Chapter 166: Beating up Cao Tengfei! (4)

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Ps: If it gets censored, those words are P.A.T.R.E.O.N without the dots.

### Notice ###

"Are you trying to commit fallacy in front of your Emperor here?" the Emperor said in a strict tone.

Even a Nascent Soul realm expert would find it impossible to create a crater this gigantic with just a single punch, much less from someone that was still in a Foundation establishment realm cultivation state!

In fact, this crater seemed to be caused by a natural phenomena! And by the looks of those burnt edges over there as well as this rigid, pressurized soil underneath him, a meteor impact from the heavens would be a far more believeable story!

Did you think that your Emperor here is someone that could be fooled that easily?

What gal!

Hearing such a sentence from the Emperor as if he was being reprimanded for trying to troll the latter, Sui Shunyuan one-kneeled on the ground, his body trembling in fear, "W-What? No! How would I dare, your majesty! Those people over there, everyone saw it with their very own eyes as well!" Sui Shunyuan hurriedly answered, afraid that he would be misunderstood by the Emperor.

Seeing that deep conviction in the other party's words, the Emperor furrowed his brows before turning towards the crowd at the back.

"Is what Sui Shunyuan here said just now, is in fact, the truth and was not exagerated to any lengths or whatsoever?" the Emperor inquiried with his majestic disposition.

"Y-Yes your majesty! What Sui Shunyuan had just said is the truth! All of it! We would not dare to fabricate anything in front of your majesty!" everyone said as they too one-kneeled on the ground.

In front of the supreme aura and authority of the Emperor, no one dared to be brazen or insolent at all, and acted very coherently.

Thus, when the Emperor saw their reactions, he became dumbstrucked.

What? It is actually the truth?

He quickly swerved his head to look back at Duan Li that was floating gently in the sky, seemingly to wait for an opening to sprung up an ambush like a sneaky bandit.

The Emperor's brows twitched, "This Duan Li.. am I supposed to believe that he was really the same person who did it?" he thought in his mind, trying his best to accept it after the matter was justified by everyone.

But then, he also remembered the identity of this same person.

"Oh yea.. he IS the destined child.. perhaps he was made as such to be overpowered?"

When the Emperor thought of this, his heart became much more calmer and was able to accept it.

Indeed, a child favored by the Heavens could practically make the impossible possible..

Take for example the case of Meng Yue, Duan Li had actually managed to treat his mother from her affliction, which we thought earlier before as untreatable, so this should be well within the range of the things he could do as well..

Just that, medical arts were more reliant on one's skill of manipulating the spiritual Qi and were thus more acceptable if indeed he could do it from the guidance of Heaven secretly.

But raw strength and power?

He had never heard before that someone in the Foundation establishment realm were able to do this, not even the Children of Tian from the legends!


"Nevermind.." the Emperor sighed.

If he tried to put rational logic into this, it would definitely not work. Thus, he was willing to believe that it was indeed done by Duan Li and none other.

Had it actually been someone else, even if the whole Jiu Empire was threatened to be turned upside down, he would rather fight it out to the death rather than to believe in such a fantasy.

After all, an Emperor wasn't someone that could be swayed easily!


Up in the air, Duan Li spoke telepathically with his sword, "Hey little sword, tell me how confident you are in able to get through the flesh of that fellow."

"En! As long as there is enough speed and power behind the swing, I am able to cut through almost everything there is in existence!" Duergar replied.

Speed? I can do that..

But as for sufficient power.. well let me just try it later on and see if I could do it.

"But aren't your description of yourself too exagerated there? To claim that you can cut through everything, I remembered that time in Eternal Maze back then, all you managed to do, was cause a few sparks flying off from Komodo's body.." Duan Li said in a teasing manner.

Cough cough!

"Y-Young master, of course what I just said is the truth! I was given the nickname of 'All-Severing Sword' back when I was forged by.. eh.. nevermind! But I'm unbreakable! That's why, no matter how hard something is, as long as there is enough speed and strength behind a swing, I can severe through almost anything with ease!" Duergar answered quickly, albeit with a frustrated tone apparent in its voice.

When Duan Li heard this, he chuckled and replied, "Alright, I'm just joking with you, but I'll trust your words for now. However, if you happened to break into two later on, don't go blaming me."

At the same time inside his mind, Duan Li took note of something, "He stopped in between his words, and the nickname he has, that's almost similar to my All-Slaying Great Axe.. it seems like this sword knows quite more than I thought.. I'll have to question him later on.."

"Rest assured young master, just swing me as fast and hard as you can!" the sword replied. If it has a physical body, it might just puff out its chest in pride when saying that line.

They then discussed their plan together and some evil laugh were let out from them from time to time.


Meanwhile, Cao Tengfei and Fei Jin Fang were still trading blows using their weapon.

"That's a very good sword you have there. After I turn you into a corpse, I'll be sure to take good care of it, so you don't have to worry!" Cao Tengfei said mockingly.

Fei Jin Fang snorted, "Hmph! That depends on whether you have the capability to save your life today!".

Just as they were about to continue, they heard someone shouted from the back.

"Time to switch!"

After which, Duan Li suddenly appeared between the two of them, making use of his movement skill art, 'One Step To Reach'.


Completely caught off by surprise, Cao Tengfei swung his bone sword towards Duan Li reflexively.

At the sight of this, both Fei Jin Fang and the Emperor was struck in horror as they shouted simultaneously.

"Idiot! What are you doing? Get away!"

Fei Jin Fang then quickly dashed forward in an attempt to knock Duan Li to the side to save him, but the sword was already inches from Duan Li's neck.

