Chapter 99: Prelude to new companions!


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"T-Those are not some grade 4 Transforming Essence pills! Those are grade 6!" Ding Huiging spoke out in both astonished and horrified voice.

When pills reached the state beyond grade 5, they would start to shimmer out a blue hue with a unique disposition to them. With just one look, one would be able to tell that they were far from ordinary due to this special feature!

Thus, everyone right now had stood up from their seats, agitated to see those 15 grade 6 pills floating above Duan Li like heavenly treasures!

With a flushed expression, they turned their heads toward Duan Li, hoping to hear what the other party would comment about this.

Raising his right hand, he then cupped his chin together and said, "Well, this is unexpected. I only planned to concoct just grade 5 Transforming Essence pills. To think that I had accidentally concocted grade 6 pills instead!" he said casually.


The crowd choked out together.

Brother, don't you mean to concoct grade 4 Transforming Essence pills? What do you mean grade 5?

Are you actually boasting right now?

Now that you had accidentally created some grade 6 pills, this was something that we were totally caught unprepared for!

"Teacher, how much is a single grade 6 pill usually cost?" Duan Li asked Ding Huiqing.

Hearing this, the other party cupped at her chin as well before coming to a rough estimation.

"Well, as far as I know, the case of someone selling grade 6 pills in the Jiu Empire does not exist. Alchemist who had the capabilities to concoct grade 6 pills would only do an exchange of items of similar quality level or with items that they wanted instead of selling them." she said.

"However, since you have 15 grade 6 pills, the cost should be roughly at 10 High quality spirit stones each. But because this is the Transforming Essence pills that we are talking about here, the value should at least be 50 High quality spirit stones!"

When everyone heard her, their hearts almost jumped out from their body.

50 High quality spirit stones? That is an enough amount to live off like a King for the rest of their lives!

"Is that so?" Duan Li replied casually while playing with his chin, feeling quite amused.

Unknowingly, he had just found the secret to obtain eternal wealth!

"Here, teacher can take one of them. Take it as a gesture of my appreciation for the trouble I've caused before." Duan Li flicked his finger as one of the pills flew towards the other party.

Swiftly grabbing that pill without any hesitation, Ding Huiqing immediately clasped the both of her hands together towards Duan Li.

"Thank you for the gift. For this, I owe you a favor!" she said, unable to hide the excitement in her voice.

This was a pill worth well over 50 High quality spirit stones which had exceeded her entire lifetime savings!

Only fools would reject such a gift with an astronomical value to it!

"I'll gift one pill each to my followers. As for the other 4 pills left, I would keep them for now and exchange them for something good next time!" he said to himself.


After the class ended, very quickly, the news got spread around the academy like wildfires.

"Hey, did you hear that Duan Li just concocted 15 grade 6 Transforming Essence pills?"

"What?! That new junior Lord everyone keeps talking about these past few days? He is able to concoct 15 grade 6 pills?!"

"How is this possible?! For a junior student to have such a capability! Hais, it seems that he is someone that was destined for something great!"

People began to show numerous reaction to this piece of news. Some admired Duan Li within their astonishment and surprises, some remained indifferent while some others became annoyed and irritated with his swift rise to fame.

This was especially the case for the violet haired student right now. He wore a peculiar uniform that made him appeared more like a scholar rather than a cultivator of the academy instead!

With his hands clasped behind his back, he was facing the scenery outside from the balcony of the 30th floor of the New Moon Pavilion with a serene and calm look to him, as the gentle air brushed at his hair ever so slightly with both of his eyes closed.

He could be described as quite handsome with a tall and lean body figure. Furthermore, his scholarly appearance made him even more charismatic to anyone that saw him.

However, internally, this scholarly violet haired man was anything but calm as of right now.

"Damn it! To think that my predictions were wrong!" he cursed vehemently inside his heart.

Previously, he had made a thorough calculations to estimate Duan Li's worth. In his best deductions, the latter's worth at most should be at level 6 within the top 100 of the Value Rank and would not surpass that.

This Value Rank was actually a list of people whom had their worth calculated by the Strategist club, which was formed by the students of the academy.

Naturally, their members were all of the Strategist class, and any other students with different Major occupation would not be able to register and join their club.

