Vanishing Step

Airos Residence, Roakh Village, Sheden Clan Territory

"This is the 25th and last form of the 1st level Prince Waltz"

Kenjo put his left foot forward and right foot at the back of his left foot as if he was going to spin. Afterward, He executes a kicking motion at his right foot and vanishes, appearing at Shou's back.

"That's the only move that I didn't teach you yet from the 1st level Prince Waltz"

Kenjo stated to the shocked Shou.

After a week of refining Shou's Prince Waltz skill, Shou now fully understands the footwork technique that his father teaches him.

After seeing his father executes the last form, Shou copies the stance and execute the moves that he manages to grasp by his father showing him the move.


Shou disappears for one-tenth of a second and appears on the lying on the ground.


However, Kenjo is shocked with Shou, he never expects Shou to execute that much on his first try.

Afterward, Shou tries to execute the 25th form again and only to fail again. but it keeps shocking Kenjo more and more. According to his calculation, Shou will master the move within the day. In the past few days that he started training Shou properly, He notices a big change in the rate that Shou manages to grasp the lesson. He didn't expect that training him properly will induce such a great effect.

After Shou tries for the 10th time...


He disappeared and only appears again at Kenjo's back while keeping his stance.

This makes Kenjo's sanity to go away from his body. The last form of 1st level Prince Waltz took him 6 months of non-stop training. He is now embarrassed to call himself Speed Prince.


Somewhere in The Black's territory

"Master, I got here as fast as I could, I found them!! I found the Arens siblings!"

The man stands up immediately stomping his hands on the table

"ARE YOU SURE?!?!?!"

The servant is holding a spear while kneeling on the ground

"Yes! master, I personally detect his Aura and personally saw him too!"

"GOOD! GOOD! you can go now and receive your reward!"

The man immediately took out something like a phone in his pocket.

"Lord Draco, I found them."


After mastering the last form, Kenjo keeps practicing Prince Waltz with Shou by creating different situations and what form shall he uses at different scenarios.

It took them two weeks before Kenjo is satisfied with his result. after that, Kenjo tells Shou that he should rest or do something else for twenty days before continuing with his training. It is for his mind to properly intake the footwork technique and prepare it for the upcoming non-stop training. Kenjo wants to teach Shou about Meng and about the power ranking next. He also wants to tell him how he can improve his Meng.

Actually, by training the prince waltz. Meng is already accumulating thru Shou's body. He just doesn't know how to use or utilize it. Although it is not enough to reach the rank of Red Mortal, If he utilizes it, it will give him power beyond an adult normal human.


Keira Hierowin's Residence, Roakh Village, Sheden Clan Territory

"Mother, am I a magician? I think am a magician, I can summon this white colored flames in my hands. I don't know what is it, but my instinct is telling me on how can I summon this flame. Although it's not hot or cold, and also it cannot burn anything. Also, I can only summon as big as a thumb."

Keira talking to his mother while playing with the white tongue of flame in his palm.

"Keira, I didn't know anything about that but we can ask the village chief about it if you want, maybe it will get us out of this kind of life"

His mother excitedly replied.


Airos Residence, Roakh Village, Sheden Clan Territory

"Mother, Father told me that I needed to rest, but I don't want to waste my time doing nothing. So, I want to learn alchemy from you. can I?"

Rensia can't resist the adorable look in his child and replied "Yes" almost instantly.

Shou and Rensia went shopping in the village center for basic materials and tools for learning alchemy. While the mother and son are roaming around the market. they suddenly run into Old Lizard.

"Hey, Little Girl how's the spear that you buys from me?"

"It will still be long before this child of mine can use it, but don't worry I will take care of it, And it seems that you have taken care of things on your end, Old Lizard"

Rensia smiles while talking to Old Lizard who is now on a date with the old lady from the cake shop. Shou is confused with the adults and just focusing on finding high-quality herb in the market. Shou is an excellent herb gatherer, he is doing it for a long time now and knows his way around the herbs.

after for shopping more for a while, They completed the materials for Shou's alchemy training and now walking back to their home.


