported, "It's too small for us to get through. It would take some time for us to dig out a bigger pathway, and even then, the place might collapse if we dig further."

Another worker looked up at the darkened sky and said worriedly, "Furthermore, with the thunderstorm coming, it would be really dangerous to start digging now."

Looking at the unconscious man sleeping next to her, his handsome features contorted in frowns, she gently massaged the frowns away before saying sternly,

"There is no time. I'm the smallest here so I will do it."

She ignored Han Ye's protest and went down the narrow pathway with two oxygen tank,a bag filled with water, snacks and a flashlight.

Tying a rope around her, she slowly lowered herself down into the dark and partially collapsed basement with only a flashlight to guide her way.

When she heard a faint scratching noise, she shone her flashlight at the direction of the noise.

What she saw was a bunch of kids lying down on the ground. They barely moved and appeared to be unconscious.

Fearing the worst, she quickly checked on the kids' pulse.

The youngest of the children were unable to pull it through, and some of the children were lying underneath the large pile of rubbles.

The sight of blood flowing out from the bodies underneath the rubbles made her heart clenched.

Such young lives were lost because of the greedy nature of human.

She sighed as she moved on. There was not much time left. One by one, she tested out their breathing.

Those that showed signs of living were placed on one side. Unfortunately, only a few of them made it.

She heard the same scratching noise and turned to see a young boy's fingers moving slightly from underneath the rubbles.

Part of his body was covered underneath the rubbles. On top of him was the body of an older boy.

Kai Xin gasped when she saw them and carefully removed the rubbles to avoid further collapsed.

The older boy was long dead. When the building collapsed, he must had been protecting the little one.

Other than some scratches and bruises, the young boy appeared to be fine.

He was still conscious when Kai Xin pulled him out and when she saw his face, she had cried out in relief.

With just one quick look, she knew.

She knew that this little thing was Lyle, the boy they searched for. The heir to the Du Family's fortune.

Even though he was scarily thin with sunken cheeks, she could tell that he had the same face as his father. It was as if they were from the same mold.

The boy had looked up at her, then with whatever energy he had left, he pointed to the kids on the ground, "H-help…"

He glanced sadly at the body of the older boy who had been protecting him since he first came here.

Little Lyle knew that when the kind big brother stopped talking to him, he would never talked to him again.