Chapter 151: 25 years ago.. (1)

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Ps: If it gets censored, those words are P.A.T.R.E.O.N without the dots.

### Notice ###

"Mother? What's wrong?" Duan Li asked, feeling baffled on why his mother suddenly retreated and acted that way.

"T-That black monster core!" the Principal narrowed his eyes menacingly as his hands immediately moved to create a series of hand seals.

Spatial sealing!


The infected monster core floated off from Duan Li's hands before it was encassed in a spatial barrier in an instant.

"Where did you get this blackened monster core?" the Principal turned to Duan Li and questioned him with a serious expression.

Feeling utterly confused by their exaggerated reaction, Duan Li scratched his head as he answered, "Oh that? It was actually just a normal monster core before.. it turned black after I treated Zhuge Liang with it!"

Hearing this, a surprised look was seen from the Principal's face as well as his mother's. Turning his head towards Zhuge Liang, the Principal asked the other party, "Is what he said true? Are you telling me that the report you've sent to me, that you said you were infected by an unknown toxin, was due to this?"

Zhuge Liang nodded, "Yes! Inside that monster core was some black stuff that we do not understand.. previously it was inside me and caused half of my body to turn into that of a monster.. but Sir Duan Li here managed to cure me from it and extracted the black stuff into that monster core.." he answered.

"T-This.. someone can actually be cured from this?!" the Principal stared at that infected monster core inside the spatial barrier and then turned towards Duan Li in disbelief.

This brat could just practically do anything isn't he?

"The thing inside this monster core.. it is actually called as the Demiruke's virus.. a product of creation from the blasphemous organization.. the Dark Sect!" the Principal said as he clenched his fist tight.

Dark Sect? If I am not mistaken, isn't that the group of people that Jing Zhianghu, the Old Guardian from the First region of the Eternal Maze warned me about?

The Principal continued, "A single strand from this virus.. will slowly turn the infected into monsters.. until they can no longer differentiate between foes and friends.. and attack everything or anyone indiscriminately!"

Duan Li nodded, "I see.. no wonder Zhuge Liang turned into that.. but how did you come to know about this virus Principal?" he asked.

Xu Rong and Jiu Yinxing nodded. As a practitioner of the medical arts, they have read innumerable amount of books, and there was not a single mention of this 'Demiruke's virus' or the sorts.

Not to mention that it has something to do with the Dark Sect, the number one public enemy of all nine empires across the Tian continent! Therefore, such a terrible virus should've been well documented by the combined efforts of all the empires..

Yet, why was it that it was the first time they were hearing about this?

Was the virus perhaps something newly discovered and that was why it wasn't documented in any books?

The Principal closed his eyes and went silent for a moment as he started to recall that distant, bitter and painful memories.

"25 years ago.. the Dark Sect attacked all the nine empires simultaneously. It was in that battle that, this virus first made its appearance into the world.."

Hearing that the Dark Sect attacking all the nine empires like that, Duan Li was strucked in disbelief.

"They attacked all nine empires at the same time? How did such a small organization has the manpower to be able to do that?" he asked curiously.

The Principal shook his head, "They are indeed a small organization.. but you must never underestimate them! The Dark Sect only consisted of 10 members altogether as far as we know.. but when the attack happened that year, hear this.. they had only dispatched a single member to each of the nine empires!"

"And they managed to cause mass chaos to all of the empires, our Jiu Empire included!" the Principal said with a grim expression.

They managed to cause chaos to all nine empires?

Most of them that had never heard of this and thus couldn't help but to have some doubts.

After all, an incident that big, why were there no stories about it being told in the academy?

Seemingly to understand the meaning behind their befuddled expression, the Principal explained, "You guys must be thinking that why such an incident was not talked about? Well, after the incident happened, the Emperors of all nine empires passed down a decree that it shall never be spoken publicly. As for the reason, even I myself do not know why.."

"I see.." Duan Li nodded in comprehension.

"But why are you two acting like this? Is that black stuff, or as you guys called it, the Demiruke's virus, really that dangerous?" he continued.

