Chapter 152: 25 years ago.. (2)

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### Notice ###

"There is a way to save her? Then do it!" Bian Tianyu urged him with traces of hope in his eyes.

Liu Sheng Juan shook his head, "The consequences for it isn't that simple.. but I guess its much more better than turning into one of those.."

With his index finger sitting on top of the puncture wound on Meng Yue's left abdomen, he injected a stream of his spiritual Qi into it.

"You!! What are you doing?! You'll cripple her like that, stop!" Bian Tianyu yelled out in horror.

The other party had said that he could save her, so why is he going to harm her instead?

After all, he was very familiar with the unique nature of Liu Sheng Juan's spiritual Qi or specifically, the unique spiritual Qi of their neighbouring Liu Empire's royal family - the Disconsonation Qi!

While the Jiu Clan possesses supreme regenerative ability due to their phoenix bloodline, seemingly to be able to recover from any sorts of wound in almost an instant, the Liu Clan possesses the nine-tailed fox bloodline, passing down the Disconsonation Qi down to all their predecessor!

While the unique attribute of this Disconsonation Qi enables one to be superior in excelling almost about anything regarding magic, the curse it came with, was such that they could not cast nor practice any sorts of healing or medical arts!

If one were to truly try and heal themselves with this spiritual Qi, it would only worsen their injury instead! Thus, the Liu Clan had always hired alchemy expert to concoct them top grade recovery pills and elixirs in order to make up for this glaring weaknesses of their's.

Therefore, if Liu Sheng Juan were to inject his spiritual Qi into Meng Yuan's meridians unabated, like a pair of rotating sharp blades, her pathways would be thoroughly grinded into shreds!

"Calm down! I know what I am doing. This is the only way after all.. this black stuff that is infecting her right now seems to feed on her spiritual Qi.. the more she tries to suppress it, the faster it will spread to the rest of her body instead!" Liu Sheng Juan replied.

Hearing this, Bian Tianyu could only let out a pale, blank look in disbelief.

"A plague.. that would only grow the more you suppress it? T-this.. then how do you plan to save her? You can't possibly try to cripple her dantian! That won't work! Even the normal people that don't cultivate were already infected and turned into those monsters!" he said.

"No, cultivator's body is far more different and resilient than that of normal people's. Our combative nature provides a certain degree of resistance towards foreign substance entering it. Even my Disconsonation Qi would be futile and ineffective had she been in her normal state right now!" Liu Sheng Juan replied.


Drawing his index finger off from her left abdomen, he continued, ".. with this, I've managed to cut off the infected meridian pathways. She should be safe now.. although at a cost that her cultivation would forever be bottlenecked into the Pinnacle Stage of the Golden core realm.. what a pity for someone of her caliber to be reduced to this by this wretched thing!.."


Zhang Xi (A.N: changed from Shi to Xi) landed beside them and noticed the situation.

"Don't tell me.. you cut her meridian off..?" he said.

Liu Sheng Juan nodded and answered, "I had to."

Zhang Xi kneeled on the ground with grim countenance as he put his palm on Meng Yue's left abdomen.

Sonar Qi!


A few breaths later, the single one outcome that he was afraid the most was made obvious after his diagnosis.

"You.. you do know that not only isolating the infected meridians would only suppress the plague temporarily.. she would also not be able to give birth in the future?" Zhang Xi said with narrowed eyes.

If she was to be bottlenecked into the Golden Core realm forever, then so be it. Perhaps, that would have been an acceptable trade in order to save her life.

After all, only a miniscule amount of lucky cultivators had ever stepped into the Nascent Soul realm. Majority had their growth stunted at the Golden Core realm and if she were to be compared to the rest of those people, she would still be the pinnacle of them all.

As someone whom had already stepped into the Nascent Soul realm previously, the severing of some of her meridians would only hinder her from using her full realm permanently, but she still has the limited prowess of a Nascent soul realm, including her Soul Sense.

