Chapter 62: One heaven-defying abilities after another!

Chapter 62: One heaven-defying abilities after another!


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What happened to my vision?!

When Duan Li activated the skill art Tetra Unsealing, his vision flashed bright green before the whole world around him turned into a series of grid lines!

Not only that, his vision has extended far outside the chamber and could see clearly within a radius of 500 metres around him!

"This... it's Soul sense!" exclaimed Duan Li in shock.

After all, he had once ascended all the way to the first shackle. Thus, this ability was ever so familiar with him, the Soul Sense!

[Congratulations to challenger. You are awarded with the Tetra Unsealing ability that is an upgraded version of the Soul sense!]

[This ability will allow you to see far and beyond similar to the Soul sense ability of a Nascent soul realm without the unnecessary clutter and can be filtered out with a single thought.]

[With increasing realm, the ability will become more powerful and there are chances for it to evolve.]

[Version one of the Tetra Unsealing ability will have the following function: Identify.]

[Identify ability could be used on any object or person. This ability can list out the details, history, realms, battle prowess and many more. However, this ability depended on internal database and as such is limited.]

Hearing the voices of the mechanical Mirealithians speaking inside him, Duan Li almost felt a headache with their monotone way of speaking.

However now, he was able to make out what this new ability of his, the Tetra Unsealing was all about!

"Seems like this would be quite the handy ability to have!" said Duan Li with excitement.

When he focused his gaze onto the Komodo, the voices of the Mirealithians spoke once more inside his head.

[Molten Komodosaurus - Creature from the Second region of the Eternal maze dimension - Stronger than host - The current status is mildly injured - 85% chance of winning in battle]

"Oh? This is awesome! Such information before a battle would be quite the game changer and would allow me to prepare properly!" exclaimed Duan Li in surprise.

"Young master? Hello?!" shouted the sword beside him after calling out to Duan Li several times.

"Eh? Ahhhh sorry! I was preoccupied with this new ability! Its actually an upgraded version of the Soul sense with a sort of like a helper function from the Mirealithians to detail out the object of my focus!" explained Duan Li.

"Ohh? How peculiar! But the Mirealithians was always a species that is full of enigma for me. They loved to invent stuff that I can't explain and some could just perform miracles out of thin air!" said the sword as it recalled its previous experience with the Mirealithians back in the past.

"Is that so? They sounded like an advance race more than humans! If I could have the chance to meet them one day, that would be great!" Duan Li was so excited that he quickly forgot all the pains inside his body at the moment.

Approaching the Komodo with the help of the sword, Duan Li handed out a grade 3 elixir. "Here, you should be able to recover some of your wounds with this elixir!"

The Komodo then uses its long tongue to fetch and uncorked the elixir as he gulped its content.

Gulu! Gulu!

The numerous wounds on its body then began to heal at a visible rate, leaving only the severed arm that would took perhaps a healer or a higher graded elixir to regenarate its lost limb.

"Thank you human. Although we were enemies for a short while, it was out of duty for me to do so. Now that you have solved the puzzle and lifted the barrier, naturally my task here was done." said the Komodo even though it knew that the human in front of him wouldn't understand.

However, to its surprise, Duan Li's mouth was agaped for a while before he spoke out, "I.. I could understand what you are saying now!"

Hearing this, the Komodo was shocked in disbelief! The natural convention was always that they could understand the human language since birth. Humans on the other hand, could only understand them if they studied their language.

Eventhough the Komodo didn't know why mother nature created them as such, but this rule seems to affect every other living creatures - They could understand the humans, but the humans couldn't understand them!

So how, did a human who seemed to not be able to understood him before, suddenly gained the ability to do so?

Noticing the peculiar look on the Komodo, Duan Li explained out that it was probably due to the Tetra Unsealing that could somehow immediately translate their language to be understood by him.

In reality, Duan Li wasn't actually really sure if this was the case. However, no matter what, this ability was quite useful! Thus, Duan Li didn't ponder too much on it.

It was only after the Komodo heard this explanation that it nodded. "En I see! The Mirealithians has such a terrifying means to understand the language of creatures!"

Duan Li chuckled a little bit at that dazed look of the Komodo. "So now, what are you going to do? Will you stay here?" asked Duan Li.