"This thing goes way beyond the level of dangerous! It is a national threat! When it first hit our Empire, the entirety of 3 villages and 1 town near the South border had to be eradicated!" the Principal spoke out with gritted teeth.

The memories were still fresh in his mind, as if it was just yesterday..


25 years ago..


Heavy thunderstorm echoed out in the sky as rainfall was pouring down non-stop. Rivers overflowed and houses was torn apart by the strong winds.

"Hurry up! We need the Airship to return quickly or else many more would die!" Bian Tianyu shouted out.

He then turned to the person beside him, "How is the situation in the town?!"

The person replied, "It's bad! Reports were coming in that the citizen of the town were getting infected and turned into monsters at a rapid speed!"

Another person added in, "This just came in, reports were saying that some of the monsters had escaped the barricaded zone amidst the chaos! They were heading in towards the nearby 3 villages!"

Hearing this, Bian Tianyu's face turned pale, "What?! How could the monsters have escaped? Those barricades were maintained by Nascent Soul realm experts!"

"Uhh more reports are coming in, the frontline barricade are in a state of chaos, the Nascent Soul realm experts were showing symptoms of infection!"

"Impossible! How did this happen! I will see the situation for myself!" Bian Tianyu bellowed out in disbelief as he quickly bolted off into the air, flying at top speed as if a raging lightning tearing apart the skies!

"Ahh sir wait! You can't leave here!"


After a while later, he finally arrived at the scene and saw the Subjugation team being pushed back.

"What is that monster?!"

Bian Tianyu could feel that this monsters were stronger than a 4 Star monsters!

"5 Star monsters? Where did they come from?!"


He bolted down to the ground and threw out a punch.


The ground cracked as tons of soil were lifted off into the air due to the impact of the fist.

The 5 Star monster were caught off guard but still managed to get away with only a slight injury that soon recovered in a matter of seconds!

"Bian Tianyu, why are you here?!" Shen Long shouted out, "You are supposed to stay in the refugee camp and guard the people over there!"

"How am I going to sit still over there when I heard reports that the barricade had been breached and our members are getting infected?!" Bian Tianyu shouted back.

"You fool! You dare to disregard the command from the Emperor?! You will be punished for this when we get back to the capital!" Shen Long cursed out.

"But since you are already here, go and help them out! Remember, do not get struck by their tail at all cost! It's what caused our members to become infected! Lu Quan had already turned into that monster and is beyond help! I will have to finish him off!" Shen Long pointed to the 5 Star monster that Bian Tianyu had blowned off before.

"What? That monster is Lu Quan?! Damn it! Where is the medical team? Why are they not here?!" Bian Tianyu looked around and found that most of the medical team had collapsed on the ground due to over-exertion of their powers from healing others.

"Face the reality! Once they completely turned, they are already gone and there is no way to save them anymore! Are you willing to let our member, no, our friend that had turned into that, to suffer such a humiliation?! Now GO!!" Shen Long punched at him with full strength.


"Urghh!! DAMN IT ALL!!" Bian Tianyu howled out to the sky as he was blowned away, bit his lips and then turned away to bolt off into a nearby group of people that were struggling against a few 5 Star Monsters.

"Bian Tianyu is here!!" one person shouted out.

"Bian Tianyu? That fool.. he left his post!" Liu Sheng Juan clicked his tongue.


After he landed, he quickly approached them with a panic stricken face.

Seeing a familiar figure lying and writhing on the ground in pain, his face warped in horror, "Meng Yue?! What happened to her?!"

Liu Sheng Juan shook his head, "It's not good.. she has been infected and we discovered this fact a little bit too late!"

"ARRGGHHH!!" Meng Yue screamed out in pain.

"Meng Yue! Hang in there! Damn it! Is there nothing else we can do to stop this madness?!"


Bian Tianyu punched the ground, and the cracks caused a minor tremor around him.

".. there is one thing, that maybe.. could save her.." Liu Sheng Juan said with a solemn expression.
