Chapter 256: The other four empires!

"Hey! You're not supposed to enter here! This area is limited for the participants only! Turn back now before you get yourself hurt!" said a person sternly as he spotted Duan Li approaching and rose his hand to stop him.

"I'm here to participate in the competition! Here!" Duan Li replied as he quickly showed the token.

The man shook his head, "The registration is already closed. You can't.. eh?"

His eyes suddenly opened wide after he caught sight of the emblem on that token.

Insignia of a Rook!

"T-This! Forgive my rudeness! Please, come along this way!"


Duan Li and the entrance guard soon arrived in a large hall where numerous participants gathered together.

Some were chatting with each other while some were isolating themselves.

Quickly after, a tall and burly middle-aged man swiftly approached them from the distance.

"What's the meaning of this? I've told you that only participants can enter here! Why are you bringing this fellow in?!" he bellowed.

This person seems to be in charge of the place and has the air of authority in his words, causing the entrance guard to shiver and sunk his head between his shoulders slightly upon being reprimanded by his superior.

"S-Sir, please hear me out! This person.." the entrance guard began to explain.

The two of them whispered with each other for a while before the complexion of the other party turned pale. Unknowingly, he had already swallowed a couple of his saliva in anxiousness!

"Sir, may I see the token?" the person in charge politely asked towards Duan Li.

Duan Li nodded and flicked his hand to show the token. The other party gasped.

Turning around, he slapped the entrance guard's head from the back with a loud 'pa!' as he shouted, "You fool! Why are you still standing like a mute here? Go and register his name right now and add him to the rooster list!"

"A-At once, Sir!" the entrance guard dashed to the reception before making a quick U-turn. Scratching his head with an embarrassed look, he asked, "May I know your name Sir? I need to register you.."

"..." Duan Li and the superior.


The whole fiasco between the trio was witnessed by many people and most of them could not help but to snort in disdain.

"Hmph! That milk drinker, how dare he sully the holiness of this competition! To enter through the backdoor.. I'll be sure to pummel him very nicely later on kekeke.." a skinny looking man by the corner with missing teeth here and there said sinisterly.

"I took a look when they measured his cultivation realm, he is just a measly Early stage Core Formation realm! What use is using his connection to enter the competition with such trashy realm? Truly courting death!" another person said proudly.

"Ah, what's that? I am also at the Early stage too! You looking down on me?" a person that overheard their conversation could not help but to chimed in with an angry face.

"You damn right I do! I don't only look down on you, but your sister as well! In fact, your ancestor is also the same!"

"F*ck! Don't you cry and beg for mercy when I sunk my finger to smash your big b*lls later on!"

"Where is the guy that said something about milk drinker? I love milk!"

"You shut up!"

These groups of rogue cultivators turned rowdy as an intense staring competition and a series of cursing words was thrown at each other.

In their opinion, students from the academies were all just sheltered babies that had not yet seen the world. Thus, they were determined to eliminate students the moment the competition start later on. After all, students has no real combat experience when compared to them who travelled the continent, or so they thought.

Unbeknownst to them, at another corner of the massive hall, a young man seemingly in his 20s shook his head.

"Those fools. Getting worked up for a mere fish, that's how people can identify that they are trash as well." he harrumphed as he crossed his arms between his chest. This man radiated out some impressive pugilistic aura around him. In addition, his body was tall and big, comparable to Shen Murong.

"Ling Shin, teacher said to never underestimate people. For all we know, that person could be strong like us." a gentle looking man with long blue hair said. From his words, one could mistake that he was kind, but a hint of sarcasm and pride was hidden well under the words that he just uttered.

"Strong like us? Ruo Hen, you sure know how to make a joke." the person called Ling Shin replied with a dissatisfied look.

These two were from the far East empire, the Doulou Empire!

Among the Nine Empires that dotted the Tian continent, the Doulou Empire was renown for their massive collections of martial arts manual. Therefore, although the two of them could not be considered as the top-notch genius of their academy, they were still confident with their abilities for this kind of competition.

They felt like it was made just for them!

"You guys sure are confident." a voice spoke out behind them.

"Bai Li, if you think that I would be surprised by how you managed to get behind me, don't bother." Ling Shin scoffed with an indifferent tone.

"Hahahaha of course. I was only toying with you. If you can't even detect my presence when I'm not using any sorts of special skills at all, then how can our Empire possibly be a rival for each other?" the man called as Bai Li replied. His outfit drifted like those black inks being submerged inside a flowing river, dancing ever so slightly.

"Bai Li, the Huan Empire only sent you alone?" Ruo Hen said with a curious smile.

Bai Li nodded, "Well, we are short on hand.."

"You jest. You guys just love to look down on all the other Empire anyway, what more of this backward Jiu Empire. In front of your eyes, you guys only accepted the invitation out of formality." Ling Shin spoke.

He then continued, "If there were real reasons as to why we even bothered to come all the way here, isn't it because of them?"

Ling Shin's stare fell onto a pair of individuals that seemed to be having a friendly conversation with each other a few distance away from them while drinking from expensive glass wine.

As if realizing that someone was staring at them, the both of them looked towards their direction and smiled.


Ling Shin spatted to the side.

"Cocky bastard. They might be superior in terms of skill arts, but we eat this kind competition like our breakfast! Let's see how long will that smug face stays on their face!"


"Isn't that Ling Shin? They're here too?" a tall man with a fair facial appearance said to the person in front of him. One of his hand was placed behind his back while the other were holding a cup of wine.

"Seems like they have an agenda. Oh well, it doesn't matter. Zhang Liao, would you care for another drink?" a man casually replied as he whipped out another barrel of wine.

"Lu Bu, I'm full already.."

They were both from the Wei Empire and the Qin Empire respectively, two of the most powerful Empires out of the nine. Not only that, they were also allies with each other since time immemorial.


Oblivious to the hidden turmoil as the result of his sudden participation, Duan Li quickly found a spot as he sat down cross-legged to analyze his internal state.

Sonar Qi!


Before long, he quickly shook his head.

"Not good, my recovery will really take me a while before I can control my strength properly.." he sighed out. Recalling the moment when he donkey-kicked Shen Murong to the wall, he really had to give a round of applause to the other party for withstanding that kick of his!

"That monstrous fellow.. I wonder how strong will he become when he returned.."


The sound of a gong suddenly reverberated across the room, catching everyone's attention.

"All participants, please prepare yourself! The competition will begin shortly!"
