Raijen and Jeiren

Mountain Forest, Roakh Village, Sheden Clan Territory

Rensia and Shou are hiding inside a shelter on the Mountain Forest.

"Mother, will Father be okay?" Shou asked.

"Your Father is stronger than he looks, He should be just fine. We just need to wait for him here." Rensia reassures his son, But she is still worried deep inside. She can sense that the enemy is not at all weak.

After waiting for some time, Rensia feels the heat on her finger and a ring shatters. This is a life ring given by Kenjo for his wife to know his status. The life ring being shattered only means one thing. Kenjo is dead. Rensia started to burst into tears.

Shou seeing this, Also started to burst into tears. He knows his father is dead as he also has a ring like his mother.



The Gunned Figure falls flat on the ground. The dark vines disappear when the caster has died.

"WARNING! WARNING! CRITICAL STATUS! User's body has 10% health remaining. A notification has been sent back to base." The voice sounded again from his headset.

"Raijen!! You careless fool, you let this weakling gets the best out of you!" The Sworded Figure scolded Raijen.

"Don't worry Jeiren, The spell has stopped. Thanks for killing that brat!" Raijen said while taking a potion out of his pocket and drinking it.

"Summon Inventory!"

"Healing Kit!"


Jeiren shouts a series of command and then a series of notification sounded on her headset.

"Inventory summoned..."

"Payment Required..."

"General Jeiren ID confirms... Payment Authorized..."

A series of light flashes in front of them and then a box appears containing a Healing Kit. Jeiren puts the healing kit on Raijen's chest and a voice sounded from their headset.

"Healing Kit detected... Using resources..."

"User's wounds are stabilized. Recommending retreat to recover at the base..."

Raijen's wound stopped bleeding but there is still severe damage from his body. Afterward, He still manages to stand up pick up his dignified posture.

Jeiren picks up Kenjo's Head and put it in her bag.

"We need to continue our mission. The main objective is now finished but his wife and son are still alive. To avoid a future problem, We should not let anyone of them alive." Raijen proposed while tidying himself up as if he sustained no injury.

"You can go back now if you want, you must heal yourself first. That boy's curse spell is quite powerful despite his power rank. Besides, I am more than enough to handle a woman and child who is yet to reach Red Mortal Rank." Jeiren said while preparing herself to take off.

"No need. Like you said those two are no threat. It will be faster to look for them if we both go."

Jeiren eventually nods then summon the remaining six other cloaked figure and order them to find where are the two remaining targets.

The six quickly spread out in all direction.

After an hour of searching, One of the cloaked figures reports a woman and child running about the mountain forest.

Jeiren and Raijen quickly turn towards the direction of the report.

Not ten minutes has passed the six cloaked figure had surrounded Rensia and Shou while Jeiren and Raijen are watching from above with both of their jetpacks activated.

"What more do you want? You already killed my husband. What is our sin that we need to suffer this?! If you are still not satisfied, You can kill me but please spare my son. He is innocent in all of this. He is not even born when that incident happened!" Rensia shouted while tears of defeat are flowing in her eye.

Meanwhile, Shou's eye is full of hatred. He is crying but his tears are not because of fear. He is crying because he can't do anything for now. His eye is brimming with vengeance and killing intent. He is gripping to his spear so hard that his hand is bleeding. Imagine the look on a 5 exs old boy (looks like 5 years old but actually about 10 years old in real age) who is glaring on his enemy full of killing intent.

When this look meets with Raijen's eye, His body felt a little fear crawling down from his insides.

'What a dangerous look, He will be a big problem for us if left him alive.' Raijen thought to himself dismissing the fear with his aura.

After listening to Rensia's Shout, Raijen didn't hesitate and aim his gun towards Shou and immediately pulls the trigger. His movement is so smooth that Rensia only barely manages to block the bullet with herself.

However, When the bullet went through Rensia and it is still traveling towards Shou but the bullet loses its power after passing through Rensia and its trajectory is slightly off. With these advantages, Shou instinctively executes 1st level Prince Waltz and successfully dodge the bullet.

"Amazing!!" Raijen was shocked. It is to be known that Raijen is an accuracy type of general, that's why Kenjo's Full powered Prince Waltz barely made a difference. even though his attack's power and trajectory in diminished, it is still not something a normal human can face. To his amazement, Raijen failed to hide the smile on his face.

