Chapter 147: Duan Li is a medical expert?! (2)


I have noticed that Webnovel began to censor the words P.A.T.R.E.O.N (without the dots) in order to capitalize the income all on their side, which to be honest, is quite lame as they are killing original author without contract to them (like me) despite encouraging new authors to write on their platform.

P.s: No author would be motivated enough to write for a long time for free to be honest. It's just simply not sustainable.

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Therefore, let them censor it, I would just find ways to circumvent it lol xD

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"His spiritual Qi must've been incredibly dense and pure for Zhuge Liang's body to shine golden like that.. but then again, since he cultivated using his three dantians, I guess this shouldn't count as a surprise.." Xu Rong commented.

"W-What? He cultivated.. with all his three dantians you said?" Xu Liyu's eyes turned wide in disbelief.

If what her little sister said was true, then this new junior Lord would be a dragon amongst men, and a dragon lord amongst dragon!

This was because as far as she knew, no one has ever managed to cultivate using their second dantian in this day and age, much less cultivating the third dantian itself that was located somewhere inside the brain!

After all, those whom had ever tried todo so, had always ended up six feet under the ground soon after..

Therefore, it's unthinkable for a person as young as this man was able to do it!

Even if he was actually the son of some prodigious family, there was no way he could succeed in cultivating all three dantians!

This was unless he was one of the Children of Tian..

But how could that even be possible?

Because even if he did, there was not a single mention that the Children of Tian had ever cultivated using all three dantians..

Shaking her head, Xu Liyu forced herself to stop thinking about irrelevant stuff and regained her focus as she waited for the result of the diagnosis from Duan Li.


The diagnosis was finally done.

Duan Li lifted off his palm and then shook his head slowly while closing his eyes, face looking all solemn as if there was no hope for the other party. When the two sisters saw these, they couldn't help but to expect for the worst and readied themselves for whatever bad news that would come out of Duan Li's mouth in the next moment.

Even Zhuge Liang himself was not that positive about his current condition and thus did not put too much hope into it, afraid that expectations would only lead to an even bigger disappointments!

"H-How was it?" Zhuge Liang asked nervously nevertheless.

"When the monster attacked you before, it was highly likely that it, or the other monsters that had injured you, had also injected a certain foreign substance into your bloodstream that caused your left arm and eye to become mutated like this." Duan Li answered directly with a complex expression.

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang's countenance turned pale.

"Then what about the others? If it were to infect them too and become like this.. it would be far too disastrous for them and the Jiu Empire!" concerns apparent in his eyes when he said this.

Xu Liyu turned towards Xu Rong as the latter nodded, and then went out of the tent to inspect the other injured people to see if there were any similar cases like this.

Shortly after, Xu Rong came back and reported, "I've been to all the other camps, and there was nothing of the sort like here.." she said.

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang let out a sigh of relief. Duan Li that saw this, couldn't help but to feel incredibly impressed with him and nodded approvingly.

He had never saw anyone, that when their condition was so terrible to the point that they might not be able to get better at all, would still have the time and capacity to think about other people's well being compared to their own!

This man here was such a perfect rare example of how a strong person should be, dutiful and compassionate to others below him!

If not for Duan Li running a diagnosis on him, he would never have realized the depth of power that this man has!

Perhaps if he were to fight at full strength and utilized all his means against Zhuge Liang, the other party would still be able to triumph over him!

But of course, it was only because of Duan Li's low cultivation realm though. If Duan Li were to step into the Core formation realm, that would be an entirely different matter altogether!

Still, it was no wonder that the other party had managed to become the leader of the Seventh Subjugation Squad with such means and personality!

"I guess.. this is it for me. Maybe in my next life, I would be more fortunate and wouldn't have to encounter such a premature end like this." Zhuge Liang said.

He then continued, "I could feel that this foreign substance in me to continue eroding my consciousness.. at this point, I might turn into a mindless violent monster that would attack everyone here.. therefore.."


"Please.. end my life!" he said to them with a serious determination reflected on his eyes while standing on both knees as he made this request.

"W-What? H-How could we do that!" Xu Liyu shouted out.

"There has to be another way.." Xu Rong said as she wreak her brains.

Suddenly, Duan Li lifted up his palm.

"Hold up! What gives you the idea that I can't cure you from this predicament of yours?" he said with a furrowed brows.


This fella is a good man indeed, but he is also so overdramatic as if he was going to die anytime soon!

"Y-You mean.. you can cure me?" Zhuge Liang's eyes lit up once more as he saw hope in the other party's words.

"En! That is only natural!" Duan Li replied casually while waving his hand in a dismissive manner, as if it was a thing not even worth mentioning.

However, the two sisters beside him almost flared up in anger when they heard this.

What the hell!

We thought that there was no hope for him when you shook your head with that solemn look after that diagnosis of yours!

Who wouldn't misunderstand the situation when you act as such!

Suppressing the stiffling sensation in their hearts, Xu Liyu and Xu Rong sighed in relief.

