Chapter 179: Restaurant!

### Notice ###

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Ps: If it gets censored, those words are P.A.T.R.E.O.N without the dots.

### Notice ###

Duan Li's brows twitched continuously upon hearing this.

"W-What do you mean mother? D-Don't worry, I can afford to pay!" he hurriedly said, afraid that his mother does not want to depend on him.

Meng Yue shook her head, "Idiot son, you are already the Imperial Overseer of the Jiu Empire! Even if you were to ask the Emperor to vacate the palace right now and make it your new home, who would dare complain?"


Duan Li got choked by his own saliva.

Mother.. do you think your son was raised to become a bandit?

And no one dared complain? The heck!

Everyone would complain if the royal family got evicted from their home so suddenly like that!

The least we should do to make things proper should be to send them a formal letter of eviction notice first, and then..

Wait, wait!

This train of thought is wrong!

"M-Mother.. I know the status of the Imperial Overseer is higher than the Emperor, but that is too much of a high-profile move to make! Wouldn't it be better if we just do things normally?" Duan Li tried to pursuade his mother.

After all, a certain newcomer suddenly becoming an Imperial Overseer would already be too much for most people to accept, not to mention the same person were trying to do things as he liked..

The citizens would definitely threw a huge ruckus and file a large amounts of complaints for that!

He then added, "Besides, my status as the Imperial Overseer is a still a secret from the public.. only a week later would it be officially announced.. therefore it would create an endless amounts of trouble if I were to self declare myself as such.. in fact, it could even be considered as a treason!"

Hearing this, Meng Yue pouted her mouth as what her son just said was indeed correct.

"Hmph.. fine! But when you are officially announced as the Imperial Overseer next time, you should try to pull your weight around a bit. Otherwise, your status is practically useless!" she replied.

"Well.. that's true.." Duan Li gave what his mother just said some serious thoughts.

I wonder what I should do once I get officially titled?


Soon after, he gathered all of his followers and head down North towards the exit of the academy, which is the entrance gate. After which, an old man that saw them coming suddenly appeared and stopped them.

"Halt! No students are allowed to- err.. you are.." he stuttered in his sentence when he saw Meng Yue, his countenance turned pale.

This was the same old man that had quickly hidden himself behind bushes back then when Meng Yue were trying to forcefully open the entrance gate to let her son in after a late night excursion.

"Huh me? I'm Meng Yue, why?" Duan Li's mother shot him a glare.

"Ahh! Yes, yes! Your lady must be on your way out to the capital eh? Please wait for a while, let me open the gate for you!" he hurriedly said, not daring to delay their encounter any longer.

With his palm pressing on a certain corner of the gate, the gate started to rumble violently before it slowly moved to open itself up.

This stupid gate! Why does it have to put on airs even when opening itself?!

Do you have to be so dramatic and slow? My life is on the line here!

'I should have oiled its gears a while back..' he thought to himself feeling immense regret.

After a short while, which seemed to be eternity for the old man, the gate finally opened up in full, and he exhaled a deep breath in relief.

"There, the path has been opened up nicely! Come back safely guys!" the old man said with an expression similar to that of a caring and friendly neighbour, which looked a little bit off with that glaring cross-shaped scar on his face.

"E-En!" Duan Li replied awkwardly as they moved along with the old man waving at them from the back.

They wondered on why the guardian of the entrance gate was being so nice to them, was it because of their Lord's reputation?


"That was the closest encounter I ever had with the tyrant herself! To think that my lifetime's fortune was spared, truly the Heavens has watched over me!" he exhaled a deep relief once more.

He was already a retired cultivator and his main source of living right now was his pension benefits for volunteering to help guard the entrance gate of the academy during nightime.

Rumors has it that the Tyrant of the Jiu Empire back then would sometimes mercilessly snatched an elderly's money for gambling and drinking, and while he did not know whether that rumor was the actual truth or not, he dares not to test it himself!

Had Meng Yue were to know this old man's thoughts, she would have pressed him hard for answers on who would so shamelessly spread such an inaccurate rumors about her like that!