Shou is shocked when his mother was shot in the head in front of him. And thankfully he is fueled by his instinct to dodge the incoming bullet. A tear falls down his cheek, and this time it is for lamenting his mother's death. but after a second, he takes his spear and stands and does a battle stance while glaring at Raijen who is still smiling ." YOU!!! I swear to the corpse of father and mother, That I, Shou Airos, will definitely kill you with my own hands!"

"HA HA HA, Wonderful, you really are an amazing boy, I would love to see you grow but unfortunately you will have to die here!" Raijen aims his two guns to Shou and simultaneously pull the trigger.

Shou sees it and he makes a spinning motion towards Raijen with his body and vanishes. The 25th form of 1st level Prince form!

While this was happening, A voice sounded from Shou's mind...

Shou reappears 2 inches away from both of the bullet. Both of it is flying towards his head.

Shou agrees to the voice but he doesnt have any way of stopping what is happening right now.

And then, A burst of Meng Energy appears in front of Shou's head and deflect both of the bullet an inches away from him.

After that burst of Meng, Shou let go of his spear and falls into the ground. He cannot move his whole body even for a centimeter.


At the moment when Rensia was shot...

"Boss! There they are! Damn it, we are too late..."

A blonde man with a red bandana was standing beside an Old man with a long beard wearing a Sakkat and a short broadsword with a long handle on his back. The Old man's hair is all white and is very long.

"It seems that I am late once more." The Old Man sighs.

But after seeing Rensia die he sees a boy cursing at his enemy. He asked his crewman, "Who is that boy?"

"It seems to be her son, Boss."

"Her son..." After thinking for a second, He told his crewman. "Let's save him."

"Okay, Boss"


After Shou deflects his bullet and falls into the ground. A shocked on Raijen's face appears. Not only Raijen but also Jeiren and the six figures appear to be shocked.

"What are you?"

Not a second after, A six identical figure of a blonde man with bandana appears on the back of the six cloaked figures and stab each one with a rapier. And then, A killing intent spawns at the back of the two general. Its followed by a short broadsword threatening two slashes the two of them in half. The two of the general are top soldiers of the blacks. With their skills, they barely sense the incoming attack and simultaneously dodge.

"Not Bad" Odin commented when the two general dodges his attack.

The six cloaked figures instantly die with the blonde man's attack. after that, he immediately picks Shou and his spear and runs to the opposite direction.

The two general saw the image of Shou being taken away but they dare not take their attention away from the man who just attacked both of them.

"Who are you?" General Jeiren asked.

"Deadman don't need to know," Odin answered.

Then Odin executes a vertical slash to Jeiren followed by a Rotating horizontal slash to Raijen. This attack is only a millisecond apart.

Jeiren blocks the short broadsword with her sword, Planting her feet on the ground due to the impact. While Raijen backflips to the Air, while continuously shooting the sword to slow it down.

Without giving them a moment, Odin takes a step forward to Raijen and executes another horizontal slash before Raijen makes it backs on the ground after backflipping. This attack takes Raijen by surprise and didn't have any counter move to avoid the attack.

Raijen's two legs are cut in knee down. He then falls to the ground with the back of his head first. Seeing this, Jeiren tries to attack Odin but she found out that her sword is already shattered in pieces due to the previous attack.

Odin executed a finishing vertical slash to Raijen to end his life but a flash of light appear on his back taking Raijen with it.

It was Jeiren who boosted with jetpack with maximum speed to save Raijen. they appear 20 meters away from Odin with her jetpack in smoked from overheating.

Odin didn't waste any time and charge to the two of them.

'We don't stand a chance to an enemy of this level. And, Raijen is unconscious' Jeiren weighs the situation and activate a series of commands.

"Initialize Long Range Teleportation Package..."

"--This will affects the User's body with 3-years long damage... please confirm--"


"--General Jeiren Id detected... Package initializing...--"

Before Odin appears before the two, A beam of light from the sky shot to them and causing them to disappear. Resulting in Odin's attack to hit the ground. The ground splits into two leaving a huge mark on it.





Shou Airos

Normal Villager




Odin Selion

Pirate King