"Let me begin. Oh and Xu Rong, come over here and place your hand onto his right shoulder. You should observe and learn on how to treat this thing." Duan Li said as he approach Zhuge Liang and Xu Rong following suit.

"Thing?" Zhuge Liang wanted to cry as he was referred to as if an ugly stuff.

Tap! Tap!

Both Duan Li and Xu Rong pat their palm onto Zhuge Liang's shoulder respectively at the same time.

With one hand behind his back, Duan Li began to use Sonar Qi once more.



"I-Incredible! I had thought that his Sonar Qi was impressive when I saw the body glowed golden before, but not to this extent!" Xu Rong remarked inwardly.

To think that a single burst of Sonar Qi was all it takes to scan the entirety of the patient's internal state, that was just too formidable!

In fact, she had never heard of anyone ever able to do that!

Perhaps not even the Imperial doctor or the General doctor could do what he just did!

"T-This??!" Xu Rong was shocked.

With Duan Li's Sonar Qi, Xu Rong was able to see that 'foreign substance' inside of Zhuge Liang's body!

"As you can see.. it was this black stuff wriggling around his body that had caused this tranformation. The epicenter seems to be from that deep wound on his left arm and spreaded out like the roots of a plant to the rest of his body." Duan Li explained.

"En! That seems to be the case. It is only fortunate that this black stuff is just parasitic on the host's body and would not spread like a contagious disease to others through air or touch.." Xu Rong said.

Feeling extremely curious, Xu Liyu chimed in, "Can I look too?"

Duan Li turned to her, "Yes you can, just place your palm onto his right shoulder below Xu Rong's" he said as the latter nodded.


"T-This!! What is this heinous stuff?!" Xu Liyu gasped.

Zhuge Liang was feeling quite the mixed reaction from this. He felt a little bit embarrassed being touched by the two females, but being a man, he did not abhore such sensation at all. On the other hand though, he felt as if he was being stripped to laid bare and nude, with his innards being peeked at by the three people around him.


"Watch what happens to his spiritual Qi in this sectiom of his meridian." Duan Li said to the two sisters.


"T-This! The black stuff engulfed his spiritual Qi and turned it black!" Xu Liyu said in surprise.

Duan Li nodded, "That's right. Even if Zhuge Liang were to try and supress it himself, it would be a futile endeavour. The only consolation to this was that the rate of spreading of this black stuff was too slow.."

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang nodded in agreement.

"No wonder that when I tried to suppress it by using my spiritual Qi, I felt the spreading to become faster instead.. so it turns out that its food is my spiritual Qi!" he said in realization.

"En. Therefore, it's safe to assume that, slower Qi cycle would slow its rate of spreading inside your body. About half of your normal Qi cycle would do. Give it a try first!" Duan Li replied.

"Alright then!"


"Ah? It's working! I saw the congregation of black stuff to suddenly become less dense than it was before!" Xu Rong said.

"Me too!" Xu Liyu added.

Seeing that everyone was energetic on this discovery, Duan Li smiled.

"I could only think up to two solution to kill off this black stuff. The first one is quite unrealististic in your case, as it involved cutting of the infected body parts."


Zhuge Liang choked out.

That's indeed quite unrealistic! If I were to let you guys cut off my body parts that got infected, you would have to slice up my body in half!

Rather than saving him, that would be more suitable to be called as torture before killing him!

If it were a few hours before, he might have made such a decision himself by severing his left arm, but now that it haf spread to half of his body, such an option was no longer viable for him.

"Then, the second method?" he asked curiously as he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Duan Li chuckled, "It's simple. Just completely cut off your spiritual Qi from the infected meridian and reroute it through another pathways!"

When the three of them heard this, they let out a blank look.

"P-Pardon me.. if I am not mistaken.. there is actually no way to umm.. completely cut off spiritual Qi from travelling across your meridians.." Xu Rong said slowly.

Zhuge Liang and Xu Liyu nodded to her statement.

Just what kind of concept was the other party trying to imply to them?

It was like saying you have to stop your blood from flowing through some certain veins and arteries..

In other words, completely impossible!

"Huh? What do you mean impossible? I can actually do it.." Duan Li furrowed his brows.

Are they for real?

The three of them sighed.

It seems that the world of dragons amongst men were too far apart.

Even such a basic concept was a contradictory to them!

Seeing their helpless expression, Duan Li could only harrumphed in displeasure for a little bit.

"Hmph! Nevermind, let me do it for you then! Watch me and learn!"


Injecting his spiritual Qi into Zhuge Liang's body, it soon made a complete cycle in just a single breath, before rerouting the traffic of spiritual Qi abruptly in the other party's body, completely avoding the plagued region!

"There! I said it before that it was easy! How could you guys said that it was impossible? Hmph!" Duan Li harrumphed once more.

Aren't they a little bit unreliable to not be able to do even such a basic thing as a cultivator?

Meanwhile, the three of them was shocked beyond belief as their entire horizon was widened at this moment.

What kind of miracle is this?!
