WebNovelThe Virus82.35%

An Unknown Enemy

With Amelia with me, we may be able to kill this vampire. "So, Henry Zariath needs help? I have to admit, I'm kind of disappointed," The vampire says.

"Ah shut up," I say raising my voice. "Amelia, try and flank him, I'll distract him for a minute," I finish. I break into a sprint and I let our swords connect. "Yamata, give me power!" Instantly I feel the pain of being punched slowly go away.

"It's a shame, I really liked you a lot, but now, now I must kill you," In an instant, I feel his sword pierce through me, "Rest now, you don't have to be afraid of death, death comes for us all." I drop my sword, I feel blood coming out of my mouth. I look ahead to see Amelia shout something, but I don't understand it. The vampire twists his sword and pulls it out. I feel my body hit the ground, slowly my vision starts to fade.


"Henry, how many times will I have to bring you back from the dead. If you get to used to it, I'll stop." A familiar voice says. I look up to see Yamata looking down at me. "Yamata, give me all of your power!"

"How I wish I could do so, but unfortunately, your body wouldn't be able to handle it." The dragon says.

"Damnit, I don't care if my body can't handle it. Just give me it all," the dragon shakes his head, "Damnit, as the only person who has ever controlled you, I demand that you, I demand that you give me all of your power!" I yell.

"Do not raise your voice to me, you mere mortal. If I gave you all of my power, I wouldn't be able to bring you back from the dead. My power has been storing up for eons. If I even gave you ten percent of my power you would fall dead in an instant, you wo-"

"Damnit you useless dragon! Give.Me.All.Of.Your.Power. Let me save her! She doesn't stand a chance against that vampire!"

"You would be surprised, Henry. Her demon used to be my rival, that was until I killed him. She is extremely powerful. You see h-"

"I don't care, give me all the power you can!" I yell.

"Fine then you stupid being, it's your death." He snaps his fingers and I enter darkness.


I wake up to see Amelia get thrown to the ground. My legs are numb, my back aches. I look down to see where the wound should be. Nothing. Slowly, I bend down and pick up Yamata. "Well then, looks like you won't be able to entertain me any longer dear, I'm quite disappointed that you couldn't do any damage to me." A deep voice says.

"That's okay, I can rest now. I'm not your opponent anymore, he is."

The vampire turns around, "So the rumors are true, you can come back from the dead." I give him a smile and motion him to attack. This does nothing but enrages him, he screams and runs at me. I sidestep out of his way and trip him. "Oh come on, you killed me before, you should be able to kill me again," I taunt.

"You're really pushing your luck kid," He gets up and runs at me again. This time I block his attack and I slice his arm. He doesn't stop attacking me, he's fast but not to fast. When he raises his sword up, I stab mine into his gut. He grunts and drops his sword, "I am nothing compared to them. You have no chance of killing our armies, they are more powerful than you." The vampire says, barely in a whisper.

"Then I guess I'll just have to get stronger then. Remember my words for all of eternity, I will not fun away when there is a fight. I will always run into it, and I will always be victorious, now rest." The vampire closes his eyes, there's barely a rise in his chest when he breathes. I step away from the vampires and wipe the blood off. Slowly, I make my way to Amelia and offer her my hand, only do I realize that she's unconscious.

I pick her up and make my way out of the alley.


The Town Hall is surrounded by soldiers, their expressions confused and surprised when they see me. "Where's her father?" I ask.

"Right here. I thought you were dead, where the hell have you been?"

"I've been too busy being tortured. Now, where can I put Amelia?" I ask. He motions at the couch, I quickly walk up and place her down. "Now, Mr.-"

"Please, call me Leviticus. Anyhow, would you be able to go to the 3rd district and help defend it?" Leviticus asks.

"Depends, how much soldiers are there?" I question.

"There's about 500 at the 3rd districts inner wall. Abel left to go back to the capital, right now you are the strongest one here, we need your help." He says.

"Well then, I wouldn't be much of a soldier if I said no, now would I. I'll head there immediately and will support the soldiers," I say and give him a smile, "Well then, I'll be going," I say and head out of the Town Hall.


It's started raining now and I'm about five minutes away from the fight. I can hear the screams of soldiers, the clash of their swords, the cries of the dying. "Hold formation, we mustn't let them get through us," I hear a voice. I break into a sprint. They're by the front gate, I unsheathe my blade and head towards them.

"Get ready!" Another voice announces. I arrive 30 feet behind them. No, there's too many of the vampires, they're not going to hold, I have to help them.

25 feet away.

15 feet away.

5 feet away.

"Get behind me now!" I yell. The soldiers don't need to be told twice, they hurry behind me. "Yamata, give me power!" I feel the familiar wave of heat hit me. I condense it into a ball. Now. I let the ball of fire go, it zooms towards the vampires. For a second, the vampires act like nothing is happening, then the screaming starts.

There's nothing but ash left, "Who are you?"

"Henry Zariath," I say.

One of the soldiers starts to laugh, "You know, you're quite funny, but let's be real here, we all know that Henry Zariath was killed during his last mission," The soldier says.

"I don't know man, I hear that he's the only one with that fire ability," Another says.

"Whether or not you believe I'm Henry Zariath has nothing to do with what we're supposed to be doing. We need to get back to the gate and push the vampires ba-"

"What the hell is that thing?!" Another soldier points at something. I look behind to see a being in armor. The armor looks old, as if this is not it's first fight. The armor glows red in its crevices. The being draws it's bow and pulls an arrow from its quiver. This is going to be a hard fight, I can already tell. He fires the bow, the arrow is heading straight towards me.