"No. I will try to find my way back to the second region, that is where my home truly is!" replied the Komodo with excitement as it has been trapped inside this accursed chamber for 20 years after being kidnapped!

"I see! Until next time then!"

The Komodo nodded its head as it slithered towards the exit with anticipation in its eyes.

"Finally! I'm free!" it said to itself.

However, the sad reality quickly slammed him on the head.


A barrier appeared as it knocked the Komodo away, tumbling it onto the ground.

"No! No! No! This is impossible! Why can't I get out? The binding contract should have been settled the moment the puzzle was completed! Why?!" the Komodo howled out with extreme indignance as the final hope it had, shattered like a broken mirror being smashed onto the ground viciously.

Duan Li whom witnessed this scene could feel the emotion running amok through the Komodo right now. He shook his head as he sighed in lamentation.

But then, a sudden thought struck at him as he asked the sword that was beside him. "Little sword, is it possible to store living things inside my spatial ring?"

"Eh? Well usually, it would definitely not work out. With a normal spatial ring, it could only store inanimate object inside it. However, to store living organism, I guess trying, shouldn't be an issue since it would just fail if it doesn't work and wouldn't kill them." explained the sword as it contemplated for awhile.

Hearing this answer, it was like what Duan Li had thought. Even back then when he had a high quality spatial ring, he could also not store any living things inside. But, with the enhancement from the mysterious pearl, there might still be some hope left for the Komodo!

Duan Li approached the Komodo once more as he explained out. Deciding to try the method, Duan Li willed for the spatial ring to store the Komodo inside it.


"HAHA! It worked!" shouted Duan Li in excitement! This would mean that he had another heaven-defying ability!

Suppressing the joy within him, he remembered something as he asked the sword, "Little sword, bring me the monster core of the Salamander if it was still intact!"

"Roger that young master!" the sword shot forward with haste. After a short while, the sword brought back on what seems to be a giant monster core of 1 metre in diameter!

"This is even bigger than the core of the Earthly golem!" without wasting anymore time, Duan Li sat down cross-legged and cultivated the monster core.


The monster core of Salamander was of the fire attribute. Thus, after being cultivated by Duan Li, it merged together with the fire attributed monster core inside his dantian that he got from the Unenlagias.


The resulting combination of the two of them was an egg-like shape monster core, similar to the Earth attribute monster core, before it cracked open to reveal a little worm that called itself the Earth dragon, Dilong of the Earth Origin spirit!

Waiting nervously, Duan Li could finally see cobwebs-like lines slowly appearing on the egg.

"Its finally happening!" said Duan Li in agitation.


With the shells finally cracked open, a blinding flash of light emerged from it, revealing a small silhouette that looks quite familiar to Duan Li as his mouth opened wide.

He had seen this thing many times before in the Xuan village!

Not to mention, he even had the occasion of chopping their heads off several times to cook for dinner!


"A chicken?" said Duan Li with both his eyebrows and lips twitching.

Seeming to heard what Duan Li had just called him, the 'chicken' quickly responded with a displeased tone.

"Master, I am not a chicken! I am the Fire Origin Spirit, Zhulong the Fire dragon!" the chicken said as it puffed its chest with a haughty style.

Hearing this, Duan Li didn't know what to make out from this situation anymore as he just shook his head and sighed helplessly.

"It appears that even all the mighty dragons from the legends has such a humble beginnings..." said Duan Li.

Nodding his head, Duan Li made a small talk with Zhulong before he introduced it to Dilong. He then retracted his consciousness to leave them with their conversations.

Duan Li opened his eyes as his brows creased together.

"Hey little sword, I've managed to complete the puzzle, yet we are still here, was there something else that we missed?" asked Duan Li.

"This had me confused as well Young master! Let me have a look around. Little dog, come with me!" beckoned the sword towards the cub.

"Arrrff! Arrff!" the cub leaped on top of the sword as they bolted forward to look around the chamber.

"Hmm.. perhaps I should use my new ability to scan around since I'm currently still injured.." said Duan Li as he cupped his chin.

'Tetra Unsealing activate!'


Duan Li's vision flashed green before all sorts of unnecessary details were filtered out and replaced by grid lines instead.

As he scanned through every nook and cranny of the chamber, he turned towards the towering stone pedestal before he could see something inside it!

"What is that?"
