Smoke. That's all I see in the distance. Damnit, I thought I could get there in time to warn them. I break into a sprint, I run as fast as I can until it feels like my lungs are going to explode. I get to the front gate, "Hey, open up!"
If they won't open the door, I'll just burn it down. "Yamata, give me power!" I say. I feel the familiar heat behind me. I let the fire build up, diving into my new limit. I look behind to see that the fire is almost as big as the wall protecting the safe haven itself. Now. The fire encompasses me, heading straight towards the gate.
The gate burns up instantly, nothing is left except ash. I unsheath my blade and enter the safe haven, I'm confronted by two vampires struggling to get up. I slowly walk up to them and stab one of them in the spine. The other one limps towards me, I extend my sword and the vampire walks into it. I pull the sword out and wipe the blood onto the vampire, and proceed to the Town Hall. If Amelia is going to be anywhere, she'll be there.
The last thing Amelia expected was an attack by the vampires. She never knew that they had the courage to do a full on attack, most the time, it was the army that went out to attack. She quickly grabbed her sword and headed towards the Town Hall to protect her father.
When she got there, the whole place was in lockdown. "Let me see my father!" She demanded from one of the guards. The guards said nothing but shook there heads. "Damnit, I demand that you let me see him!" This time, she walked forward the gate. The guards drew their weapons, but that didn't stop Amelia. "Let her in, and put your damned weapons away!" A voice came from up the steps.
Amelia ran towards her father and hugged him, "Father, what are we going to do?" She whispered into his ears.
"We wait for Henry," Her father says.
Amelia pulls away shaking her head, "No, that won't work. Henry's dead, they killed him when we went off on that mission." She says, her voice tightening.
The fathers face grew red, "Damnit!" He bellowed, "Send a request for help to the capital, we hold them off until they get he-" He stops mid sentance, staring at a young man covered in sweat and blood. "Th-they got through district 2." He stammers.
"Young man, what's your name?" Amelia's father asked.
"Father now's not the time to-"
"Shut it you woman. You shouldn't even be able to wear that sword at your hip. From now on you will speak when you are spoken to, is that clear?" He says in a threatening voice. Amelia says nothing but nods. He turns his attention to the young soldier. "Now, your name?"
"DeJango, sir," The soldier replies Immediately.
"DeJango, go back to the front lines and tell the soldiers not to let District 3 fall."
"Yes sir," the young soldier salutes and breaks off into a sprint.
"Now you, follow me," he says to his daughter. He leads Amelia into the Town Hall and they enter his study. "I want you to go to the front lines and assist the soldiers," He says.
"Yes father," Amelia says as she walks towards the door.
The smell of blood invades my nose, I look down to see a small body. I turn the body over and am met with Elijahs cold stare. I feel my eyes watering up, my throat tightening. He was just a kid, why did they have to kill him? A cough brings me back to my senses, I stand up and turn around. To my surprise, there's no one there.
"You're gonna have to look harder than that," a voice rings. I look behind me to see a silhouette of a person.
"Who are you?" I say aloud.
"I'm surprised you got out of the compound. I knew I should've stayed there, Krul is useless. Oh well, I guess I'll finish the job." He says while unsheathing his sword. I unsheathe my sword just in time, I parry the attack and attempt to punch him. He easily avoids the attack and takes a step back. This time I don't wait, I run at him and swing. He blocks the attack and punches me in the gut.
I'm sent flying through the air into a vendor cart. "Hmm, and here I thought you were the best one here, I guess not." I get up ignoring his remark. looking to my left, I see Amelia, her bewildered face. "Run, get out of here," I say coughing. I feel hands on my arm, pulling me up. I give her a silent thanks.
"I'm not running, not again." Fine then, let's do this then, let's kill that vampire.