Chapter 146: Duan Li is a medical expert?! (1)


I have noticed that Webnovel began to censor the words P.A.T.R.E.O.N (without the dots) in order to capitalize the income all on their side, which to be honest, is quite lame as they are killing original author without contract to them (like me) despite encouraging new authors to write on their platform.

P.s: No author would be motivated enough to write for a long time for free to be honest. It's just simply not sustainable.

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Therefore, let them censor it, I would just find ways to circumvent it lol xD

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Best Regards,



Entering the tent, Duan Li and Xu Rong saw several people lying on their bed. They appeared to be suffering from some severe injuries judging by that deep wound on their bodies, while those sitting on the ground with pale faces, looking overly fatigued seems to be the healers.

It appears that the situation here was not looking good..

Xu Liyu instructed the others that came with her to switch with the members of the Fourth squad that were currently healing the injured so that they could rest.

Meanwhile, she brought Duan Li and her little sister to a lady currently resting on a chair by the corner while popping some medicinal pills.

"Meet the leader of the Fourth Squad, Jiu Yinxing." Xu Liyu said as she stood by the side of a woman who seemed to be in her late 20s with long black hair draped across that loose blue robe of her's.

If not for that dark circles around her eyes and that fatigued look, Duan Li could reckon that this lady would be a stunning beauty comparable to the woman beside her.

"My name is Duan Li and this is Xu Rong, my follower. Your name is Jiu Yinxing? Are you part of the royal family?" Duan Li asked.

The lady nodded as she wiped off the sweat from her forehead using a small towel.

"Yes I am, although I'm from the outside branch of the main family.. so there is no need for formality. Since you mentioned that she is your follower, I assume you are a Lord class then?" she replied with a small amiable smile.

Duan Li chuckled, "Indeed, coincidentally though, my follower here appears to be her little sister as well." he said while pointing to Xu Rong using his right thumb.

Upon realization, she quickly turned to assess at the lady besides Duan Li, "Ahh.. so she is that little sister of yours that you keep on talking about before.." she said to Xu Liyu as her eyes brightened.

Indeed, if one were to look carefully, the both of them really do look similar!

"Yes, not only is her offensive ability quite similar in style like mine, she also possess quite remarkable talent in the field of healing and recovery arts." Xu Liyu complimented.

Hearing this, Xu Rong's complexion turned red in embarrassment, and Duan Li could detect that her older sister's compliments were sincere, direct from her heart!

What a good older sister!

"Great! Perhaps you can help me! Follow me.." Jiu Yinxing quickly tried to stand up from her seat but almost tripped herself immediately. Thankfully, Xu Liyu was quick to catch her before she fell.

"She has been healing a lot of people since this morning non-stop, and as you can see.. she is already at her limit a few moments ago and couldn't even stand straight right now.. " Xu Liyu sighed.

The both of them were bestfriend since childhood, and she knew how stubborn the other party were if it was related to healing others.

After all, back when the other party was six years old, she lost her mother due to internal bleeding from wounds that was caused by a monster. From then on, it became her motivation to try and help others as best as she could!

If it were not for Xu Liyu that was adamant in telling her to rest before, perhaps she might still be trying to heal others even in her current state!

They then moved onto another tent where a man was seen sitting down on a wooden chair while breathing heavily as sweat dripped off from his forehead.

"Zhuge Liang, I bought someone here whom perhaps could heal that persistent wou-..!!"

The man then looked up, and the three of them were shocked to see his current state, including Xu Liyu that they subconsciously took a step back.

"Y-You.. what happened to your eyes?!" Xu Liyu said as she then quickly approached him.

"I-I don't know.." Zhuge Liang shook his head slowly.

The entirety of his left eye were black in color as were the veins beside it. It seemed as if he was being plagued by a kind of disease!

He then continued, "I was fine a moment ago and thought that the stab wound on my left arm didn't manage to heal was due to the monster's powerful toxins.. that was why I requested to be healed by Jiu Yinxing before because she is an expert in healing.."

"But here.. take a look at my left arm too.." he flitted over his sleeve.


They couldn't help but to sucked in cold breath when they witnessed it! His left arm had bulged and morphed to a certain degree that it had an uncanny resemblance to that of a monster!

"W-What... What is this?!" Xu Liyu shrieked out, terrified in what she was seeing right now.

