Chapter: So Many Choices

Morning came and an area of the forest smelled of burning wood. Scorch marks scattered on the ground, and wildlife not present. This area is non other than the campsite of a Demon named Ryu.

" Okay this is the last one [Flame Spear]!" once he said those words, a spear bigger than the one he had casted last night appeared before his hand. The reason for this? Ryu had already achieved [Fire Mastery LVL 3] due to a sleepless night doing training.

This kind of feat is pretty uncommon because of its rate of mastery. The factor which really helped this however is the Magic Ring given by the goddess.

In this world Mana has a restoration time, similar to games. This however can be exploited by the use of expensive Mana Potions and Magic Items. The Magic Ring greatly helped Ryu in recovering Mana fast.

Mana is also the lifeline of every person in this world. Every vessel of a person contains Mana, but not all of them can control it like spellcasters do. When a body is deprived of Mana for too long, death is imminent.

Ryu then threw the spear upwards at the sky and casted another spell.

"[Flame Control]"

The movement of the spear changed and is now controlled by Ryu. This combination makes targeting enemies easier for him. Because of the skill [Flame Control] all flames could be controlled by the caster as long it is not a spell by an enemy, but the fire that resulted from an enemy spell can be controllable for the caster.

Ryu aimed at a nearby tree and the spear's impact applied a big scorch mark on its trunk.

Again Ryu collapsed on the ground due to Mana consumption.

" Well I guess that's enough for now" said Ryu as he puts out all the surrounding flames using [Flame Absorption], an intermidiate fire spell that gives a small amount of Mana and healing to the caster by absorbing surrounding flames.

This skill is a must to learn for Expert Fire Mages but only a few powerful Mages know this spell, due to the spell's difficulty in learning.

Ryu however, had learned this spell very quickly because the name of most spells and skills in this world, uses language from Earth which makes the imagination of the spells's effect easier, which is an important factor in learning or casting a spell.

This was also a factor on Ryu's fast development on Fire Magic.

Ryu took out the remaining meat he has on the storage and ate it for breakfast, it was still the same as he put it in the storage, hot and smoky.


Ryu didn't particularly do anything the following day of his practice and just gathered fruits and food for future use.

He also killed an animal similar to a deer and had already butchered it for cooking. He didn't level up that day but he did get a good meal to cook.

During the nighttime he cooked the deer and had made himself some clothing made of deer pelt. He could only afford to create pants with the pelt so he went with it.


That morning, Ryu woke up to the voice in his head.

[3 Hours for Class System]

" Oh, I forgot about that. I still don't know how that works..... OMG why didn't I ask Alice about that when I was in heaven?!"

Ryu, frustrated from is stupidness, repeatedly hit is head on a tree.

"Damn it, why didn't I think of that? Maybe I should just wait and find out what this class thing is."

Ryu fixed the campsite he created and proceeded to travel through the forest. Still cautious about dangerous beast and humans that might trouble him.


It was noon time when Ryu unlocked the Class System

[Class System Unlocked] [Please Select a Class]

[Mage] [Warrior] [Archer] [Theif] [Priest] [Martial Artist] [Druid] [Adventurer] [Guardian] [Craftsman]

" So it is like a job system! I thought it will have complicated shit and stuffs. Still there's so many choices, I need to choose carefully.

Ryu was relieved that he was able to grasp what classes are for. But was worried because of the large pool of choices.

" Can i ask what the classes specialise in? "

[Information Granted]

Mage - A person who specialises on magic and has high offensive capabilites and wields spells that can turn the tides of battle.

Warrior - Someone who fits the role of semi-tank. Wields both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Archer - An expert in long range combat. Archers have high offensive power but low defensive capabilites. It is recommended to partner with a tank.

Thief - A master of the shadows. Thiefs specialise in a stealthy offense and is usually used for ambushing. They are deadly and have high mobility for movement and escape.

Priest - A person who wields [Holy Arts]. These people provide healing and support to the other classes. Are usually very important for a party. Effective against Undead.

Martial Artist - This people are masters of close combat, they utilise techniques and fighting styles to better turn the tide battle

Druid - Similar to a Priest which is a support. A Druid provides many buffs and usually has affinity with Summoning Magic.

Adventurer - The most common class. People who are not specialized enough to achieve other classes have this class. This class is somewhat of a jack of all trades.

Guardian - A tank that has very high defensive capabilites. They provide many stuns and crowd control and has high resistances.

Craftsmen - [Error Class Information Not Found in Heaven Realm]

" I think I'll go with maybe a Mage or Martial Artist for now? System, can I change my class later?"

Ryu started to call the voice System.

[Information Granted]

- Someone can change a class that they currently have only when given the choice by a god, goddess, or Admin.

- Adventurers can change their classes once their specialization of a class reached a certain number.

Ryu is currently inputing all this glorious information in his mind. Once he stepped on this world, Ryu noticed that he became obsessed with information. Is he becoming smart? , well he was actually smart on Earth but the way he approaches knowledge in this world is terrifying even coming from me, a third person voice.

" Thanks for the information System-chan. So I guess the reason why I have most of the classes is because of the Administrator thing."

Ryu then remembered that he accessed the Class System as an Administrator.

" Well nothing about that is being mentioned right now so I guess I'll pick a class now. "

Magic. It was the art that piqued Ryu's interest here in this world. He thought about it carefully and made a conclusion.

"System-chan I choose the Mage class"


[Administrator Detected]

[Variation System Initiating For Admin] [Please Choose A Class Variation]

[Demon Magus]


[Light Prophet]

[Flat Loli Mage]

[Standard Mage]

On Ryu's head four class variations are introduced to him.

Class Variations are only accessible by Administrators, or gods and goddesses in other words. This gives the Administrator to have a special variation of the class they have chosen. The choices of variation differs per class and per Administrator, Ryu however is using Alice's Administrator authority in his Class System.

" lol [Flat Loli Mage], this is definitely hers"

[Would You Like To Choose [Flat Loli Mage]?]

"No! I didn't mean to choose that!" A voice of both worry and anxiousness came out of Ryu's mouth. He imagined what would happen if he were to turn into a Flat Loli Mage.

[Denial Granted]

" Phew... Still, I think I'm cheating with this. I'm not an Administrator but I have this. But I guess having a variation makes me stronger?"

"System-chan I choose the Demon Magus"

[Approval Granted Ryu-kun]


[Class Selection Complete]

[Initiating Variation Space]

" Wtf the voice just called me by my name :-| "

After he said these, a black shadow started to wrap around Ryu. It covered him until none of his body was left. It then disappeared out of the area and seemed to have travelled to another space.

" Ahahahaha today's definitely not gonna get more complicated"

That was the final words Ryu said as he disappeared into an unknown space.