Chapter 178: Duan Li's Weakness!

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"Oh? You want to head down and enter the Eternal Maze? Hmm.." Meng Yue was evidently surprised by this as she pondered for a moment.

"I've heard that you've already been there once, so why do you need to go back?" she inquiried with a confused look.

Seeing that his mother was not angry at him, which was contrary to his mother's usual protective reaction, Duan Li sighed in relief before answering, "Mother, actually the Eternal Maze is designed like this.." he began to explain.

"The Eternal maze is divided into 9 region. When a person entered, the maze would automatically scan a person's cultivation realm and level. It would then transport them to the respective region where the first region is for the weakest, while the ninth region should be the most dangerous of all, made specifically for the most powerful.."

Hearing this, Meng Yue understood the relation that her son was trying to tell her and nodded, "Then, your cultivation realm right now is at the pinnacle stage of the Foundation establishment realm, would that meant that you would enter the second region?" she asked.

Duan Li nodded.

"That's right mother. Back when I was still at the Qi condensation realm, I was put inside the first region. Therefore now, I should be entering the second region with my current cultivation realm." Duan Li answered positively, hoping that his mother would allow it.

Meng Yue cupped her chin for a while before replying, "I've heard that the Eternal Maze is extremely dangerous, and I wouldn't have allowed it if it was in the past. But now I know that you could hold your own even against a Nascent Soul realm expert. So I guess it should be fine?"

She then continued, "However, you need to make sure to know your own limits. After all, even your father.." realizing that she was about to say something that she shouldn't yet, she shook her head, "Nevermind.." and sighed.

I should only tell him about what happened to his father after he became much more stronger than this.. at least after he stepped into the immortal realm..

Otherwise, he might try to do something reckless and go against those that are beyond anyone's means..

On the other hand, Duan Li caught this and knew that there was still more about his father that he didn't know about. For example, his mother only talked about how they met, and not yet about his father's origin. Perhaps, in due time, his mother would slowly unravel the mystery one by one. But for now, he was already satisfied knowing who his father was.

Duan Ling..

Duan Li then chuckled and replied, "Don't worry mother, I won't go overboard with my adventure. After all, I still need to change the future! Speaking of which.. does mother already know about what will happen 8 years later?" he asked with a nervous expression.

This was the other thing that he wanted to talk about, and honestly, he didn't know where to start.

After all, regarding the scene where his mother eventually died, how should he even begin to put that into a proper sentence?

Meng Yue nodded, "En! I already know about everything from Bian Tianyu. Actually, I'm not really that surprised, because your father once said the same thing to me, that you would be the key to change the future.."

She then stared at the setting sun and continued, "However at that time, other than the miracles he could perform, I rarely took him seriously, as your father always liked to talk about things I can't seemed to understand. But that fool.. I wonder how he is right now.." her expression turned into that of a longingness.

Seeing this expression of her's, even Duan Li himself couldn't help but to feel the loneliness that his mother felt.

'It has already been 20 odd years.. mother must have missed father greatly..' Duan Li sighed.

"I see.. since mother already knows about it, then I only have one thing to say.. and that is.. I won't allow such a future to happen!" he said as he looked straight into his mother's eyes.

When she saw this, her heart warmed up a bit as she smiled. However, the next moment later, she punched Duan Li's left shoulder lightly.



"Ohh look at you now, all big and ready to protect the world eh? But you still have a long way to go young man. Even if you could match up to a Nascent Soul realm experts now in terms of battle prowess, you still can't match their wits!" she warned, so as to not make her son become overconfident.

Just what kind of existences were the Nascent Soul realm experts?

They were those whom had been in the cultivation world for decades, if not centuries!

This meant that they have went through the countless vicissitudes of life, such that they were able to adapt to most situation quickly!

While Duan Li's trump card, specifically the slowing down time ability would activate automatically upon threats that could end his life was extremely powerful, it also came with a fatal flaw as well.

This flaw was that, it would not activate on attacks that would not endanger his life!

For example, the light punch that Meng Yue used on his left shoulder just now, it would only hurt him slightly and not kill him immediately. However, if these damages were to stack continuously, it would only be a matter of time before it would really start to threaten his life.

Fortunately, most powerful expert would try to end their fight as soon as possible, and thus would use lethal force from the get-go. This was because they find those with cultivation realm lower than them as nuisance and annoying like flies, especially if those people were their enemy.

After all, there was no joy in toying with ants, and it would be far more efficient to just end it in one go and proceed to the next one, for such was the life of a cultivator. The stronger they get, the more detached their views were towards insignificant life.

However, not all cultivators has the heart of a saint, and they do sometimes play with the weaker ones out of boredom. There were also those twisted folks who likes to bully the weak, and they would not hesitate to bully others to the death!

Although it would be highly unlikely for Duan Li to even take any meaningful damage from such an attack, as he could practically heal himself in a matter of instant with the current medical arts knowledge he possessed, raw damage wasn't the only method of attacking!

In the world of cultivation, skill arts that deals with the intangible phenomena; such as the manipulation of space, voids and other mystic elements could be indirectly used for most offensive purposes.

Therefore, if they found out that their method of attacking Duan Li with raw power does not seemed to work, provided that the enemy was at least intelligent, they would switch to the more unorthodox method of fighting; such as using poison, magic and runic formation, and finally mystic elements.

This was especially the case with experienced vagrant and rogue cultivators that only knows how to fight, survive, win and repeat. They would have long known that some people possess special means such as secret arts, bloodline ability and unique body that could negate some types of damages. Thus, they were mostly prepared and has a variety of strategies to fight against such opponents.

Listening to all these, Duan Li nodded in agreement as he realized that what his mother just spoke of was all true. He couldn't be careless just because he had grew a little bit stronger than he was in the past!

Well.. it seems like I need to read those mountains of books if I want to be really prepared..

Hais.. how troublesome!

"Alright, I think I have said enough. Just learn on how to take care of yourself properly." Meng Yue said in a strict tone.

"Yes mother.." Duan Li replied. Now he felt that his mother was back to her usual self again.

"Good, I'll be going back to the village tomorrow morning. After all, we can't leave grandma Ying alone for too long, or else she might get really worried." she continued.

"Follow your mother, let's have a dinner together and bring along your followers as well! We're going to eat at the most expensive and lavish restaurant tonight for a big feast!" she added with a big smile.

Hearing this, Duan Li was a little bit surprised. His mother has always been living frugally, and thus disdained wasteful acts.

Thus, he misunderstood that his mother meant for him to pay for everything and honestly, he doesn't mind that at all.

"Okay mother, don't worry about the expenses, I'll cover everything!" Duan Li said as he gave his mother a thumbs up with pride.

If there is anything that I'm not lacking at the moment, its that I have too much money!

"Huh? What do you mean? Why do we even have to pay?" his mother said with a frown, evidently confused with him.

"..." Duan Li.
