Chapter 172: You wished to enter again?

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Ps: If it gets censored, those words are P.A.T.R.E.O.N without the dots.

### Notice ###


The single punch from Duan Li had Shen Long being pushed all the way back 100 meters and crashed against the face of a cliff in a loud boom.


Shen Long spurted out a mouthful of blood while his figure was still firmly planted on the cliff.

At this moment, his face couldn't help but to let out an utterly flabbergasted expression and his beard trembled non-stop in astonishment.

What an inconceivable amount of force!

To think that I, Shen Long, well-known for my mountain-like defenses, would be thrown so far from just a single fist of a junior student that was still in the Foundation establishment realm..

Just what sort of conception was this?!

Am I actually having a nightmare?


Jerking his body slightly, the rocks 1 meter radius around his body on the cliff crumbled to pieces as he came out from the depression, his expression was still that in full disbelief as he wiped the blood stain on the sides of his mouth.

"You.. how do you possess such a humongous amount of force behind that fist of yours?!" Shen Long immediately inquiried with great agitation in his voice.

Of all his life experiences, this had to be the most bizarr-est of all!

Duan Li chuckled, "well, its the benefit of cultivating all three dantian." he replied casually with a shrug, as if it was something so simple.


Shen Long sprayed out another mouthful of blood.

This young man is definitely far from simple!

"Ahh! Grandpa!" Shen Murong quickly bolted forward to support his grandfather by the shoulder, his face showed an expression of great concern towards the latter.

"Duan Li, I told you to hold your punches before! My grandpa is already so old and his old bones couldn't take a lot of beatings!" Shen Murong threw a disapproving look towards Duan Li.


Shen Long felt as if his kidney suddenly ceased to function from his grandson continuous beratement of his capabilities due to old age.

"What are you saying? That's just the normal punch of my Nine Fists Shattering Meteor." Duan Li replied, denying that he ever used a strength that was overboard against an elderly man.

Shaking his head, he then continued, "Since your grandfather is already considered as an expert of the Nascent Soul realm, I used the same Major mastery of the technique on him that I used on Cao Tengfei before so that he could understand."

Hearing this, Shen Long finally realized why the other party was able to beat that Dark Sect member black and blue..

With such a punch, practically no one could withstand it if they did not power-up properly beforehand!

However, although he could probably withstand that single punch from Duan Li and would only sustain perhaps 10 percent of the damage in his awakened bloodline form, if the other party were to continuously punch him with such a fist, it would only be a matter of time before he fell!

And by the looks of it, it seemed as though the other party was not even going all-out with that previous punch!

Truly formidable!

"Although I have to say, your grandfather has fared much more better than what I had expected.. the stamina of a Nascent soul realm expert is indeed different." Duan Li remarked.

Because his punch this time does not involve the activation of his time-slowing down ability, it was way less in terms of impact when compared to the one he used on Cao Tengfei.

Due to time dilation, the added speed to his punch causes its force to be several times more lethal. That was why Cao Tengfei, despite his monster form and damage absorbing abilities, could not handle Duan Li's punch back then!

Shen Long and the other Nascent Soul realm expert had their brows twitching when they heard this.

Usually, it was them who would be astonished if cultivators lower than their realm were able to do something beyond their usual means, just like how they were dumbstrucked with Duan Li every single time.

And now, to think that a cultivator with lower realm was impressed that someone higher than their own cultivation state could defend against their attacks, surely, the laws of reality does not seemed to be bounded to this young man.


"Alright, I take back my words. You really do possess the capabilities after all." Shen Long said with a sigh.

Seeing that the situation was no longer tense, the Principal hurriedly led Duan Li to the two tents as time was of most importance right now.

They were already delayed by Shen Long's sudden fit of antics and couldn't afford to dilly-dally any longer when it came to the Demiruke's virus!

After conducting the same kind of diagnosis to both the injured and the dead, Duan Li was now more convinced that his previous theory was at least 90 percent accurate!

Not too long after that, everyone boarded the Phoenix Cradle and departed to head back to the academy, arriving at night-time. They were given a good night's rest and were instructed to hand in their report the day after the next.

Classes were also put on-hold temporarily. After all, everyone earned their holidays after such an arduous battle..

Well at least this was true for those that fought in the Second and Third frontlines anyway.

For the students that were lucky enough to be on the First frontline, they were so carefree that their reports only contained between one to ten lines at max, of which among those were; enemies were annihilated by Duan Li, competition for leftover disabled monsters, Dark Sect member got beaten up, An*s destroyed, One-Punch guy and more.


Inside the royal palace, at the main hall..

"What?! Are you absolutely sure about this?" the Emperor was so rattled after he heard Duan Li's report that he subconsciously stood up from his throne.

"Yes.. at least, I am 90 percent sure that the Demiruke's virus would have such an amount of success rate, depending on one's innate potential." Duan Li said.

His theory was that, the Demiruke's virus could infect almost any cultivator irrelevant of their cultivation state, because it was actually based on one's innate potential!

Specifically, those with True rank or the highest, Bright rank, would have far more higher chances of being successfully turned into a monster when infected!

This was due to the nature of the Demiruke's virus, as its food was a cultivator's spiritual Qi, therefore, higher ranks of innate potential would mean higher quality food for it to consume!

Liu Sheng Juan, that was also summoned to the royal palace by the Emperor cupped his chin and pondered for a moment.

"The Dark Sect threat level should now be lifted to the highest level; Cataclysmic Threat!" he declared solemnly.

"I agree!" the Emperor nodded with similar expression as well.

Fei Jin Fang clenched his fist tightly in frustration, "This would mean that practically all Nascent Soul realm expert would be turned into monsters once infected! Curse this Dark Dect! How could they be this twisted!!" he shouted out.

The Vice-Principal, Zhang Xi, only gave out a long deep sigh, "Well, if there is at least one good news from this, it would be that most of the general populace are away from danger for now."

The Principal nodded, "En! However, the corruption caused by the Demiruke's virus onto the dead's body also had me greatly concerned. Let us go with Duan Li's plan that was previously forwarded by Senior Teacher Wang Guozhi yesterday."

After some further discussion, the meeting finally ended.

"By the way, I have decided to announce your title as the Imperial Overseer in one week from now on, would that be fine with you?" the Emperor asked.

Duan Li thought for a while before nodding, "That should be fine. However, I plan to enter the Eternal Maze once more and advance my realm there at the same time."

Hearing this, all of them turned to Duan Li at the same time with furrowed brows.

"You wished to enter the Eternal Maze again?"
