Training Properly

Shou wakes up in a familiar forest, luckily this is also where he drops his plants that he is collecting for days.

It is only normal for Shou (a 5 Exs old boy) to wander in the mountain forest for days. His father Kenjo is well aware that there is nothing but normal animals in this forest, and even if there is a beast, they wouldn't surpass Mortal Rank. With Shou mastering the "1st Level Prince Waltz", he is invincible with any attack within the Mortal Rank. That's how powerful that footwork is.


Upon reaching home, Shou tells his mother and father about what happened in the mountain, but he leaves the part about the statue and being burned. Because he didn't think it was real.

After Kenjo hears about the story, He immediately went for the mountain to investigate. His interest is piqued by the appearance of a high energy place. If Shou's description is correct, It is probably a Hidden Dimension. A hidden dimension is always beneficial to experts. If Kenjo manages to find it, it will help Shou to increase his power and hasten his training.

Kenjo wants to train Shou to become a strong warrior who can protect himself. But he is hiding it to Shou, He told Shou that being a farmer is better and he just teaches his son discretely, simply because he wants Shou to learn values and not just came out strong from the start. He wants his son to be able to learn the hardness of life and what it feels to strive harder than anyone else to reach his goal. 5 Exs old is the turning point for a warrior, that's why Kenjo decided to start Shou's proper training when he reached that age. It is also the youngest age you can apply for the Lower Academy.

The Lower Academy accepts a student who is exceptionally good in terms of martial prowess. The requirement is a citizen who is within 5-15 Exs old and possesses the strength rank of a Red Mortal and passing the entrance exam set by the Lower Academy.

So, By finding a Hidden Dimension and obtaining the treasures within it. Shou's chance of becoming a Red Mortal Rank at the age of 5 will be extremely high.

But unfortunately, even after days of searching for the Hidden Dimension, he failed to finds even a little trace of it.

'It will be simply too convenient for a Hidden Dimension to be here in this remote area. Maybe Shou is wrong in what he sees.'

Despite the possibility that his son is wrong, Kenjo still continues searching around the forest. It is simply too good of an opportunity to pass the Hidden Dimension.

After searching for every inch of the forest, He still failed to find anything but there is one thing he found. The Orange Mortal Monkey beast.

Upon seeing Kenjo, The monkey tries to run, but he found that he can't move his limbs even an inch. the aura surrounding him is too strong that none of his muscle is following his brain.

"Filthy creature, you dare spill a drop of my son's precious blood? Face your maker!!"

Kenjo raises his right hand up to his shoulder and faces his palm upon the monkey, his palm spawns a little tongue of purple flame in it's middle and then Meng started to flow from his body into the purple flame like it is being sucked into it. A magic circle as big as a fist appears in front of Kenjo's palm. Not a second later, a lightning bolt emerges from it and aiming to strike the monkey's heart.

Seeing this the monkey uses everything in its power to get away, but all of the actions that Kenjo executed happen only within a fifth of a second. This gives the monkey no time to react at all. He was struck to the heart and loses his life in an instant.

After killing the monkey beast, Kenjo didn't bother to take a look at the corpse. Both his hands burst into purple flames and 2 magic circle appears on his feet launching him in the sky.


After days of Kenjo being gone. Shou already gets back on his daily life of helping his family, His mother had already spent their 30 gold harvest money to buy some raw ingredient for the medicines and potion that she makes. her mother, Rensia is the only alchemist of the village. Every people in the village gets their potion from her, ranging from medical potions to pesticides potion to even beauty potions. So, she doesn't even need to set up a stall to sell their potion. the demand is so high that even the potion is still not yet made, it is already sold out by pre-orders. all that Shou's need to do is deliver it around the village.

Rensia learns Alchemy back when she was young at the Arens Clan library. she started being interested in it at a young age. of course, her father supported her then. although even after many years her rank is only Level 1 alchemist, the people of the Roakh village doesnt care.

With the 30 gold capital from the harvest and some mountain herbs collected by Shou, Rensia and her son manage to earn 459 gold from selling potions. subtracting the living expenses as well as the needed materials for the next harvest and next potion making they will still have 159 gold left. (1 gold is about 20 USD in the real world.)

For a remote village, Roakh village's population is quite large and making money here is not that bad. aside from it, although Roakh village lacks Alchemist. it didn't lack other professions like Blacksmiths.

Since Rensia and Kenjo agree to start training Shou properly when he reaches the age of 5. Rensia wants to buy a weapon for her son with the extra money they got.


