Chapter 171: Shen Long's anger!

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"Duan Li brat, we've heard of your recent exploits so far.. but I want to hear it from you directly, did you really managed to beat the crap out of the Dark Sect member?" the Principal asked with bated breaths.

Even his mother by the side, Meng Yue was looking at him with hopeful eyes.

Facing the two of them like this, Duan Li's face flushed red a little bit, and he answered, "Yeah.. I did managed to put that person in his place.. after all, that's what he get for harming my mother.."

Meng Yue couldn't help but to almost broke out into tears when she heard this and remembered what that person's words back then said, "Our son will solve all your problem."

Looking at this son of her's, she could see that the good-for-nothing boy back then was all grown up right now. Before, all her son would do everyday, would just be eating, sleeping and reading all day long.

Now, he had practically became the strongest student in the academy!

"Hahahaha! This is the best story I've ever heard in all my life! You don't even know how much I wished that I could've meet that bastard one more time to give him a thorough ending. It's a pity that he managed to escape by the teeth of his life though." the Principal gave out a good laugh.

"Yes.. the Dark Sect had haunted your mother here all these while.. and now that you've taken care one of them, you've made me proud Duan Li.." his Mother said with a gentle voice.

"Mother.." being praised by his mother, Duan Li was feeling very warm inside.


Suddenly, a dry cough that belongs to an aged man echoed out, bringing attention and deference to the people around him with his archaic voice.

This old man was tall, bald, muscular and burly. He was also topless with innumerable amounts of old scars all around his body, looking nothing less than like an immovable stone mountain, forever mighty.

This person was Shen Long, Shen Murong's grandfather!

"Under the Principal's command here, we have isolated the injured and the dead into separate camps, but I've also heard that it came from you, because you claimed to have found out something about the virus, is this true?" Shen Long said with an imposing tone.

Duan Li threw a confused look towards the latter, as the other party seemed to be looking quite displeased with him out of the blue.

Did I do something wrong?

Nevertheless, Duan Li replied him honestly, "Yes, I did found out about something regarding the virus, but.."

"Tell me about it." Shen Long interjected, without even bothering to let Duan Li finish.

Hearing this as well as looking at this old man's attitude, Duan Li's brows furrowed in displeased as well, "What is up with this old man so suddenly?" he thought inwardly.

"Excuse me?" Duan Li said.

"You heard what I said, tell me about what you have found out about the virus, as well as how to treat it." Shen Long replied with a frosty expression, as a mere junior student dared to talk with such tone to him.

Shen Murong that was watching this from the back couldn't help but to notice that his grandfather was not like his usual self. Thus, he stepped out from the crowd and called out to his grandfather.

"Hey Grandpa, what is wrong with you? This here Duan Li is my Lord.."

"Quiet, I am not talking to you!" Shen Long immediately lashed out, giving no face even to his own grandson that he usually pampered thoroughly.

"Y-Yes.." Shen Murong jumped to the back, feeling quite surprised because he could sense that his grandfather was somehow angry about something.

Why is grandpa like this? This isn't like him..

"I'm sorry, but I cannot divulge this information just yet. Now if you will please excuse me, I have to go and see the injured right now." Duan Li shook his head and was about to walk away.


The ground cracked as a ferocious aura was radiated out from Shen Long's body. This was an aura of slaughter!

"Don't you dare to walk away from me like that, boy!" Shen Long shouted out, and the anger on his face could be clearly seen right now.


The ground underneath Meng Yue's feet cracked, as a similar type of aura was being emitted from her. Although she was still recovering and was far from her full strength, just from this aura alone, it was obvious that she only pales slightly when compared to Shen Long.

"You dare to threaten my son in front of me?" Meng Yue snapped, unable to tolerate Shen Long whom were suddenly being so rude to her son out of nowhere.

Seeing that the situation was becoming more fragile by the second, the Principal stepped in between the two, trying to mediate the both of them to calm down.

"Hold it, what is wrong with you two? This is an attitude unbecoming of elders!" he spoke out hurriedly.

As far as he could remember, back when they were still all in the same squad, only Shen Long dared to talk back to Meng Yue, even though the result was that, he was always the one being beaten in the end.

"I will stop if her cocky son over there showed some more respect to his elders!" Shen Lu snorted as he gritted his teeth.

Just a mere junior student that recently became famous and was now pulling his weight around me?

Me, Shen Long, a 9 Star rank Combat master?


