Chapter 230: Need to escape!

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"You.. who are you calling husband?" Duan Li said with his mouth twitching.

To suddenly be calling him husband from out of the blue like that, Duan Li could not help but to think that this Queen had gone bonkers from years of living underground!

"Who else? I have decided that from now on, you would be my husband! I do not want to hear any disagreement on your part! Hmph!" the Queen replied dismissively with an attitude.


Duan Li almost puked out the innards inside his stomach when he heard this.

Husband your ass! As if I'm going to become a husband to a snake or leech or whatever the hell you are!

"Keep on dreaming! Who would want to become your husband! Why don't you find a male of your own species instead?!" he retorted.

Not to mention becoming her husband, even the thought of undergoing a union between their body had already sent shivers down his spine!

The human male reproductive organ wasn't meant to penetrate something like that!

"Yeah! A filthy thing like you wanted my young master to become your husband? I will slice you up into a shish kebab!" the little sword bellowed out in anger.

This Queen of the Parasitic Killerworms really did not know her place at all!

"What? Are you going against my words? You, a mere weak human at the puny Core formation realm dares to? HAHAHA!" the Queen laughed out loud like a deranged maniac for a while.

"Fine, if you can kill me, then I will let you go!" she said and propped herself up even higher as more of her body that was underneath came out from the ground!

I have been alone for who knows how long, and my life that should have ended thousands of years ago due to old age somehow decelerated, to the point where I still retained my youth after being trapped inside this place!

This place was hell and living in it alone was worse than death, even committing suicide was not allowed in this place!

You have no idea how long I have waited for a day like this to come.. and yet you don't want to accompany me?!

As if I would let you!

Pshuu!! Pshuu!!

The Queen spat out saliva attack from her mouth rapidly.

"Careful young master! Her saliva are powerful paralysis attack! She planned to make you captive and violate your body!" the little sword shrieked out in horror.

Hearing this, Duan Li's usual calmness when dealing with an enemy was disrupted as he became a bit panic and dodged the attack haphazardly.

"You enemy of mankind! You slaughtered humans to suck out their spiritual Qi and you expect me to become your husband? Impossible!" Duan Li slapped out at the incoming saliva with several palm attack.



The other Parasitic Killerworms that remained motionless on the ground in the presence of their Queen was splattered with the saliva, and they twitched continuously as if a fish that was being roasted on a grill!

Swish! Swish!

Duan Li of course took this opportunity to cleanly cut them in half as he made his way to avoid the attacks from the Queen.

"Enemy of mankind? That may be so ages ago, but I've never feasted on a single human ever since! Furthermore, I only did what I did so that my children would not go hungry, just like you humans hunted other animals to eat! What is so wrong about that?" she replied with a giggle as she continued to spat out her saliva towards Duan Li while occasionally shooting out her scales as well.

Ping! Ping! Ping!

Duan Li deflected each scales with his sword and dodged the saliva at the same time, and this continued on for a while which caused the Queen to become increasingly frustrated.

"Why do you keep on resisting?! If you become my husband, I will treat you extremely well.. and I would even let you do.. all sorts of things to me.." the Queen said as her voice grew meek and blushed by the end of her sentences.


Duan Li's face turned pale as a white sheet, and he felt unprecedented fear creeping up towards him!

'This Queen is crazy! I need to get out from here!'

"Little sword, how do we escape from here?!" Duan Li sent out a telepathic message to the little sword on his right hand.

The latter then swiftly replied, "Since this is a trial room, we need to beat something in order for the exit to appear! If my deduction is correct, we need to slay a certain amount of Parasitic Killerworms excluding the Queen, as that monster would be impossible to beat for anyone that wandered here!"

Duan Li nodded to this and found it logical. If the Queen was part of the trial that needed to be beaten, then he would one day come face to face with the Grand Immortal or whatnot himself to deliver a slap to the latter's face!

Knowing that the more the fight dragged on, the more disadvantaged he would be, Duan Li immediately waved his hand to call for reinforcements!

Shuu! Shuu!!

Bulu, Cucko and Daelius popped out from his spatial ring!

"Guys, help me out to slay these worms! We need to kill as many as we can in order to escape from this place!" Duan Li instructed.

"Wooff!!" Daelius immediately went to the nearest parasitic killerworm to claw at them repeatedly while Cucko pecked at a rapid speed similar to a hammer drill.

"Alright master!" Bulu on the other hand, after ascending his previous limits into the Core formation realm, added that now his physique was similar to that of a human's, his fighting technique was reminiscent of a real cultivator as well!


His fists carried hints of the lightning elements imbued within it, causing those helpless parasitic killerworms to implode from the inside out as they were unable to utilize their natural ability to suck in spiritual Qi due to being paralyzed!


Seemingly not satisfied yet, Duan Li brought out the two Guardian Knight Puppets with a High quality spirit stone slotted into each of them as they burst out with a powerful might, reaching the realms of Nascent Soul experts!

Swish! Swish!


Quite a number of the worms were being massacred left and right, and this sight naturally fumed the Queen.

"Wretched beings! You guys dared to harm my children?! Die!!" she shot out more scales from her body aiming towards Duan Li's reinforcement!

"Oh no you don't!" Duan Li waved his hands as wood boxes scattered out from his spatial ring at an incredible speed while morphing to become pyramid shaped shields that protected each of his allies from harm!

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The slanted slopes of these pyramid shields easily redirected the scales!


Di Rou suddenly came out from Duan Li's shadow.

"Master, allow me to help as well!" she said.

With her appearance, the Queen's attention were shifted onto her presence entirely!

A woman!