The higher the rank of someone in the Value Rank were, the more influence they held. In other words, these were the kinds of people that could cause great changes inside the academy with their actions or sentences alone!

And yet, this scholarly violet haired man had just felt like he was being slapped in the face for making a wrong deduction in Duan Li's overall worth!

He was a senior in the academy and could be considered as holding the status of an 'Elder' inside this New Moon Pavilion.

For someone of his status, his single sentence and action itself had its worth weigh in gold and was taken seriously by others. Thus, when he guessed that Duan Li's worth were at most should be at level 6 of the Value Rank and no more, which was the same as his, and made this statement known to his peers confidently, his reputation was smeered immediately as Duan Li had just entered the level 7 of the Value Rank so suddenly, which was within the top 50!

This was a three level jump from Duan Li's previous level 4 of the Value Rank and there was no precedence for this.

For him, this was a slap to his face so vicious that he did not wish to see anyone else right now.

From where he stood at this balcony, he could hear clearly the conversation of the two people below him.

"Hey, it seems like Elder Rong Huan had just made a mistake in his estimation. To think that I used to admire him for being spot on everytime with his guess, I am really disappointed beyond words by this!"

"Me too! Elder Rong Huan had always appeared like an inviolable figure to me before, and his words were like the mandate of the heavens themselves. But now, I realized just how wrong I was to trust in his words!"

"That damned Elder Rong Huan, I've made quite a bit of a lost in my assets because of his wrong guess in the Value Rank. I've bet half of my fortune in it and lost all of it! I curse all of his ancestors for this!"

"Hah! He must have used all his luck right now, and perhaps this would be the start of his downfall. By the time that happen, I would cuff him by the neck and demand compensation for my lost!"


Rong Huan choked at his throat.

To think that these two damned fellas below him were this vicious with their words!

Had it not been that the Jiu Empire and the academy forbids killing, he would have rushed down right away to just shred these two to pieces and drink their blood savagely!


Using the Tai Chi breathing method, he inhaled and exhaled out air from his nose and mouth repeatedly to calm down his nerves.

Those two fellas below him must have known that he was just standing one floor above them, and purposely spout out some bad words in order to get him agitated.

After all as cultivators, they could sense the spiritual Qi of someone that were quite close to them. To Rong Huan, they must be hired by someone else to do this so that his reputation was smeered further. Perhaps, the entire pavilion right now were mocking him behind his back!

Damn it all!

But alas, there was nothing he could do to stop it. He could try to find the source of the one doing this and repay them back a hundred fold, but as the saying went, a spilled milk could not be put back to its cup.

Thus, even if he were able to take revenge for this, his reputation was already damaged significantly.


Harrumphing coldly, he decided to walk away and head back inside his room when he heard a single sentence that had him entirely riled up by the two fellas below him!

"To think that his deductions were wrong, he should just castrate that small little bro he has down there to atone for his sins, its useless anyway!"

"HAHAHAHAHA!" the both of them then laughed out loudly without reservations, aiming to let Rong Huan heard them clearly.


Rong Huan flipped up the Shogi board in a fit of rage!

"Duan Li, I'll have to prove to these bastards that your worth are just at the level 6 and have them grovel their face in a pile of feces!" he roared out inwardly as he clenched his fist and teeth tight.


At this moment, Duan Li was with Shen Lu and the others at the cafeteria, eating their lunch together. Sitting on the same table everytime, it was as if this table had been reserved by them entirely.

The surrounding people were whispering loudly right now while looking at them with peculiar gazes as if they were a group of exotic animals in a zoo. Unable to tolerate such an atmosphere, Shen Murong lashed out at them by radiating out his savage aura to pressure them so that they could shut up.

But of course, this had only affected the weak juniors. As for the tougher seniors, Shen Murong's aura were not worth a mention.

Furthermore, they were not that really interested with the affairs of the juniors. Thus, they just ignored Duan Li's group entirely.

"Alright, the time for the Duel is almost here. Let's head to Dueling Platform right now!" Duan Li said to Shen Lu and the rest as they nodded, excitement filled them.

It's time to witness the capabilities of their future companions!
