Kenjo Arens

After his right hand was severed from his body, Kenjo manages to execute the 25th form of 1st level Prince Waltz and vanished from his enemy's sight and appearing 10 meters away from her.

On the other hand, The Gunned Figure didn't manage to dodge the two large scale spells and taken some damages. But, This damage will only manage to stop the figure for half a minute before recovering to his peak.

'Argh, That hurts! She was really quick. even with using Prince Waltz I can't dodge her attack.'

When Kenjo landed 10 meters away, He was forced to get down on his knee because of the pain from the severance of his right hand. He quickly cast some burn spell to the wound to keep him from bleeding out. A mage like him is not capable of casting a healing spell to mead his wound. He can only stop the bleeding. Nevertheless, He can still cast spells even without his right hand.

The Sworded Figure quickly dashes toward to Kenjo again and executes a finishing move. Only to her surprise, The ground that she is stepping on became riddled with magic circles and different kind of low level but damaging spells emerges from it. This causes her to slow down a little bit.

But Kenjo only needed a little distraction to execute his next move. Magic circles appear on his feet and launch him in the sky. After he reaches a certain altitude, He starts bombarding the ground with high-level spells.

'With a position like this, Let's see if you can still keep up with my spells'

It was quite a sight. Fire, Ice, Earth, Lighting and much more elemental spells are pestering the ground. The two cloaked figures are busy fending off the non-stop spells that are bombarding them from the sky. But, even though they are being targeted by many spells, They are not taking any damages from it. The best it can do to them is to keep them busy to buy some time.

Kenjo never had the chance to defeat them even from the start. These two figures are General-Class commanders from the almighty empire of "The Blacks". Even one of them is already enough to kill him. But, Kenjo is quite a special case. He is a mage which is a natural enemy of soldiers from The Blacks. Aside from that, He is a member of the purest blooded mage in this continent, The Arens Clan. His affinity for magic is unrivaled.

However, Kenjo is not at all weak. you can say that in a frontal battle, he can win against a thousand normal soldiers. That is the particular reason why The Blacks fear his development and send two of their General-Class commander just to hunts him down.



When Rensia hears the first spell that Kenjo cast. She didn't take a second look and immediately wakes his son up.

"Shou, We need to go."

Shou gets up from his bed and found a serious look on his mother. He, more or less, understands the situation that they are being attacked. A lot of loud noises has been coming from outside. He hurriedly grabs his spear and comes out with his mother.

Rensia got an escape plan that she made with Kenjo when a situation like this appears. He grabs his son's hand and runs towards to planned exit.

The exit leads to the mountain beside the village. They have prepared traps and shelter there to keep them safe and wait for each other before escaping far away together.


After hearing the numerous explosions by the outskirt of the village, The village chief and the villagers are alerted.

'This fight is not something anybody in my village can handle. That boy Kenjo is really dangerous'

With his knowledge, The village chief predicted that anyone who tries to go to the south or even go near it will definitely die. So, He commanded all the guards and the Village Leaders to stop anyone from going near the affected area and it is best to stay inside their home.

The Village Chief knows that Kenjo is some mysterious man. But, from what he is seeing in the sky, he definitely underestimates him by calling him "mysterious". In the eye of the villagers, He is like a god that throwing spell after spell to the ground.


Kenjo is doing his best to aim right at the blind spot of the two figures. he is casting large scale spells as well as single target assassination spells. This is what's keeping the two figure busy. If Kenjo stops even for a second, they will have the opportunity to get out of their situation and launch counter-attacks.

'This can't go on, He will escape if we don't get out of this situation' The sworded figure push buttons on her right arm and said.

"Activate: 2nd form - Aerial suit!"

A Jetpack appears on the back of the Sworded Figure and She flew towards Kenjo. Not a second after flying from the ground, The sworded figure draws her sword and brandishes it towards Kenjo.

'How is this possible? What is that thing?'

This attack causes Kenjo to lost his balance and forced to focus on deflecting the incoming attack. Kenjo executed the 4th level of Prince Waltz - Aerial Waltz. It is one of his addition to the technique that allows oneself to execute the technique as if you are standing on the ground whilst on air. She didn't stop attacking Kenjo with her sword. Thankfully, Kenjo knows the footwork, Prince Waltz. It is the only thing that's keeping him alive.

"Activate: 3rd Form - Sword booster"

The slashes send by the Sworded Figure are starting to go faster. Every one of these slashes is stronger than the first one. And as if that's not enough, She is targeting every one of Kenjo's blind spot and weak points.

After exchanging blow for some time, The sworded figure found a critical error on Kenjo's position and unhesitatingly grabs the opportunity. She stabs one of Kenjo's legs and the attack connects causing Kenjo to be wounded seriously. Moreover, This causes Kenjo to plummet from the sky.

"Sorry Boy, This is your end." The Gunned Figure is waiting for him at the ground ready to execute a finishing blow to him once he reaches the target area.

Seeing this, Kenjo realizes that he cannot survive the next move to be executed by the Gunned Figure. So, he has no choice but to execute his last trump card. While plummeting from the sky, He recites with a voice that everyone from the village can hear.

"My name is Kenjo Arens, Son of Meta Arens and The rightful heir to the throne of Artinas. I ask for the guidance of the Ancestors. May you lend me your powers."

Veins started to appear in Kenjo's left eye, His left eye turned all white from the previous color of purple. And then, A surge of magical energy flows within his body. Five magical circles started to appear on top of each other around Kenjo's falling body. Afterward, the magic circles combined with each other and emit a red glow. After his feet hit the ground, The magic circle crawls down on his body into the ground. Making Kenjo stands on the red-glowed magic circle.

"Forbidden Bloodline Technique: Dark Prison!"

Dark vines started to appear on the magic circle and shoot towards The Gunned Figure with amazing speed.

The gunned figure started to see the dark vines coming towards him before he can even pull his trigger. It enters the Gunned Figure's body upon contact and goes through his back. He started to spills a lot of blood and the look of horror appears into the Gunned Figure's eye.

"WARNING! Severe damage is taken. 45% of User's health remaining. Advising a retreat!" A voice sounded from the Gunned Figure's Headset.

The Gunned Figure throws up a mouthful of blood and fell on his knees. The dark vines didn't stop at the initial hit, it crawls will into the enemy's body system until life is vanquished. After falling on his knees, another batch of vines burst out of the Gunned Figure body.

"WARNING! Severe damage is taken. 25% of User's health remaining. Advising a retreat!" The voice sounded again from the Gunned Figure's headset. The Gunned Figure cannot move because of the vines.

Meanwhile, Kenjo is down on one knee and his left hand is supporting his body on the ground. his left eye is now closed and blood tears keep flowing from it. He looks like he is depleted of his energy.

The moment that the sworded figure on the jetpack sees what happen he dashes towards Kenjo and immediately aims for his head. By the time that the gunned figure and Kenjo both fall in their knees, She was already about 1 meter away from Kenjo.

When Kenjo senses the Sworded figure, He knows death coming for him. He looks up with his left eye closed and tearing blood. He said silently, "Sorry Rensia, please survive."


The sworded figure, with the help of the downward force and the jetpack booster, executed a rotating movement decapitating Kenjo of his head.





Shou Airos

Normal Villager





Kenjo Arens

Prince of the Arens clan

Unknown Rank

