Equipment Shopping I

(Yeah I'm sorry but I'm returning to third person point of view, even my sister requested that)

Ryu finished the Guild registration and didn't know what to do at the moment.

(Should I do quests?, oh I forgot, I need equipment)

Ryu despite having Akuma no Muramasa cannot deploy it into battle that easily. The katana named Akuma no Muramasa is a Demon itself, materialized into a sword, that's why it gives off strong demonic presence.

"Keel I need equipment, can you guide me"

"Certainly! I was about to buy some myself using the reward money"

They needed to buy new equipment especially Ryu who had his sword broken during the fight with the mythical beast named the Black Blood Wolf, though the sword was already weakened by that time due to the lack of maintenance and daily use.

Keel took Ryu to the West Side, this is where most food shops and weapon shops are located. As they were walking in the streets.


They had bumped to a woman, she was carrying a box full of weapons. But its a good thing that no one got hurt.

"Are you okay? Were sorry, here let me help you"

Ryu helped the lady in picking up the weapon, what he didn't know howeved was Hikaru was already passively appraising the strength and power of all the weapons they had come across.

" Thank you, I'm sorry too for bumping into you, my name is Cammy, my father runs a blacksmith shop by the South Side please visit if your interested"

The girl named Cammy then proceeded on her way after introducing herself to Ryu.

" You should be careful next time!"

Ryu had warned her to make sure she doesn't bump to another person and cause another road accident.

Due to the high supply of money of Ryu, he intends to go to the most expensive weapon shop in town to buy his weapon there.

Keel led the way, though they first bought Keel's equipment which were gloves that help in weapon grip, it also gives a small boost to magic resistance.

"Keel take this too, it's better if you have one"

Ryu bought Keel a poison vial.

(He would be more effective in combat if he were to coat his dagger with some damaging poison)

The poison that Ryu had bought was an expensive one where it it would remove its effects when the target had died. So it was very effective during hunting missions or in hunting food, because the hunter won't get affected by the poison.

" Ooohh cool thanks!"

Keel loved it.

(Careful now that's a poison vial don't play with it wtf)

"How about I teach you how to use it later"

Despite it being a poison vial, the vial was actually a magic item, when pressed it would automatically input poison to the weapon without any dipping and such, it was very easy for a kid to use.

- - - -

"Welcome to our shop, we feature the most high quality equipment here in our store"

An old man greeted the two as they had entered the store, they had already arrived at the most expensive store at the town of Asda, a store that was sponsored by the empire.

" Hi, I'm actually looking for some armour and some weapons, could I see your selection?"

"Certainly! This way to our armoury"

The old man led the two to their armour room where different kinds of equipment were placed. Keel had already finished his shopping so only Ryu needed to buy stuffs right now.

(First thing first, I need some good clothes)

"Uhm do you sell casual clothes?"

"Yes we do right here sir"

He was led to another room where village or casual clothes were located. He spent twenty minutes choosing the ones that would fit him and are good looking on him. It wasn't that expensive so he easily paid for it and placed it in his Divine Storage. His next business is combat outfit.

" May we know you're class sir? It would better help me suggest equipment for you. Or just your battle style or something"

"I use a sword while I also wield Magic"

"A Mage Knight type of combat huh? Then I must suggest these lightweight leather clothes to you"

The man showed Ryu some leather gear, after inspecting it Ryu immidiately made up his mind and bought it. It was good for him, because it was lightweight and was easy to move in.

(This actually looks good on me.)

He had also bought a robe that increases Mana Restoration, a pretty expensive one, but it was of little problem to Ryu due to his riches.

"You also said you need a weapon right? Right this way to our weapon vault please."

Ryu followed the man and was led to a room filled with diverse types of weapons. It ranges from clubs to maces, longswords to rapiers, bows to staffs, and more.

" I'd like a one handed sword please, one that is not long nor too short"

" We got just right what you need"

The man excused himself to retrieve the said weapon at the supply room. Keel was checking out the daggers, but he didn't want one due to his dagger being new.

"Keel you're not buying anything? You should probably buy something since we're right here"

" Nah I'm good, I just bought my dagger, maybe I'll buy some disposable throwing daggers later outside, the prices here are too much"

" Here it is sir! Our finest sword, sharp and lightweight and it also fits your criteria!"

" Hmmm what do you think Keel is it good"

Ryu was asking for opinions on his sword due to him not knowing anything.

" How should I know, sorry but I don't know those things"

Yeah as expected by Ryu, Keel also didn't know how to check the quality.

«Suggestion: Do not buy sword»

(Huh Hikaru what's the matter)

«Quality is lower than those of the individual before»

(From the girl which I bumped into awhile ago?)


" Uh I actually changed my mind, I have to go now"

(Author: Yeah kinda busy this week so sorry for the short chapter, I did make up with the special lol), expect late releases this week, its freaking finals!!!)