Chapter 165: Beating Cao Tengfei! (3)

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### Notice ###

By the end of the 3 punch combo, the resulting impact to Cao Tengfei's chin made a loud resounding booms to the surrounding.

But contrary to expectation, Cao Tengfei wasn't even hurt in the slightest! Instead, he formed a wide smirk on his face.

"Is that all you could muster from your power up?" he said in a tone full of disdain and then launched a sideway kick to Fei Jin Fang's abdomen, of which the latter was able to block it on time.

However, as the kick connected, even when blocked, the resulting blow had Fei Jin Fang's eyes widened in astonishment.


This kick.. its heavy!


Fei Jin Fang's figure had to retreat 3 steps to the back in order to cancel out the remaining force acting on his body.

"Don't get overconfident just yet." Fei Jin Fang said as he put himself into a horse stance.

Clenching both fist hard, he roared out to the sky as his meridians surged with an even more power!


When Cao Tengfei saw this, he laughed out loud, "Crazy idiot.. even burning your spiritual Qi.. so you figured out that trading off your stamina for more speed would let you beat me? You won't even last long like that! HAHAHA!"

"Shut up! I don't need that much time to kill you!" Fei Jin Fang bellowed, and with a single step, the ground below his feet cracked similar to that like cobwebs and his figure became even more blurry as he moved.



Trading blows with speeds close to the speed of sound, the fight lifted off from the ground to the air as more and more resounding booms exploded with each contact formed, causing the spectator from the ground to swallow a mouthful of saliva from excitement and nervousness.

With the addition of more speed at his disposal, Fei Jin Fang's punches connected 60 percent more each time, but to his dismay, the other party doesn't seem to receive any sorts of damage at all, regardless on how much power he used behind his fist!

It was as if the force behind his punches were being nullified each time it made contact with Cao Tengfei's body!

What is going on here?!

"Don't tell me.." the Emperor narrowed his eyes as he seemed to realize something.

He then called out, "Fei Jin Fang, his body transformation.. it seems that its innate ability is to absorb any physical impact and could possibly cancelled it out!"

Hearing this, Fei Jin Fang showed a surprised expression, "What? A physical body that could cancel any sorts of physical attacks?" he said in disbelief.

How is that even possible?

They were both Nascent Soul realm expert, practically equal in terms of fighting prowess. In fact, he actually had the upperhand in this battle as the other party has not been able to counter his attacks so far after that first one in the beginning!

Thus, even if the latter possess such a body, there was no way it could continue to cancel out physical attacks forever..

There has to be a limit threshold somehow!

I only just have to continuously attack him!


"HAHAHA! You must be trying to figure out something by now eh? Let me tell you in on a little bit of the secret behind this body of mine.. indeed, they have a certain threshold on how much physical attacks it could absorb and store!" Cao Tengfei said with a deranged smile on him.

"Honestly, its about to be filled up right now, and to empty that out, all I have to do.. is THIS!!" he deployed a swift punch to Fei Jin Fang's stomach.


"Urghhhh!!" the unexpected colossal force behind that punch had Fei Jin Fang struggle to maintain his consciousness and almost passed out from it!

And from the looks of it, the speed that the other party had just displayed doesn't seemed to pale in comparison to his own speed right now as well!



Fei Jin Fang's body was shot to the ground and collided, causing a deep depression on its surface with almost 10 meters deep and 30 meters wide!


A mouthful of blood was sprayed from Fei Jin Fang's mouth.

"HAHAHA! Did you think that my speed was inferior to you? I've been letting you hit me all these while so I could return them back to you in one, big surprise package! How does it feel like to receive all your punches in one go?" Cao Tengfei said with his tone full of mockery.


Fei Jin Fang's body then lit up in golden flames, and any internal injuries he suffered from that collision before was instantly healed!

"Cheh!" Cao Tengfei clicked his tongue as he threw a hateful look towards the Emperor that was standing casually below, watching their fights as if it were a show.

"I have to be careful of this guy the most, he seemed to still have something up his sleeve.. he is the Emperor after all.." he thought in his mind.

Furthermore, this instant regeneration was the most troublesome of all abilities he had to face right now. Even if he could deal substantial amount of damage to them, the healing properties from a Phoenix bloodline was not a joking matter!

Fei Jin Fang slowly stood up from the debris, his countenance looking more solemn than before.

Had it not been for the Emperor's previous blessing, he would have suffered a grievous injury already!

"I musn't lower down my guard.."

His mind then started to whir into action..

If any sorts of physical attack does not work on the other party, then that means only perhaps skill arts with elemental attributes would be able to do it!

