Chapter 98: Concocting the pills!


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"What? He is going to concoct a grade 4 Transforming Essence pill here?"

"Is he for real? I know that he is an extremely formidable person in combat, but as for concoction? I doubt a person could have so many talents at such a young age!"

"Let's just wait and see if his words amount to his capabilities at all."

Ding Huiqing eyes opened wide when she heard this from Duan Li.

Here I was trying to end things as they were, but you just had to push it through!


"Are you certain about this?" she asked Duan Li, trying one last time to dissuade him.

"Yes, I am." Duan Li nodded confidently.

Now that he was doubted by someone, if he did not untie this knot, pretty soon, rumors would began to spread as more doubted his capabilities.

If that were to happen, he would have trouble in convincing others in the future later on.

"Fine. But do you have the necessities? For the ingredients, I could sell them to you with my access level as a 4 Star rank Herbalism practitioner. Although I'm pretty sure that the ingredients for a Transforming Essence pill are quite expensive for a junior student, thus, how about I loan them to you for now?" Ding Huiqing asked out of concern.

Hearing this, Duan Li smiled as he shook his head. Waving his right hand where the spatial ring was located on, a High quality spirit stone appeared on top of the table.


When the crowd saw this, they all exclaimed in shock and surprises.

"A-Are my eyes playing tricks on me? That's a High quality spirit stone right over there!"

"God damn it! He is a rich profligate son!"

"This is my first time seeing one! To think that the spiritual Qi density in it would be this thick! No wonder they are called High quality spirit stones!"

"Indeed! Even a hundred thousand Low quality spirit stones would not amount to the purity of a single High quality spirit stone at all!"

Ding Huiqing swallowed her saliva seeing Duan Li took out a High quality spirit stone casually. She does have a few of them, but that was her entire savings and it could be counted with only just one hand!

"Teacher, if it would not trouble you, please purchase for me 3 sets of the ingredients to concoct a Transforming Essence pill, as well as these additional herbs from this list." Duan Li handed out a small paper containing a list of herbs to Ding Huiqing and made his request respectfully.

After all, the other party was still a teacher of the academy and as a student, he must conduct himself properly as the other party was amiable to him as well.

"En. Hold on for a moment." Ding Huiqing said to Duan Li as she sent out for an order of the required ingredients using a special blue jade slip.

While waiting for the ingredients to be delivered, Duan Li set up the three Revolting-Heavens cauldron in the three directions of a triangle.


The enormous cauldron made a large sound as they propped atop of the platform.

"Huh? Isn't that the Revolting-Heavens cauldron? Don't tell me that he is going to concoct the grade 4 Transforming Essence pill using those?"

"This is weird. I know that those are the most expensive cauldron ever, but those are used specifically for body tempering only!"

"Hah! He must be just an idiot rich silkpants who knew nothing about concocting pills and were just trying to show off his wealth!"

Sounds of people whispering to each other could be heard as they waited patiently.

It was supposed to be lunchtime now, but none seemed to want to leave the classroom at the moment, afraid that they would be missing in a great show here.


The sound of a crispy fried chicken being bit through resounded inside the classroom, accompanied with a mouth-watering aroma.

The crowd swerved their heads immediately to look for the source of this sound and aroma, only to see a young female student sitting casually with a bucket full of fried chicken drumstick on her hand while eating with another hand blissfully.

She was Xiahou Yu.

"Damn it! If I had known for this to happen after the class, I would have brought myself a bucket of fried chicken beforehand too!"

"Curses! Now I am hungry!"

Some of the crowd began to feel that their stomach started to rumble at the sight of Xiahou Yu eating fried chicken so casually while waiting for the show to continue.

Duan Li shook his head as he let out a small chuckle at the sight of this, "This Xiahou Yu is really too candid!"

He then made a mental note on the current time and there was about an hour away before the Duel between the shortlisted applicants would start at the academy's Dueling platform.

"An hour is plenty of time for me, I could finish this before then." Duan Li nodded as he said to himself.

Knock! Knock!

"Purple Lightning delivery! Here to deliver your express package!" the voice of a courier man could be heard outside the classroom as he went in.

The courier man then waved his hand as rows of herbs began to appear from his spatial ring lined up neatly onto the table.

"Please check the items carefully and make sure that we did not make any mistake in the delivery process. Once you are satisfied, please sign here." the courier man handed out a paper form respectfully to Duan Li.

After a swift check by both Duan Li and Ding Huiqing and found that there was no problem at all with the delivered herbs, Duan Li signed onto the paper form.

"Thank you for using our service. We at the Purple Lightning delivery takes pride in our 100 percent customer satisfaction! Please do not hesitate to use our service again next time!" the courier man said as he bowed, and then left swiftly as he came.

They are truly efficient!

"Now that the ingredients are here, let us start!" Duan Li moved to the center, in between the three cauldrons.


