Chapter 61: The barrier was lifted!

"This.. what an inconceivable amount of aura and density!" commented the sword.

For any cultivator that was trained in the way of a martial artists, whenever they prepared themselves to fight seriously, the fluctuations caused by the cycles of their spiritual Qi inside their meridians and pathways would radiated out an 'aura'.

The faster the cycle, the more sharper the aura would be. However, the quality of one's aura wasn't just judged based on their cycles alone, but the amount of spiritual Qi that they were able to cycle per breath.

This means that, a person with a faster cycle doesn't necessarily mean that they were stronger than a person with a slower cycle as the latter might have an even denser spiritual Qi.

However, a person who possesses both, their might and battle prowess would be unquestionable!

Therefore, with Duan Li right now that was radiating these insane amount of aura, he could be said to possess both of them, at an even extreme levels!

"D-Damn it! I'm gonna get killed! How did a human at the Foundation establishment realm possesses such a torrential amount of aura?!" exclaimed the Salamander with a terrified expression.

At this moment, the entirety of Duan Li's disposition had took a starking change compared to his previous demeanor. The amount of power coursing within him, the blue sparks flashing around his body ever so slightly, combined with that golden pupils of him that gazed downward towards the Salamander as if in disdain, with his hair that rose up like the peaks of mountain Tai, and the wild aura dancing around Duan Li right now, it was as if an inviolable deity had descended down to pass judgement onto them!

Duan Li rose his arm as he pointed his index finger forward.

'One Finger Starlight Slash!'


In a single move, the Salamander was cut into half, along with the ground and ceiling. The penetration power of this ultimate move of Duan Li had even sliced the cave into half that it escaped out and was seen by the Guardian.

"What a skill art! Such condensed spiritual Qi and skillful execution! It looked simple at a glance, but even if it were me, there is no way I am able to replicate such a skill without suffering some serious drawbacks!" exclaimed the old man with astonishment as he looked at that slowly dissipating beam that had penetrated out from the cave.

Just what has happened inside there that forces the brat to use such a serious move?

If only the Guardian were able to enter the maze, he would have already barged in to see what was happening. But alas, there were restrictions in place that made Guardians unable to intrude and enter the maze.


Within the cave...

Duan Li was breathing heavily right now as his face turned pale white like a sheet of paper. Unable to exert anymore spiritual Qi, he quickly plummeted from the air and almost crashed into the ground when the Komodo caught him with its tail.

"Damned little lizard! Now that Young master has exhausted himself, You are planning to make a move now? Over my dead body!" the sword barked out as it brandished itself to fight at the Komodo to the death!

The Komodo quickly shook its head in reply to the sword, as if saying "No! No! You misunderstood! I'm not planning to fight him any longer!"

"Humph! That had better be the case! Don't you look down on me now, If I ever get serious, even the whole Eternal maze will cease to exist!" said the sword as if it understood what the Komodo was trying to say.

The Komodo laid down Duan Li gently on the ground as the latter bleeded from all of his orifices and seven apertures.

The sword extended out its will and realized that all of Duan Li's meridians and pathways has totally ruptured. The severity of the damage was even worse than back when they fought the Earthly golem!

Without wasting anymore time, the sword uncorked the grade six elixir and forced feed Duan Li whom was about to fall unconscious.

After a few breaths of time, although the severity was alleviated slightly, some significant damages was still apparent inside him.

To make matter worse, blood had even contaminated some of the pathways which forced Duan Li to shut them off and redirected his Qi through other channels.

It took him quite a while for colors to return to his face.

"The grade 6 elixir is still trying to heal your internal injuries young master. However, due to your previous consumption of the grade 5 elixir, the effects are quite slow right now. Furthermore, since some of your pathways has been contaminated, unless you find a doctor that can flush them away, you won't be able to exert your full strength!" explained the sword.

Hearing this, Duan Li nodded in relief as the resulting effects were not that severe than what he had expected. Previously, he was too affected with his emotions that he disregarded the consequences of using his ultimate skill with an incomplete method.

Although the skill was successfully executed albeit with severe damages as the side-effect, the total prowess was not even 10 percent of what it could actually do!

Forcing himself to sat cross-legged, he breathed in the remaining spiritual Qi around his surrounding as his reserves were at the critical level. However, he could only manage to absorb 10 percent before he emptied them out into his three dantian.

Duan Li tried to stood up but the pain was unbearable for him. He needed to complete the puzzle before the maze decided to send them another surprise.

"Young master, let me help you!" said the sword as it conjured out a layer of spiritual Qi that wrapped around Duan Li to float him up into the air.

"There are ten more treasure boxes, move me to the remaining stone pedestals." told Duan Li with a weak voice.

Everytime he tried to move any of his limbs, unbearable pain would bite at him, as if bitten by a thousand crazed ants. Thus, he only extended his arm to activate the ten remaining treasure boxes.

Soon, after the remaining treasure boxes was gathered according to their correct sequence, the chamber vibrated as the barrier around the towering stone pedestal finally dissipated.


Squinting his eyes, Duan Li could make out that atop of the towering stone pedestal, stood a scroll that was golden in colour!

"What.. is that?"

With the help from the sword, Duan Li was able to ascend the steps slowly. As he reached at the top, the sword exclaimed in shock, "This... to think that it would be an impartation scroll! Not only that, its made up from a high quality material too! Such a scroll was extremely rare, even across the many worlds!"

"An.. impartation scroll? What is that?" this was the first time he had heard of it. Not even in his memories that he could remember hearing such name from rumors or even books.

"An impartation scroll was something that was very difficult to make! It exists to store numerous information and archives that was usually passed down after a sect had existed for a minimum of one hundred thousand years!" explained the sword in agitation.

"Furthermore, they could also be used to store tens if not hundreds of skill arts! And the most terrifying thing about an impartation scroll is, the moment you inject your spiritual Qi onto them, these information will go straight into your brain! Hurry young master!" the sword continued as it urged.

Hearing this, Duan Li could not help but to be astonished.

This impartation scroll was so formidable?

Wasting no more time, he extended his index finger to touch onto the scroll and injected his spiritual Qi into it.


With a sudden flash, a single skill art appeared immediately inside Duan Li's mind. The feeling was so mysterious, it was as if he had known about this skill all along and practiced it for a very, very long time!

Unable to contain his curiousity, the sword asked out impatiently, "Young master, so what did you get?"

"Hmm.. just a single skill art..." replied Duan Li as he creased his brows.

A single skill art?


The sword choked on himself in a fit of rage!

A high quality impartation scroll was used only to store a single skill art?

Who was the one that was so wasteful?

Let this daddy slice you up into a shish-kebab!

"But.. this skill art felt so mysterious.. it's called the 'Tetra Unsealing' skill art.." continued Duan Li.

"Tetra Unsealing? I've never heard of such a skill art! Can young master use it?" asked the sword.

Duan Li nodded as he willed with his mind to activate the skill art.

'Tetra Unsealing!'


Within Duan Li's vision, the whole world seemed to flash in green as his gaze turned into a daze.

"Young-master?" the sword spoke out as Duan Li stood blankly like a scarecrow in the middle of the rice field.


What is up with my vision?!