Somewhere in the dark, someone is following the mother and son duo. He is wearing a red bandana over his long blonde hair. He got an "X" scar on his forehead up to his cheeks. The man is very handsome.

But by the time the duo is about to reach their home, He gives up because he is sensing some danger waiting for him on the duo's home.

He immediately back out far away from the two and runs outside the village as far as he can. After that, he puts his two fingers on his temple a blue tongue of flame appears.

"Boss, I found someone that you are looking for a long time. I'm not sure because in the portrait she was still very young. but she looks still the same and what warrants your attention is her aura is similar from what you told me"

A voice answered from his mind...

Then he answered back, "Okay boss, I will send you the exact location and ill wait for further instruction."


Back at home, Rensia started to teach Shou's alchemy.

"You need to grind four 1st tier healing herb together, and add one unit of alcohol after"

"Yes, Mother"

The two is super focused on the lesson. Kenjo who is watching from afar is very happy seeing his family enjoying the moment.

Shou is very serious in learning alchemy. He continues learning from his mother for straight fifteen days. And as expected, His learning speed is still very fast than ordinary. In fact, in just fifteen days of training, he grasps how to make potions. He can already make the potion that his mother can do. it's not an exaggeration to say that if not better, he is on par with his mother now in terms of potion making.


Roakh village south gate, Sheden Clan territory

In the middle of the night, Ten cloaked figure had appeared on the horizon of the south gate. The guard on duty wakes his buddy to tells him about the cloaked figures ahead.

One of the guards had a bad feeling about this and told his buddy to report the events to the village hall. But before the guards take a step away from their post, two small light beam bullet had shot thru their head causing both of them to die.

One of the cloaked figures runs ahead to take care of the dead bodies of the guards. And then, five of them separates from the group and scattered super fast to all direction.

After scouting the surroundings, They found out that there is no one out of the street and the village also didn't have enough personnel for patrols. They only have the guards at the gates and certain key points of the village, like the clinic and village hall.

The remaining four cloaked figures slowly head towards the direction of the Airos Residence.

Along the way, the four figures didn't meet anyone because the way to the Airos residence is far from other homes. But, when they are about to reach the house, One figure appears in front of them.

It is Kenjo.

"Friends, what business you have with my family at this time of the night?"

The cloaked figures were shocked as they didn't see him coming towards them. Two of them quickly unshed their sword and charge to Kenjo. The two figure is so fast, that the Orange Mortal Rank Monkey will seem like a turtle.

The two cloaked figure moves on separate direction cutting Kenjo's escape path. Both of them aims for his blind spot.

When the sword hits Kenjo's body, it passes thru as if they have just hit a ghost. The faces of the two figures are beyond shocked. Moreover, in the following second, They found two identical images of Kenjo hawking on their back.

Before they can react, The two images of Kenjo already manages to burst his hands in purple flame and cast a magic circle as big as a wheel in front of his palm. The two images execute an identical movement. After that, a big icicle emerges from the magic circle, It is so fast that the two figures are stuck before they can even manage to blink their eyes.

That attack instantly killed both of the figures attacking Kenjo and before their body hits the ground, Kenjo's figure merges back into one. Which is now standing in front of the two remaining cloaked figure.

This made Kenjo stay on high alert and ready to execute a spell at any moment. It is because he founds out that these figures doesnt have a trace of Meng Energy in their body and they can still move like experts. There is only one faction in this world that fits the description, The Blacks. They found them. He regrets being careless and neglective.

The two cloaked figures keep an expressionless face even after seeing what Kenjo have done. It seems that they simply see Kenjo's movements normal. Not long after, One of them pulls out two beam guns on his back and aim towards Kenjo to shoot.

'Guns!'. Kenjo recognizes the weapon because it has been used before when The Black attack the Arens Clan.

The moment that Kenjo saw the figure is about to draw his weapon, He doesn't waste any second and executed a dash towards that figure and stick out his two fingers from his purpled-flaming hand like forming a raygun. Immediately, Magic circle appears on the tip and a lightning bolt shoots out from it.

To his surprise, his attack missed.

'Hmm. Not bad for a kid on his level. But, still far from enough to be matching me.' The Gunned Figure thought when Kenjo executed a very fast reaction.