Only if compared to the rest of the Nascent Soul realm experts, she would be the weakest of them all!

Nevertheless however, that was still within the acceptable range. But for a woman to lost her capability to conceive her own children, that could cause her to have a long-lasting effect of mental trauma that might last forever!

Hearing this, Bian Tianyu's face turned dark as he grabbed Liu Sheng Juan by the collar and bellowed out angrily, "You!!"

"SHUT UP!!" Liu Sheng Juan shouted out with an even more louder voice before Bian Tianyu could even finish his own sentence.

"What would you have me do then?! Watch her turn into one of those horrendous creature? Or kill her? I did not have a choice!!"

Seemingly to realize this as well, Bian Tianyu released his grip and howled out to the sky, "DAMN IT!! HOW IN THE HELL DID ALL OF THIS HAPPEN?!!!"


The thunders boomed loudly and lightning twisted with each other in the sky, the heavy downpour covered their face as their manly tears joined the rain and fell down on the earth.

"Hehehehe.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

A malevolent laugh that seemed to come out from a deranged person suddenly echoed out into the surrounding.

"How did all of this happen? Hehe.. I can answer that for you.." said a figure draped in a black robe with the symbol of a new moon on it as he stood behind the three of them.

"Who are you?!" Liu Sheng Juan narrowed his eyes and put on his guard as he stepped back, carrying Meng Yue on both his arms.

"To think that I can't sense this man's presence?! Who is he?!"

"Such a vile aura he is emitting!"

"This person is dangerous!"

The three of them activated their combined formation stances and arts that complemented each other's strength and weaknesses.

Seeing this, the unknown figure smiled, his upper face shrouded with some sort of shadow that their Soul Sense could not penetrate into.

"That thing that infected those people.. we call them the Demiruke's Virus! As you can see, it has the ability to turn one into a monster by consuming their spiritual Qi! It is our flagship product as of the moment and we are very proud of it! Hehehe.."

"Your product??? This blasphemous thing was artificially made?! You people did this?!!" Bian Tianyu roared out.

"Shesshh! Settle down.. no need to shout so loud.. I am not deaf.. we are from the Dark Sect and you are.. well, only half correct that this thing was artificially made. But how do you like it so far?" the unknown man asked with a wide cynical grin on his face.


The three of them sent out a punch simultaneously. This was a special fist art that requires the three of them to perform and cooperate together in a series of complex movement with high level of synchronicity to it!

A fist reminiscent to that of an unstoppable hammer tearing apart the air appeared. If this were to hit a mountain, perhaps a huge chunk of it will get blowned off into pieces, not to mention if it were a person!

But this formidable fist art seemed to not bother the unknown man even the tiniest bit. With just lightly brushing it off to the side with his palm, the fist art was redirected to get past behind him without injuring his body the slightest!

This was truly an inconceivable feat to achieve unless one was truly an expert among expert!

"The power behind that fist art isn't too bad.. Hehe!" he said.

Then he took out a communication jade slip before letting out a gleeful look.

"Ah! It seems that our objective has been achieved! Not too bad for our first real-time experiment even though the chances were still quite low.. HAHAHA!" he laughed out as his vile aura shot through the air, and vivid images of ghost and banshee screamed through it.

Liu Sheng Juan cast a side glance towards Bian Tianyu and Zhang Xi as the both of them nodded.

Puku! Puku!

A series of crisp sound was heard popping out from their body, as if small beads of glasses were being shattered into pieces.

Bloodline ability activated!


Their aura continued to climb as they reached their pinnacle fighting prowess.


"Oh? Activating your bloodline power now eh? Hehe.. useless!" the man laughed out loud once more while shaking his head.

"I would love to play with you three some more, but unfortunately, the Utmost One has already called us to come back.." he sighed dejectedly.

And then continued, "Oh right! Make sure to keep the citizen healthy in the future okay? We need more energetic samples to experiment with in the future! Bye bye!"


Saying that final piece, the unknown man's figure began to distort before disappearing into thin air.