"I wouldn't be able to make it!" Fei Jin Fang's face paled as he knew that it was too late to save Duan Li.

But the strange thing was, he saw the latter forming a wide smirk just before the sword landed!

"Stop!!" he shouted.


The world suddenly crawled to a halt!

"As expected! Huehuehue.." Duan Li chuckled in a devilish manner.

This was the trump card ability that he had long not make full use of. Whenever there was an attack that could threatened his life, this time-slowing ability would quickly kick in!

"Based on my experience, I need to stay within the dangerous zone so that the ability would remain active.. if I were to exit the danger zone entirely, time would flow back to normal.."

Duan Li side stepped to the right slightly, moving his neck 5 inches away from the sword and then readied his punch.

"My meridians is somehow still recovering.. I guess it would take quite a bit more time before I could use the full-charged punch once more.. but nevermind, even the non-charged version of my fist at its major mastery level would be lethal enough.."

Taking one step forward, Duan Li closed the distance between him and Cao Tengfei, entering past the latter's defenses casually and then threw out a punch right through the latter's stomach.

'Nine Fist Shattering Meteor!'


"Okay.. now time to move back to my original position, just missing the tip of the blade by an inch from my throat so that it seemed like my movement was too fast for their eyes to follow.."

But technically, that's what happened anyway.. huehue..

Duan Li then put both hands behind his back and stood casually with a slight smile, reminiscent of an expert with unfathomable means.

"No wonder the Principal always used this pose, it actually feels good when I'm trying to do something mysterious!"


Time flowed back to normal..

"Stop!!!" Fei Jin Fang bellowed.

But suddenly..


Cao Tengfei suddenly sprayed out a mouthful of blood!

"Huh?!" Fei Jin Fang halted with widened eyes in disbelief.

"What happened..?" the Emperor down below that was looking at this scene closely, muttered with narrowed eyes.

Fei Jin Fang couldn't see it..

He couldn't see it..

But Cao Tengfei was injured?!

That only meant.. that Duan Li had launched an attack so fast that their eyes couldn't follow!

"What formidable means!" the Emperor unknowingly clenched his hand into a fist in agitation, rattled by this bizarre phenomena!

"H-How..!!!" Cao Tengfei roared out with bated breath as he wiped off the blood from his mouth furiously, his heart fuming in anger!

He was very confident before that the other party would have their head lopped off from their neck for being insolent to suddenly jump in between the fight of two Nascent Soul realm experts!

Even if he didn't meant to kill the other party, the heat of battle had all his senses heightened to the pinnacle level. Thus, when the other party suddenly appeared like that before, his reflex automatically slashed at the former in no time at all!

Yet, just what is with this situation right now?

How is he the one that was injured instead?!

And by the looks of it as well, it seems that he was punched right on the stomach by the other party!

Just how did he managed to do it?!

Because his damage threshold was only half-full before, he didn't bother to empty it out just yet. Thus, when Duan Li's punch landed on him, the accumulated damage went past the limit and caused him the resulting injury right now!

"You.. you just attacked him?" Fei Jin Fang still couldn't believe his eyes.

"That, I did." Duan Li replied casually, with both hands still behind his back.


When he confessed this, everyone who heard it couldn't help but to suck in cold breath!

How formidable!

"It must be a fluke! Come at me again if you got the guts!!" Cao Tengfei bellowed out full of indignance.

He refused to believe that a mere Foundation establishment realm trash could deal him such a tremendous amounts of damage under his nose just like that without him noticing!

Chuckling casually, Duan Li replied, "Very well!"


'One Step To Reach!'

Again, Duan Li appeared right in front of Cao Tengfei with a smug smile that infuriated the other party even more.

"DIEEEE!!" the latter shouted in rage with twisted expression and swung his sword even faster with more force behind it.


Time slowed down once more..

"Pu.. hahahaha! This is fun!" Duan Li couldn't help but to laugh out loud.

Time to experiment something..

"Cucko, come out!"


Cucko leaped out from his shadow energetically. But when it turned to look around and saw that the world seemed to stop moving, it had a confused expression.

"Master, why is everyone not moving?" it asked Duan Li telephatically.

"Obviously, its the work of your master here." Duan Li replied with a grin.

Seems like summoning others after the time-slowing down ability kicked in would let them move normally.. this is a good discovery!

He then continued, "Cucko, go behind that old man's back."


Cucko tilted its head trying to understand the intention behind its master's will, but still followed it diligently.

After seeing that Cucko was in position, Duan Li's grin turned even wider.

"Now, leap forward while spinning yourself and attack that old man's bottom with your beak, as if you are intent to penetrate through him!"

Cucko found this instruction to be weird, but nodded to it and did as was told.



"Cucko is indeed efficient.. he went straight for the an*s.." Duan Li covered his eyes, unable to witness such brutality himself, lest he would become a tainted man!

After a while, Cucko stopped and Duan Li recalled it back to enter his shadow and let it hide once more.


Time flowed back to normal.

"DIEEEEEEEE!!" Cao Tengfei still roared out with full power, but suddenly, his face was drained of color, becoming pale as a white sheet and halted, his face twisting hideously.

"AARRGHHHHHHHH!! MY AN*S HURTS SO BAD!!" Cao Tengfei screamed at the top of his lungs in a high-pitched agonized moans as he plummeted to the ground.


Crashing to the ground, he rolled all over with both hands covering his a*s.

"MY AN*S!! MY AN*S!!" he cried out loud.

"..." everyone.