Lizard's Weapon Shop, Roakh Village, Sheden clan territory

Rensia and her son go to a shop in the middle of the village that has a sign that says "Rare Weapons". when they are about to enter the shop, Shou looks at Rensia with an excited face and an "are-you-seriously-going-here" look in his eyes. Rensia almost burst laughing seeing her son like that. she snorts and just nod to Shou and enters the shop.

"Hey! Old Lizard, I want the best weapon you ever forged in your life!!"

Rensai howled at the thin at sick looking old man at the corner of the shop hammering some weapon.

"HAHAHA! little girl, you finally decided to give that kid of yours a weapon"

The old man gets up from the chair and puts down his hammer and walks to the counter while removing his gloves.

Shou, on the other hand, is just watching this scene from the side and cannot contain his happiness.

"I just have the thing that you want. but you know, it can be pricey"

The old man leans his body on the counter while placing both of his hand together. This old man is looking at Rensia while wearing a devious smile.

Rensia slowly walks at the counter and slams the table. looking with a more devious smile.

"How Much??"

The scene right here is like two devils making a transaction with each other.

"1000 gold!"

The old man replied.

"You must be kidding old man. with that skill of yours, I think it only worth 100 gold!"

Rensia replied.

The old man didn't say anything and gets a Spear from the storage and put in down in the table.

"Look! The lowest I can give you since we are friends is 800 gold!"

Rensia examines the Spear and the card with an Appraiser Guild Seal that comes with it.


[Lizarus Spear]

(2nd tier item)

...created by the Level 5 Blacksmith Lizard. it was said by the creator that the weapon has a unique function. after the appraiser guild examines it, it was said that this weapon had something different but cannot be identified.

-Level 2 Appraiser, Rotor Ileos


After reading the card, Rensia looks at the spear and it was indeed a 2nd tier item and being pure royal blood from the Arens Clan main family, even though she doesnt increases her Meng power rank, she still has a bloodline ability. she can at least feel that there is indeed something within this weapon.

When Shou sees the weapon, he immediately feels the resonance in his soul like a fate link bounding him with it. of course, by his young mind, he still didn't understand any of this feeling. he just knows that he really wants this spear.

Shou looks at Rensia and said.

"Mother, I want it."

Meanwhile, Old lizard, as the creator of the spear, feels that the spear is calling to the boy. he is shocked as it is rare for this phenomenon to happen. Old lizard sighs.

"Okay, since the boy wants it I am willing to give it to you with 500 gold"

Rensia looks back to Old lizard with a more devious and now seems scary smile.

"100 gold plus these potions"

when Old Lizard looks at the potion his eyes bulged out, "T-This is the super rare and extremely popular LOVE potion! and there are 3 of them!!"

Old Lizard sweat is running down his neck. he doesnt have a lover since he was young and now he fancies the old woman in the cake shop on the other street. this will be extremely helpful to him!

( Love potion really works in this world but it is a 1 out of 3 chance and the most that it can do is compel the person to talks to him, really useless if you ask me :D )

"Ha. Ha. Looks like its a deal, Old lizard?"

Old lizard sighs and nods to Rensia. In reality, Old Lizard will give the boy the spear even for free, every blacksmith dream is for their weapon to go to their real owners. but who would thought that he will obtain 100 gold for it and of course, three love potions.

Old man hands the spear to the boy, but when he put it in the boy's hand. he was surprised that the boy can carry the spear with one hand. He cannot detect any Meng Energy driven by the boy. after, he just ignores it and presumes that the boy has a really strong physical body.

In reality, Shou indeed has a strong physical body but not enough as a boy to carry a real spear. The Lizarus Spear and Shou creates an unexpected soul bound causing the spear to adjust itself with the user body. Again, Shou has no idea he did this. A soul bounded weapon can still be used by others but it will not display its true strength unless the person who is the owner dies. soul bound can happen to any forged weapon on or above the 2nd tier level.


When Kenjo arrives at their house, He saw Shou practicing the stances that he learned to BC Kaz.

Kenjo eyes the boys' new spear and approves with a nod. He picks up a sickle and throws it at the Shou. Shou sees it and unconsciously executes prince waltz.

"The 3rd form of 1st level Prince Waltz"

He picks up another sickle and throws it again, Shou dodges it again with ease.

"2nd form"

and again...

"14th form"

Shou is confused at first but it seems that he gets it after a while. his father is teaching him what is the move that he just executed. This answers his question of why he is so good at dodging. it seems that his father is training him since he was still young.

The father and son spend the next three days talking about the 1st level Prince waltz





Shou Airos

Normal Villager

