Chapter: The Demon Magus and the Thunder Boar

" What happened? Argh! I got a splitting headache" Ryu stood up and scanned his surrounding, he found out that only little time had passed since he became engulfed in darkness.

He looks at himself at a nearby water puddle that is reflecting the sunlight, it acted as a makeshift mirror.

" Is that..... me?! " Ryu was surprised on what he had seen.

In the reflection, instead of a red skinned, white-haired Demon, he saw something which is somehow similar to what he had looked like at Earth.

His hair was still white, but became shorter than what it had been. He also somehow felt taller than what he used to be, now reaching the size of a 16 year old. His eyes changed from black pupils to purple which is what he noticed first in the reflection.

He then noticed his teeth grew a set of fangs on the top side, one on each side. And then he noticed that he grew two short horns on his head, it wasn't that that long, but it will still make him look very much a Demon. What surprised him the most though, is that when he looks at the surrounding Mana, instead of blue, his eyes see purple and violet Mana, which was strange to him.

" So this is the Demon Magus huh? It feels a bit weird but I almost look like a human with this." Ryu liked the change his body got, and went along with it.

[Class: "Demon Magus" Upgrade 0% Progress]

" Oh, so I'm not a normal mage but my actual class is Demon Magus. I though that was just a title." Ryu though that Demon Magus was just a title for the Mage class but was surprised that it is an actual class.

" Zero percent progress, that seems sad, still, I don't know what will happen if i upgrade "

" System-chan whats the next upgrade of my Class?" He asked the feminine voice in his head about the upgrade.

[Demon Magus - - - > Demon Warlock]

" Warlock for the next upgrade. That seems cool. " Ryu was satisfied by the System's answer and was thankful.


After his transformation Ryu managed to hunt two deers and had prepared himself a pair of boots and a simple robe. This wasn't a very good defense but it will make him comfortable walking through the forest.

During nighttime an unexpected intruder appeared in his camp. It was a boar, it had three tusks and stood at three meter tall. It was pretty big.

[Gray Thunder Boar]

[Level 15]

[Power: ???]

" Why can't I read its power level?" this the first time Ryu experienced this. As Ryu was appraising it the boar wasted no time and charged at him.

" System can i get an explanation?"

Ryu didn't notice the boar and was hit, luckily he wasn't hit by the sharp tusks but was then sent flying ten meters away.

[ Power Level Cannot Be Seen If Higher LVL]

" Gahh! That hurt you pig!" Ryu was knocked back at a tree. The impact was very strong and he was hurt.

" So that explains it" He found out that because the boar was higher level than him, he couldn't judge its power level.

The boar charged at him again, not leaving time for Ryu to recover.

" Eeek! Take this [Firebolt]!" Ryu managed to dodge the boar and casted Firebolt. Three fire balls the size of a basketball floated around him.

He threw one at the boar. It managed to damage it and scorch marks can be seen on its skin. But the damage doesn't seem to be that much since the boar didn't even flinch from the attack.

" Well aren't you a tough guy?" He proceeded to throw the other two at the boar but it still produced the same results. Ryu was frustrated at the tough defense the boar had.

The boar ran at him again, he dodged the attack and rolled towards the right.

" How can a boar be this strong! [Flame Spear] take this you shit!"

He casted another spell which summoned a spear of flames on his hand.

He threw it at the boar but it produced results just like the fire balls.

" sigh... This sucks..." Ryu the proceeded to ask System something again as he hid behind a tree.

" System, what benefits does being Demon Magus give me? Answer fast, please"

[ Information Granted]

- Demon Magus' which is a Class Variation are given Unique Skills for them to use. Each Skill differs for each individual entirely and no one, not even another Administrator can recreate that spell.

- The 'Demon Magus' Variation contains special buffs and boost to its stats:

[Increased Magic Power]

[Increased Mana Capacity]

[Faster Mana Regeneration]

[Demonic Mana]

[Reduced Cast Time]

- This Variation is a variation of the Mage Class. This grants [Quicker Mastery] and [Lesser Magic Resistance].

- Buffs and benefits of a class is not inputted on the individual's Skills and Information, but it is contained only within the 'Class System'.