A blue flame appeared atop of his index finger as shades of small blue lightning dances around it.

Sky Crackle Blue Flame!

The crowd sucked in cold breath as they saw this blue flame that appeared to be both mesmerizing and dangerous at the same time.

Ding Huiqing knitted her brows at the sight of this.

"To think that he had already mastered the Sky Crackle Blue Flame at such an age! This is unheard of!" she exclaimed inwardly, surprised.

At the same time, she felt joyous as Duan Li was looking more and more legitimate by the second.

Seemed like the other party truly got the capabilities to back up on what he just said before!


With a single flick, all three cauldrons were lit up simultaneously and began to show signs of boiling after just a few breaths of time.

For Duan Li right now, concocting pills of grade 5 and below was something that was extremely doable for him. He had finished reading all the books that his disciple had borrowed for him from the Royal palace regarding the art of concoction.

In fact, if he were to compete with a 5 Star rank Alchemist at this moment, he would have a 90 percent confidence that he would win.

But of course, this confidence was limited to just concocting pills. After all, the Major occupation of Alchemist class requires them to learn concoction, alchemy, metallurgy and more.

"Seems like the cauldrons are at the right temperature now." Duan Li nodded as he flicked his finger.



All the three sets of ingredients were respectively put inside the three cauldrons simultaneously.

When Ding Huiqing saw this, she almost shrieked out in horror.

Those were all expensive and rare herbs that costed nearly the whole High quality spirit stone that Duan Li gave her!

To think that the other party would just put them in together at the same time like that, is he really that confident to take the shortcut method?

It was not to say that she hadn't witnessed this kind of method was being used before in concocting pills. In fact, she had seen some Alchemist does exactly like what Duan Li was doing right now. Just that those were 5 Star rank Alchemist class and above!

As far as she knew, Duan Li was a Lord class, an unranked one at that!

Could it be that his real talents was actually in Alchemistry? But why did he chose to become a Lord class instead?

At this moment, several conjectures and conspiracy theories ran wild inside her head.

Duan Li, the person in question naturally did not realize this as he was focusing 100 percent of his mind to sense the minute changes happening inside the three cauldrons right now.

"It's time!"

Duan Li flicked his index finger upwards, as the essences of the ingredients that was melted by the two cauldrons jumped up and swiftly flew towards the first cauldron.


Mixing in the essences together inside the first cauldron, Duan Li began to adjust the temperature inside of the second and the third cauldron.

The first cauldron was extremely hot while the second one was mild, but the third had vapours above it, evidence that the third cauldron was now nearing the freezing point temperature!

The crowd was watching at this scene intently and no one spoke a word. If they could learn a thing or two from this, they would have benefitted a lot for when they chose their next Minor occupations for the next semester.

The crowd did not know what Duan Li was planning to do with these three cauldrons and their varying temperature, but Ding Huiqing whom had experienced a lot of stuff in her life right now had wide eyes to her.

"This! It cannot be!" she said in a sudden realization.

With a flick of his finger once more, Duan Li activated a concoction Skill art.

'Alternating Chainlock Processing!'


This was a more advanced method of the Chainlock Processing Skill art that Duan Li had used previously when helping Shen Lu and the others in their body tempering processes, and it could be said to be an extremely difficult to master on a whole new level!

Numerous colours jumped swiftly from the first cauldron to the second and then the third cauldron. Then, they jumped back towards the first cauldron and repeats.

Controlling the tempo of exchanges between the colourful essences of the three cauldrons with his two index finger personally, Duan Li soon looked like a charismatic, professional and devoted conductor of a grand orchestra!

As time passes by, these exchanges became increasingly complex that the crowd could no longer follow with their eyes.

Now, the exchanges seemed random to them and did not follow a certain pattern.

Naturally, this was because Duan Li had devised his own formula to concoct the grade 4 Transforming Essences pill with the shortest time while maintaining its quality!

However, throughout the entire process, he began to feel that some things should be adjusted further and these was why it became too complex for the audiences to understand!

Furthermore, even he himself did not realize, but at this moment, the golden mysterious pearl was glowing slightly inside of him.

A few moments later, the long awaited time has finally come, the pills was beginning to take shape!


With a flick of his finger one last time, a total of 15 pills shot up into the air from the three cauldrons as they floated above Duan Li, glowing brightly with a blue hums on them!

The concoction of the Transforming Essences pills were finally done!

When Ding Huiqing caught sight of these 15 pills, her face shot up as an expression of an utter incredulousness and disbelief appeared on her face.

"T-This! How is this possible!" she finally could not contain herself as she shrieked out.

Even Duan Li narrowed his eyes.

"This... Am I going to be in trouble?"

This was because the pills that Duan Li had just concocted were not of the grade 4 Transforming Essences pills, but instead..

A grade 6 Transforming Essences pills!
