Chapter 229: The Queen!

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With Duan Li's provocation, the Queen of the Parasitic Killerworms roared out in fury!

Pshuu!! Pshuu!!

Thin scales from her slender snake-like body was shot out towards Duan Li and travelled at an insane speed that would normally be impossible to see with the naked eyes for someone of Duan Li's realm!

But what kind of cultivator was Duan Li?

He was someone with a fate that was boundless, his talent was endowed with endless possibilities, and his prowess, weren't like those average cultivators of the Core formation realm!

Even against higher realm opponents, Duan Li might not necessarily lost out easily, an example of this was the battle he faught with Cao Tengfei of the Dark Sect!

This was especially the case that he had now activated one of the Tri-Desolation Heavenly Arts - First Desolation Warring Intent!

His reaction, speed and overall combat abilities were boosted by five times! Therefore, the speed of these projectiles being shot towards him that he previously was not able to detect and see, could now be seen faintly, just enough for him to dodge and avoid being injured by them!


Duan Li's Sparrow Footwork, the movement skill art that was imparted to him by Zhang Xi, the Vice-Principal of the Jixue Knights Academy was originally a demanding skill, in a sense that it required a cultivator to burn their spiritual Qi to increase one's speed at the rate of 10:1!

Naturally, he wasn't satisfied with such an apparent fatal flaw, so he decided to modify it and combine part of the movement skill art from the One-Step-To-Reach technique of the old man Jing Zhianghu, Guardian of the First region to create a completely new movement skill art - Impeccable Sky Footsteps!

This new movement skill art of his could only be described as terrifying! Not only was the excessive demand of spiritual Qi to execute it was reduced to a ratio of only 1:1, it could basically be called as a near transmission skill!

What this means was that, as long as Duan Li could detect an incoming threat within a radius of one meter, he would be able to shift his position anywhere within that boundary with a single thought!

This was all made possible by him gaining the True Martial Instinct ability. Before, the radius was only a measly 10 cm, so it was not a practical, but now it became an extremely formidable skill!

However, because he himself did not notice that he had gained the True Martial Instinct, he thought that the increase into 1 meter radius has something to do after fighting those lifeless puppets to the ends of his stamina, which was not too different from the actual fact.

Still, because it was a movement skill art, which was an active ability rather than passive, it required him to activate the skill. Otherwise, how would the Queen be able to penetrate his left arm previously?


Seeing that her attacks were being dodged by the little human in front of her effortlessly like a fly, she roared out once more in annoyance.

"Foolish human! How dare you dodge my attacks? Die already!" the Queen spatted out.

Hearing this, Duan Li was surprised, "Eh? She was able to speak a language?"

The fact that he was able to understand it due to the language translation ability of the Tetra Unsealing hex by the Mirealithians, shows that the Queen he was up against right now possessed some form of intelligence rather than being a mindless bug driven by pure instinct!

"Hmph! So what if I dodge? What are you gonna do about it?" he replied sarcastically with a straight face.

This time, it was the Queen's turn to be shocked as all her attacks suddenly halted, "You.. you can understand me, human?" she said with a tone full of disbelief.

Is this for real?

"It's not too difficult. As long as your rambling sounds coherent enough, I could tell what you are saying." Duan Li replied with a casual expression, as if such a feat was nothing for him.

Seeing that she was not mishearing things, she welled up in excitement and laughed out loud.

"HAHAHA! Good! Good! Since the day that I was born, no one in the world could communicate with me, except for the bastard that caught and trapped me here!" she said as she recalled that eventful day with a forlorn look.

She was actually the supposed catastrophy from the ancient time back then, but the combined assault from the human cultivators banding together was more than what she could handle and she was defeated in the end.

However, she did not die that day!

Being a sub-species of the Hydra family, she possessed the ability to split herself into two. Before she was slayed, she had already sent her copy into the ground and hid herself away!

The world rejoiced while she slowly bid her time underground to recover her strength, because to survive, the cost was too great, and that she had lost all of her strength and had to restart from the very beginning once more.

However, as bad luck would have it, someone seemed to have caught on to her ploy of playing dead!

While she was travelling from one spiritual Qi river to the next in the Subterranean system, a spatial ripple suddenly appeared in front of her, and from it, came out a very handsome young man with a tall stature and an otherworldly aura.

She still remembered that day very clearly as if it was only yesterday, as even though the young man was charming and smiling innocently, her monster instinct told her that the young man was very dangerous; an existence that could easily toppled everyone or everything in power that she knew!

She felt that if she were to make even a single misstep, she would be killed on the spot in an instant!

It was a terrifying level of invisible pressure that made her realized that, the pinnacle of power level that she knew, wasn't actually the end at all and there was further more beyond!

Next, it turned out that the young man could actually communicate with her which immediately turned her subservient!

After all, how could she not? The young man was not only handsome, powerful and unfathomable, but could also talk to her when no one else, not even other monsters could understand her!

It was every woman's dream to have a man like that! So she fell in love at first sight.

However, it was a terrible mistake for her, as humans would never view a monster like her as a true woman!

Therefore, after some slightly weird question and answer session with the handsome young man, the latter nodded, seemingly satisfied as all of his queries were being answered by her fully, without missing out a single detail, the young man then flicked his finger, and she was suddenly trapped in a spatial container!

The next thing that she knew, she was transported into this desolate space!

She was only left with an instruction by the young man to cultivate diligently and that he would come again next time. But that next time never came, even after more than ten thousand years have passed!

Twenty thousand years, fifty thousand, a hundred thousand.. until she lost track of time!

The young man never came back, and her love for him then turned into hate!

Now, a similar human whom could also understand her had appeared, how could she let this person go?

Not to mention that this person seemed to be far weaker than her, she would do everything to make him accompany her for the rest of her life!

Thus, with a gleaming excitement in her eyes, she then said, "Husband.."

"..." Duan Li.

"..." Little sword.
