Chapter 255: Competition too good to pass up!

"Excuse me?" Duan Li was bewildered with the sudden approach of this strange man in front of him, who were eyeing at him like he was some sort of an exotic animal.

"What is your background?" the man continued to press on with a penetrating gaze.

Seeing that this stranger was starting to inquire about his private information, Duan Li could not help but to take a step back as he stared at the other party with a dubious look.

Is he a pervert?

At first, he said something about not being able to see through me..

Now he is asking for my background!

Suspicious! Very suspicious!

With a frown, as if he knew what Duan Li's expression meant, the man immediately said in a displeased tone, "I'm not someone suspicious, I am just genuinely interested in knowing about you."

"..." Duan Li.

That makes it even worse when we don't even know each other!

Duan Li shook his head vehemently, "I'm sorry, but I don't know you. Goodbye!"

The man was visibly stunned for a moment because of Duan Li's rejection, which made him realize that his method of approach was incorrect and hasty.

How could I make such a careless mistake?

"Wait!" he called out when he saw that Duan Li was quickly leaving the scene as if a spouse that almost got caught cheating.

"I apologize, I am an envoy from the Liu Empire that was invited over for the coronation of your Imperial Overseer. My name is Liu Sheng Duhai." the man introduced himself with an eloquent speech.

"Liu Sheng Duhai?"

Hearing this name, Duan Li's mind quickly clicked together, as if he had just unraveled a mystery.

Thinking for a moment, he then asked with a curious tone just to make sure, "Could you be in any way related to Liu Sheng Juan, the Managing Director of the Jiu Bank?"

The man was once again surprised as an intrigued look appeared on his face.

Cupping his chin, he replied, "You know my little brother?"

Little brother?

I see!

He is the older brother of the Managing Director!

No wonder he looks so familiar!

"Yes, we've been acquainted before. So, the Managing Director is.. not from the Jiu Empire?" Duan Li said in realization along with a series of hypothesis reeling in his mind.

The man called as Liu Sheng Duhai smiled. Instead of answering, he gave Duan Li a complicated look.

"Let's just say, things are not that simple. Anyway, now that you know of my identity, it would only be a fair trade to introduce yourself to me as well wouldn't it?" he continued.


Usually, people would introduce themselves to each other because its part of the common courtesy. To say that it was a trade..

What a strange fellow!

"My name is Duan Li. I'm just a junior student of the Jixue Knight's Academy! Nobody too special!"

"Duan Li.." the man thought for a moment as he committed Duan Li's name to his memory.

Someone that calls themselves as unimportant, are usually the one with the most formidable identity..

In addition, my ability, the 'Eye of Unraveling Facade' could see through everyone in almost an instant. However, when I looked at you, it was as if I was staring right into the abyss!

There is no way that your identity could be so simple! Hmph!

"If you don't have any other plans, then why not join me? I'm sure that we can know more about each other along the way." Liu Sheng Duhai employed.

Queen Levy that was beside Duan Li leaned in to whisper, "Lord, this person is quite the eccentric person. I suggest that we be more careful around him.. he seems to be too.. calculative."

Duan Li nodded to this and whispered back, "Indeed.. all the more reason on why we have to know more about this strange fellow! Furthermore, we have nothing to do as well.."

"..." Liu Sheng Duhai's mouth twitched slightly.

You know that I can hear you two when we are this close right?

His interest was piqued even further, especially when he glanced at Queen Levy.

"This woman.. I can't see the depths of her cultivation.."

Interesting! Very interesting!

In a single encounter, I managed to discover two rare individuals!

This must be the work of fate!

Heavens! Be rest assured, I will unravel the meaning behind this encounter soon!

"Where are we going?" the both of them inquired.

Clasping his hands behind his back, Liu Sheng Duhai's disposition suddenly turned vicissitudinous. With a hint of expectation in his voice, he replied, "We are heading towards the battle stadium to spectate students from the different parts of the Nine Empires around the world fighting with each other!"

"Oh? There are things like that happening right now? Let's head over there then!"

"..." Liu Sheng Duhai.

My change in temperament did not even faze him..



Roars of excitement could be heard around them the moment they arrived. There seems to be some kind of performances that were currently happening on the platform before the official battle will begin in the evening.

"So this is the Battle Stadium! It's gigantic!" Duan Li exclaimed excitedly with clenched fists as he looked around.

The platform for the Battle Stadium was almost the same size as the sports field in the Jixue Knight's Academy where they conducted their first Combat Class session before, about 100 by 100 meters.

The only single difference however, was that the platform was surrounded by seats for the spectators, arranged in a stepped-slope fashion so that height differences won't matter for those whom were viewing from the back.

Roughly doing an arithmetic calculation in his mind, the total seats should be enough for around 100,000 people!

Even then, most of the seats was already taken and the place was packed right now. However, the situation remained orderly as numerous powerful cultivators were stationed in the sky, acting as the security guards keeping a lookout for troublemakers.

"The competition should be starting in about an hour, so we would have to wait until then." Liu Sheng Duhai said as they made their way to their seating platform among the masses.

As they converse with each other, Duan Li found out quite a bit about the competition.

Firstly, the minimum requirement to participate in the competition was that, they have to be at least on the Early stage of the Core Formation realm.

Secondly, it turns out that the competition will ban all form of skill arts, only allowing martial arts and internal reinforcement skills to be used in the battle. Additionally, since there were many participants, the competition would be split into three stages.

The first stage was decided to be battle royale, separated into groups according to their cultivation realm until only 6 participants were left from each group. They will then move on to the second stage which was a round-robin setup, where each group will have a total of 5 rounds. The first three participants from each group will be declared as the winner.

The third stage was planned to be quite special, in that the winners from each group would be gathered together. They would then have the chance to fight a puppet one realm higher than them!

This was dubbed to be the impossible challenge by the organizer, and those that managed to overcome this, shall be celebrated by everyone as a genius among genius, as well as earning the right to take home the grand prize; a single High quality spirit stone!

"..." Duan Li.

Ignoring the measly value of the grand prize, Duan Li cupped his chin as he contemplated seriously in his mind.

My cultivation realm is enough for me to join the competition, and since my internal injury only allows me to use 10 percent of my strength at most, the measuring orb they used to measure one's realm should only show my realm to be in the early stage of the Core Formation realm..

Eh, this is too good of an opportunity to pass!

"Is there any way where I can join the competition?" Duan Li asked suddenly.


"You want to join the competition?"

Liu Sheng Duhai's pair of eyes flashed with numerous schemes for a hundredth of a second before disappearing with a friendly smile.


"Normally, no one could enter the competition on a last minute notice, but here, take this token of mine. As long as you show it to the person in charge, you should be able to join it with no problem at all."

A token in the shape of a unique pentagon appeared on his hand before handing it over to Duan Li. There seems to be an emblem of identity on it.

"Thanks!" Duan Li clasped both fists on the latter as a show of gratitude before turning to Queen Levy.

"You wait here and watch the show! Remember to not create any troubles!"

"Your wish is my command my dear Lord. Please enjoy yourself." Queen Levy gently replied with a nod.

As they watched Duan Li's figure disappearing into the distance to sign up for the competition, Liu Sheng Duhai could not help but to ponder upon that last sentence from this woman beside him.

What did she mean when she said that her Lord could enjoy himself?