The Gunned Figure backflipped in the air dodging Kenjo's attack. Moreover, He aims his gun towards Kenjo and pulls the trigger when he reached the correct angle.

'Damn it, He is so fast. He is definitely not my match' Kenjo analyzed.

He is in an awkward position as he just executed an attack. As the beam bullet closes toward him, He's forced to cast a movement spell and a magic circle appears on his back then fire and wind shoot out of it like a booster, putting his position an inch forward and barely managing to dodge the bullet.

But, to his surprise, the second gun of the Gunned Figure is already aimed at where he just landed. It is impossible to avoid the bullet. Instead of dodging and being hit, A magic circle appears in front of the target area and a Rockwall emerges from it.

Unfortunately, The Rockwall isn't strong enough to stop the bullet. He was hit in the right shoulder. But, It is thanks to the Rockwall that the bullet manages to miss his heart.

'That was close. even if I am a second late, he might have hit my heart.'

After being hit, A lot of blood pours from Kenjo's body. In return, he countered with a lightning bolt aiming toward the figure who is still in midair. The Gunned Figure inserts a new magazine to one of his guns and aims at the lightning bolt. It causes an impact that neutralizes the lightning bolt and sends the Gunned Figure immediately on the ground.

That millisecond gives Kenjo the time he needs to recover his stance. He also realizes that this figure is a lot stronger than him. And If he holds back even a little, He will definitely die. Kenjo's eyes turn dark purple and a lot stronger magical aura emits from him. Afterward, three magic circle appears surrounding him and shoots out a fire, ice and lightning bolt simultaneously.

'He can cast three spells at the same time! Impossible!' the Gunned Figure was shocked.

The Gunned Figure aims for the bolts while his other gun is still aiming towards the spell-casting Kenjo. But to his surprise, The bullets that are aimed to Kenjo was intercepted by three kinds of bolts.

'What a fast casting speed! He is the fastest mage I have encountered so far. He must not live'

The Gunned Figure is much more determined to kill him now as He was going to be a big problem in the future with that potentials.

'I have no choice but to use my bloodline ability just to keep up with him. He is really a monster.' Kenjo is already triple casting his spells non-stop to keep the Gunned Figure busy. He is sourcing his power from his blood to make the spell stronger or else, it will not even keep the Gunned Figure busy for one second. By the use of his bloodline ability, He is making his spell strong enough to pin down the enemy. But, How long will he going last is a problem. And Kenjo won't let his Meng energy runs out before winning.

With that in mind, Kenjo cast the fourth spell while casting the three bolt. He cast a 2nd level Spell, Magma Pillar. A magic circle appears at the feet of his enemy. And a magma will shoot out from it.

The other cloaked figure sees the 4th magic circle appearing and decided to join the fight as well. She draws a sword and helps to fend off some of the bolts to give his comrade an opening to dodge the 4th spell, Magma Pillar.

"I'll give you a hand," The Sworded Figure told the Gunned Figure in a nonchalant voice. The Gunned Figure simply nods.

Their plan was successful. As half of the bolts are being deflected by the Sworded Figure, The bolts cannot keep up to still pin the both of them at the same time.

'Damn, It seems that the 2nd one is as strong as the 1st one. I'm barely keeping with one of them, How can I fight two strong figures.'

After recovering from the shock, Kenjo now gives up in casting the bolts to focuses on quick casting a big magic circle in front of him aiming towards the figures and spawns a large tsunami. Not a second after, He also cast a second spell that covers a large area in the air above the two figures and spawns a thunderstorm. With this move, He will cut the escape path of the two figures and finally did some damage to them.

Only that, Kenjo did expect that when the spells are about to hit one of the figures, a sword light appears slashing the tsunami into two. And after that, without giving Kenjo a time to react. The Sworded Figure dashes forward and sends another sword light towards Kenjo.

Kenjo executes 5th level Prince waltz and a couple of movement and defensive spells as a final struggle to deflect the attack. But unfortunately, even with that effort, The sword severed his right hand from his arm.





Shou Airos

Normal Villager





Kenjo Arens

Prince of the Arens clan

Unknown Rank
