Chapter: Practice Makes Perfect

It was morning in the dark forest of the Gray Mountains. It can be said that this time is the most peaceful, because most monsters tend to be nocturnal in this forest.

In the forest broken branches and tree marks can be seen scattered around. Strange footprints are also visible. Indicating that something or someone is definitely travelling within the forest which is not Human.

SNAP! "Okay that's another branch set as a marker time to move on again"

A Demon who looks like in the body of a 13 year old kid is breaking tree branches. The reason? To act as a marker so that he doesn't get lost in the vast forest.

The Demon can be seen wearing nothing but leaves that covers his nether regions. He carries a short-sword and a wooden shield, which are both bad condition, but it's still effective in killing slimes and rats so it has its uses.

He walks around the forest, trying to find some kind of town, where he can get proper clothes and grooming. His grey hair which then turned whiter as he spends more time, is already to the point of making him look like a girl. His hair was already long when he arrived, but it got longer by time and was now reaching his back (search for kyosuke kuga to get an idea of how long it is).

Still his hair didn't affect his combat nor his way of living.

"I'm getting sick of this" said Ryu as he breaks another branch for marking.

After exploring the forest until noon, Ryu was tired. He refreshed himself using fruits and berries in his storage, and he also ate some cooked beast meat from his storage for lunch.

"I should really try cooking in this world, this is delicious!" said Ryu as munched on the meat that was still hot due to the time stopping features of the storage.

"I wonder how much time is left till the Class System unlocks" he was asking with a feeling of expectation, expecting to hear an answer for his question.

[Initiating Class System: 45:12:08 Left]

"Oh good it answered me, two days left huh?"

He gladly accepted the response of the voice in his head. Still, he wishes to know more information about this world. How does magic work? Why is this forest so damn big? Ryu had so many questions he wants to ask.


'Yoohoo! Did ya miss me?!'

Ryu, unaware that he had dozed off, found himself back in the heaven realm.

"So... Did I die again?" asked Ryu to the familiar voice speaking to him.

'Not quite, I transfered your soul to the heaven realm but your body is still down there so only your soul was transferred.'

"So that explains why I feel so light" he checked on his body and confirmed that he looked transparent like a ghost. But it didn't really bother him that much.

"So any reason why you brought me here? I think you left my body unprotected down there, if it dies don't blame it on me."

' It will be fine, I set up a barrier that is shielding your sleeping body wanna see?'

Alice waved her hand and a screen similar to a hologram appeared before Ryu.

' See it's protected right? ' said Alice as she laughed whilst boasting her non existent chest to Ryu.

In the screen it is seen that Ryu's body is indeed covered by a barrier. However four slimes can be seen surrounding it, trying hard to get to Ryu.

"Oi. My body better be safe" said Ryu as he stares at Alice with both disappointment and thankfulness.

The two in the room stared at each other for a few seconds then simultaneously looked at the screen.

' It will probably be fine' said Alice as she smiled at Ryu.

'So do you have anything that I can help you with? You better ask now because it costed me Divinity to send your soul here.'

" Why did you sent me here anyway?"

' As I said I will give you information about the world. Loki asked me to kindly teach some of the world's information to you. I don't know why he said that though but he gave me some Divinity to spend hehe '

"Loki again huh? What does Loki want from me anyway. Well I guess help is help, there's no need to turn it down" he accepted the reason of the goddess and thought of a good question.

Ryu thought for a few seconds on what he should ask. And after a few seconds a question he always wanted to ask occured in his mind.

"Okay then how do i use magic?" This question has bothered Ryu because he haven't used the Fire Affinity he obtained and have only used Combat Arts till now.

'Oh that's simple. You first need to know the name of the spell you want to cast. Simply saying [Fire Magic] won't cut it.'

'You also need to have an idea of what your spell does. For example, if I casted the spell [Lightning Spear] you should imagine an actual spear made out of lightning.'

Ryu was busy memorising all this information to his brain. Because he knew this will be very useful for his survival. He listened and focused on Alice word by word.

' Lastly is that the strength of the magic depends on the Mana in the surrounding. If you are in a place where Mana is low or no has a very low collection rate, expect that your spell will be weakened.'

Alice explained Magic professionally. Like a school teacher, which doesn't really fit her looks. Even Ryu was surprised on how Alice had shown her knowledgeable side. Ryu stared at her with blank eyes.

' Oi. What's with the look?! Did you not think of me of someone capable of doing a simple explanation?!'

Alice's eyes and the tone of her voice was filled with a slight hint of fury at Ryu. Regardless, she knew her work is done right.

" Alice, do you have any Fire Spells I can learn? I gained Fire Affinity and I don't know how to cast magic."

' Ahahahaha you baka! Depend on me more! Ahahahaha'

Alice laughed with joy as this was the first time she felt someone needed her.

She waved her hand and a summoned a small magic circle the size of a bicycle wheel and also summoned four pages of paper and showed them to Ryu.

' This pages contain some Fire Spells I have in my library, I will transport them to you so you should probably practice Magic immediately, it really changes your way of living. Remember "Practice Makes Perfect" so don't rush Magic.'

" Can you atleast put some staples on the papers? And what about the slimes? I can see that they have already doubled in number. Can't you atleast smite them with your Godly Powers?"

' Nah I can't do that, I can staple the pages though' Alice summoned a stapler and used it on the papers, she then inserted it on the circle.

'You can find these papers on your storage, bye now! ^_^'

She snapped her fingers and Ryu felt that he was returning back to his body.

"Yep, this is the goddess I'm stuck with. " Ryu gave Alice a sharp look which made her say



" Now then, how the heck do I escape nine slimes?"

"I guess running will be the best bet" Ryu thought of a plan while he was still travelling through the Void.