As Ryu was hiding behind the tree, a tusk pierced through the tree and hitting almost his head, this almost killed Ryu.

" Give me a break will you?! That's it, I was trying to be nice but it looks like you want to be dinner for me!" Ryu was enraged at the attack, though his heart was pounding very fast, this was the first time he experienced fear of death in this world.

Ryu ran away again, hiding behind a tree. He asked another question to the System.

" System-chan what are my unique spells?"

[Demonic Inferno of Fear]

[Summon: Akuma no Muramasa]

" I'm guessing that's a sword but the first skill sounds so chuuni, well here goes nothing" Ryu concentrated himself and aimed his arm at the boar which is trying to find him.

" [Demonic Inferno of Fear]!" a magic circle appeared below the Boar and it glowed brightly, making both the boar and Ryu close their eyes.

The land inside the circle then became engulfed in purple colored flames. The boar, which is directly at the center, screamed in agony as he was scorched by the extremely hot flames. It tried running outside of the circle, but surprisingly the circle kept following him, keeping him at the center. The flames got immediately put out when it was outside the range of the circle, but as the circle moves, new flames emerge from the circle.

" Well that seems cool, I somehow know how the skill works, but I can feel myself getting weaker somehow." Ryu was getting weaker, as for the reason? The spell costed almost eighty percent of his total Mana.

The glow of the circle then became dimmer and the flames died out. The spell was very effective however, because the boar had weakened and its left eye had melted from the intense heat. Rage filled its eyes as it stomped its foot as he saw the Demon.

It immidiately charged at it, and the next thing Ryu knew is that it had arrived right in front of him.


Ryu was sent flying, one of the tusk had peirced his body, but its not very bad for his regeneration can still fix it.

" *cough* *cough*, Damn it, how did he do that!" Ryu was coughing blood as he got up, he was surprised on how the boar had moved so fast.

The boar had used a skill which is called [Storm Charge], a skill that is unique and that is special to Thunder Boars. It was a waste however, because this skill has a long cooldown.

Again, the boar charged at Ryu. The Demon was smart however, just as the boar was about to reach him, he jumped as high as he can to avoid it and he threw something at the boar before he had reached the ground.





The boar had pierced its tusks on the big tree behind Ryu. It was stuck there, glued by a sticky substance. What substance is this? It was the slime cores, Ryu had found out the when these cores break a sticky fluid come out that can be said similar to a tree sap.

" Oh you're in deep shit now" Ryu kicked the boars behind before he rode on its back.

" [Flame Spear] Nice seeing ya! Because you won't be seeing again."

Ryu pierced the spear on the boars right eye melting it and piercing to the insides. The boar struggled wildly but Ryu held tight at the spear so he didn't fall off.

Ryu then took out his short sword from the storage as his Mana ran out, and he could only use Combat Arts and weapons right now.

" [Heavy Blow] (This doesn't use Mana). I wonder if this will work?"

As the sword was covered by a purple aura, Ryu felt the increase of weight and the power that the aura emits. He then proceeded to pierce the sword on the eye instead of slashing. This killed the boar immidiately as its brains got hit by this attack.

[Skill: 'Grand Peirce' LVL 1 Acquired]

" Well that's a job done. This food, ahem, this boar could fix my food and clothes problem for awhile." Ryu was happy of his kill. He then proceeded to prepare a large campfire for him to cook the boar. (lmao I chose the enemy to be a boar because I'm cooking pork barbecue tonight)

He also butchered the boar with his shortsword combined with [Heavy Blow].

" Aahh this is the life. Still, I need to find some kind of seasoning. And I also need to find a place where I can get some beer."

That night, delicious smell lingered in the forest. Beasts didn't dare to go near however, because the dangerous presence of the now delicious Thunder Boar can still be felt at the surroundings.

This was indeed another victory for our Demon.

" I should probably name System-chan something, and somehow I feel that she's not even just a simple voice."

Ryu acknowledged System's contribution to this battle and his previous experiences.

He then gave it a name.

Also he Leveled Up after killing the boar, but he didn't heard it. He thought that he should just ask System in the morning