Xu Rong was so shocked as well that she had to cover her mouth and managed to suppress herself from vomitting. Meanwhile, Duan Li narrowed his eyes.

"Did anyone else know of this?" Xu Liyu asked with a grim look on her face, and only when the other party shook his head did she finally sighed in relief.

After all, if this were to be known outside, it might cause panic and uproar!

"I do however, reported this to the Principal directly.. in case that something goes wrong with me, at least they would still have a clue to follow.." Zhuge Liang said with a downcasted look on him, but still managed to let out a smile.

Furrowing her brows, Xu Liyu asked, "What do you mean..?"

Zhuge Liang sighed before shaking his head.

"I feel like.. this sudden transformation is slowly eroding or eating at my own consciousness.." he said.


Xu Liyu and Xu Rong became speechless and clueless on how to approach this topic nor on how to resolve the issue.

Even if it was Xu Rong, no matter how talented she was, against an unknown disease that might be contagious upon touch, she would not dare to do it so casually.


"Perhaps, you could let me look into it?" Duan Li stepped forward as he said this.

"You are..?" Zhuge Liang asked.

"My name is Duan Li. Although I am a Lord class, I have some bit of knowledge in the field of medical arts and healing as well." Duan Li replied casually.

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang's expression lit up for a bit before he shook his head after thinking about it.

"I don't mean to berate you.. but unless you have evidence of what you claimed to be, I cannot allow you to try and treat me. As far as I know, medical diagnosis requires one to inject their spiritual Qi into another, and in my current state, that would be extremely dangerous and a risk that I am not willing to take as it might infect you too!"

Xu Liyu and Xu Rong nodded to this statement as well. After all, it was a basic knowledge that unless someone's disease or illness could be identified, if it seems lethal and dangerous, it would be better to leave the matter in the hands of a real expert.

"Evidence?" Duan Li was taken aback by Zhuge Liang's words. Cupping his chin, he then nodded to himself.

Flipping his palm, a certain token appeared on his hand.


"Would this token do as evidence of my capabilities?"

When they saw this token, the three of them exclaimed in surprise.

"T-That token is..!!"

"It cannot be.. the token of a R-Royal Doctor?!"

Eh? Why did they react so much? Was this token really that great?

"The name on that token is.. Ju Zhianhu?! That's the Chief Doctor at the Royal Palace and is also my teacher as well! To have that token on your hand.. how did you..??" Xu Rong asked in disbelief.

One has to know that, although the title of a Chief Doctor was only the third highest when compared to the Imperial Doctor and General Doctor, they were still an expert on their own!

In fact, there was rarely a time when a disease or any affliction couldn't be identified by their abilities, and even the most complex of injuries or traumas could be resolved to a certain extent using their innumerable means at their disposal!

To obtain one token from a Chief Doctor would mean that they had acknowledged the other party.

If that was so, then wouldn't this meant that Duan Li's medical and healing arts were comparable to that of a Chief Doctor?

Doesn't that mean that this person here, is an expert?!


"Ju Zhianhu? Ahh yes! He is my stu- I mean, we know each other!" Duan Li answered and almost blurted out that the person in question was his student.

If he were to claim as such, who in the world would believe him?

In fact, he might even find the three of them here to suddenly turn hostile on the spot if he were to tell them that!

To dare call a Chief Doctor, someone of such a high status in the Royal Palace as one of their student, one must've been too desperate to court death to say as such!

"Ahh! That means you really do have the ability! Forgive me for being rude before!" Zhuge Liang bowed his head.

Xu Liyu hadn't expected that this new junior Lord that she brought here would possess such capabilities in such a young age, while Xu Rong on the other hand, seemed to crept up a smile before covering it!

"It's fine! Let me diagnose your current condition first." Duan Li waved his hand dismissively as if a magnanimous expert.

"En! I beseech you sir to help me out!" Zhuge Liang said, using a more respectful term in his words.

Placing his hand onto the latter's left arm that was transformed into that hideous state, Duan Li began to channel his spiritual Qi before injecting it onto the other party.

Sonar Qi!



Zhuge Liang's body turned golden as Duan Li's spiritual Qi quickly flowed throughout the former's meridians.

"W-What a powerful Sonar Qi technique!"