"No! YOU WILL stop whether you like it or not. Do you think that just because I'm not in my full strength yet, you could be this imposing? You don't have what it takes!" Meng Yue refuted Shen Long's words with vicious replies.

Hearing this, Shen Long shot the latter a piercing gaze.

"Woman, did you think that the me right now is still the same as I was once were? While you were wasting your life away somewhere for this dozens of years, I've already reached a peak far beyond what you could imagine."

Meng Yue laughed out before she replied, "Amusing! But do you think that I care about how strong you are right now? Go and try to harm him, and as soon as you take even a single step towards my son over there, I will fly all the way back to the city and wreak havoc inside your clan. In terms of speed, you are still far beneath me no matter how hard you trained you bald fool! Do you dare to try me?!"

"You..!!!" Shen Long clenched his hands tightly into a fist, because what the latter said about him was in fact the truth.

Due to their dragon bloodline, when activated, their strength and hardness could be boosted all the way up to more than 10 times!

But there was a single attribute that would remain unchanged, and that was..


Also, he was very familiar with Meng Yue. If he were to really stepped forward, the latter would definitely do what she had just said.

After all, she was once the famous Tyrant of the Jiu Empire!

He was already unreasonable himself, but this woman in front of him were far more ridiculous!

What has my clan got to do with this that you were going to implicate them all?

Damned woman!

"Shen Long, I know that you wanted to kill that bastard yourself for turning your sworn old brother into that monstrosity back then. But now that he had already managed to escape somewhere, what could we even do about it? Even his majesty himself was involved personally this time, you've read what the report stated it like." the Principal spoke with a stern voice.

He then continued, "It's not only you who've lost someone precious that day, think about it! And if you were to insist that he shouldn't have let the bastard escape, well his majesty was there too, so are you blaming his majesty for this as well?!"

After being given this wake up call by Bian Tianyu, Shen Long's temper finally settled down slowly.

"What? That would be an act of disloyalty! How would I dare go that far?" he immediately replied.

He then turned his attention back to Duan Li, letting out a deep breath, he spoke with rationale this time.

"Boy, I know now that I am in the wrong for suddenly going at it with you just like that. But, as a mere junior student, you should learn to respect your elders very well!"

When Duan Li heard this, he also realized his mistake. Dismissing an elder in the middle of a conversation was really rude now that he gave it a thought. Although the other party was being unreasonable with him, it was not without reason.

After all, he was even frustrated himself for letting that Old F*cker getting away under his nose just like that.

Still, there was one word that Shen Long used on him that Duan Li couldn't let go just like that.

Duan Li bowed and apologized, "Forgive me for my rudeness just now elder Shen Long.. but don't call me cocky, as you were not there at that time. If you still feel that I truly am what you call me however, how about you withstand a single punch of mine first and see it for yourself?"

Shen Murong that was only silently watching this conversation took place within the crowd after being reprimanded by his grandfather previously, had his body hair stood on end when he heard this.

"H-Hey! That's my grandfather over there! He is already so old.. so please, hold your punches! His bones is not what it used to be!"




A series of choking sounds could be heard, even the Principal and Meng Yue was not exempted from this, especially Shen Long, his own grandfather that was caught off-guard by such a ravaging sentences.

Unfilial grandson! Your grandfather here could withstand a thousand punches without stepping back even an inch!

Don't you dare to humiliate your own grandfather here like I am some brittle old man now! My age has got nothing to do with my prowess!

Suppressing his inner desire to teach that audacious grandson of his, he replied confidently to Duan Li's challenge.

"Just a single punch? Are you sure?" he said as he chuckled slightly.

Eventhough the reports have stated that you've beaten the bastard thoroughly and has only managed to escape by the skin of his teeth due to unforseen intervention, his majesty must've played most of the role in beating that bastard up.

After all, how could I possibly believe that a mere Foundation establishment junior student could beat a full grown, not to mention pinnacle Nascent Soul realm expert?

"Remember, don't punch my grandpa too hard!!" Shen Murong shouted loudly, truly feeling concerned for his grandfather.

Damned grandson! Stop humiliating your grandfather here!


"Oh? Pretty fast, almost instantaneous it seems.. not bad.." Shen Long remarked as he was astonished by Duan Li's speed when the latter used the 'One Step To Reach' movement art.

"But if you think that speed alone could.." just before he could finish his sentence, Duan Li's fist has already landed on his stomach.

Nine Fists Shattering Meteor!






"..." everyone.