At least, they should get the facts right, that she would only snatch from her peers such as the Principal and the Vice-Principal!

And not for gambling or drinking, but for auctions!

Drinking at the pub? Too cheap! The auction has many wines that had aged for hundreds of years and was the best of them all, regardless of how much it cost.

While she may not be a total drinker, she preferred top-notch quality when she does, not the generic ones!

Gambling? Auctions was pretty much the same for her!


After moving around for a while, they soon found themselves entering the district meant for the rich and profligate sons to waste their parent's money.

At the sight of all the colorful buildings and expensive looking clothes that the people wore here, Duan Li's followers found themselves to be a little bit insecure.

In a hush tone, Shen Lu whispered to Duan Li, "Hey brother, where is your mother taking us? This place looks quite expensive.."

The others nodded to this as they felt the same way. While they were quite well-off now as Duan Li gave them some medium quality spirit stones according to their battle merits on the third front before, they would pretty much preferred to spend their money on cultivation resources!

"Indeed.. and that alley-way over there, why are those young ladies calling us over?" Wei Shang said as his face turned red in embarrassment along with Wei Wang. After all, he was being waved to by some beautiful and ravishing beauties!

"Oh? You're right.. I was always called a brute by my fellow clansmen and clanswomen alike, but these young ladies doesn't seem to mind my huge physique. Am I actually that handsome?" Shen Murong cupped his chin as he pondered this.


"Eyes off! Unless you want to be turned blind permanently!" Xu Rong glared at these men as he slapped their head.

Men and their perverterdness!

She pouted in frustration as she casted a look towards the direction of Duan Li, and found out that the latter wasn't even interested in looking at all these pretty ladies around them.

This caused her to let out a breath of relief as she nodded and thought to herself, 'Indeed, only the Lord would be so unfazed by this material world..'

However, she failed to take into consideration that Duan Li was only behaving as such was because his mother was beside him!

After all, who would dare to act so brazen and foolish in front of their parents?

That's just plainly courting death!

Meanwhile, Guo He was a very timid person and looked straight to the ground while chanting holy scriptures of the nine gods to fend off demons from possessing his mind.

Wang Xiolun was probably the most indifferent out of all the men in their party, as he only had Xiahou Yu in his eyes, whom was currently enjoying a chicken drumstick while they were walking along the streets.

Fei Longwei on the other hand, although had a fierce aura to him all the time, was a natural women magnet with his prince-like face. Feeling extremely annoyed with all those women bothering him, he casted one of his dark arts spell to cover his face with a shadow.

Not long after that, they finally stopped as they stood in front of what seemed to be a huge and grandly decorated restaurant!

Seven Saints Culinary!

"Ahh.. this brings back memories.." Meng Yue said with excitement flashed in her eyes.

She then continued, "The Seven Saints Culinary is probably the best restaurant in existence within the Jiu Empire! They were established roughly around the same time shortly after the Empire was formed!"

As she licked her lips and was about to enter, a young man with expensive looking clothes with a bunch of servants behind him shouted angrily.

"You bunch of peasants, you won't be able to afford eating here! Now scram and suck your momma's-"

Before he could even finish, Meng Yue threw a palm strike without even looking at the young man.


The palm strike was strong enough to quickly send this haughty and insignificant character spinning in the air like a broken ragdoll.

However, the latter only fainted and was not killed. There were also no serious injuries on his body other than his face that got swollen like that of a pig's due to being slapped.

"Hmph!" Duan Li's mother snorted coldly before continuing her steps to enter the restaurant.

A mere ant dares to act haughty before the tyrant herself, seeking death!


Duan Li and his followers sucked in a breath of cold air when they witnessed this!

"How vicious!" they swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Not even a villain could speak their line properly before this woman, how scary!

Casting one final glance at the young man on the ground that was twitching with white foams forming on his mouth, surrounded by his panic servants, Duan Li and the rest could only let out a pitiful look towards the other party before swiftly following behind Duan Li's mother.