"But that also means.. that I'm burning my spiritual Qi needlessly before.. damn it!" he gritted his teeth and then turned to the Guardian Knight puppet, "Sui Shunyuan, I want you to release any skill attacks with elemental attributes that you know on him for as long as the puppet could handle!"

Elemental skill attack?

"Roger!" Sui Shunyuan replied in realization.

'Qi blast attack!'

Pew! Pew! Pew!

The only elemental skill attack that he knew which could be launched to the enemy from a distance, was the basic spiritual Qi blast, or simply called as the Qi blast - which practically anyone could learn after entering the Foundation establishment realm!

It has a light elemental attribute, and was also the bane for the negative energy which posses the dark elemental attribute!


Cao Tengfei opened up his palm and sent out dark colored Qi blast to meet with the incoming attack from Sui Shunyuan's puppet.

Due to the opposing attribute of both Qi blast, they quickly eliminated each other!


"HAHAHA! Seems like you insects has finally learnt something! That's right, only elemental skill attacks would work on me!"

But even knowing this, what could mere ants like them could possibly do to me?


Sui Shunyuan continued to successively launch Qi blast repeatedly, while Fei Jin Fang readied himself into a stance, with a peculiar weapon straped onto his waist..

A Katana!

This was a sharp sword with only one edge of it sharpened to an incredible degree! It's origin could be traced back to the Eastern part of the Tian continent!

"To think that he would even summoned his treasured weapon.. It appears that Fei Jin Fang is going to perform that quick draw.." the Emperor remarked as he saw the unique stance of the other party.

"I refuse to acknowledge that I won't be able to deal you with a significant damage that could surpass that threshold of your's in a single attack!" Fei Jin Fang's eyes glared in blue colors.

Bzzttt! Bzzztttt!

His katana then started to let out sparks of blue lightning around its edges as he activated his skill arts.

'Blue Flash series: Roaring Thunder!'


Cao Tengfei that was preoccupied with fending against the seemingly unlimited number of Qi blast being shot at him was starting to get annoyed.

"Curse this puppet.. once I destroy it, I will snatch that Superior quality spirit stone for myself.. it would be such a waste for a mere puppet to use it.." just as he was thinking along this line, he heard a deafening sound, akin to a thunder splitting the skies apart!


The next thing he knew however, was that Fei Jin Fang's katana was already at his throat, ready to slash through his neck!

Sh*t! I was distracted!

Since he was caught off-guard, he wasn't able to block or dodge it, thus the katana cleanly swiped past his neck. But due to his body having the ability to nullify and absorb physical damage, the Katana simply rebounded off from his neck after making contact with it!


"Damn it, it still won't work?!" Fei Jin Fang cursed as he retreated back to the ground with grim expression.

However, the sharp eyes of the Emperor was able to notice something, "No.. look very closely, there is a slight seam cut on his neck!" after which, everyone narrowed their eyes to be able to look closely.

Indeed! There was a cut!

"What a fluke!" Cao Tengfei spit his saliva in anger.

A mere ant dared to injure me.. unforgivable!


Bolting straight to the ground to meet at Fei Jin Fang, they both then continued their engagement in a series of melee attacks; the latter using a Katana while he uses a bone like sword that jutted out directly from his palm!

"It seems that his limit threshold was about 5 to 7 times of Fei Jin Fang's heavy punch.. and the Quick draw attack was slightly higher in damage than that punches by a single hair.. that was why his neck was injured!" the Emperor said as he finished the analysis he made.

Had it been equal to Fei Jin Fang's 10 times punch, Cao Tengfei's neck would have been severed by now and his life forfeit!

Hearing this explanation, Duan Li then finally sighed in relief, which was noticed by the Emperor, thus the latter frowned and asked him, "Why do you appear so relieved? Even though I just said that, giving him that much damage is extremely difficult, and if we can't do it fast enough, the only thing he has to do was to empty out the accumulated damage he stored onto us, which would be problematic.."

"I understand your majesty, but I think I can do it!" Duan Li replied.


He bolted off to the sky as soon as he said that.

"W-Wait!" the Emperor extended out his hands to stop Duan Li.

Haven't you been listening to what I just said?

Fei Jin Fang is a Nascent Soul realm expert and you are still at the Foundation establishment realm, but even he needed to damage the other party several times to top off the threshold!

What can you even do? Punch him a million times?

"Your majesty, Duan Li.. his punch is actually quite strong.." Sui Shunyuan by the side said and pointed down.

He then continued, "This huge crater we are standing on right now, its more than 300 meters wide.."

The Emperor then looked around and finally realized it, "Indeed, this is a huge crater.. but how is this related to Duan Li?" he asked.

"Well.." the puppet scratched its head, "Believe it or not, Duan Li did it with a single punch before.."

"..." the Emperor.
