Chapter 257: The tall burly man!

"Ladies and gentlemen! I hope that everyone present here are prepared for a sore throat tomorrow morning because tonight, we will have some fights going on between cultivators across the continent happening right here, in this very Battle Stadium!"

The emcee of the competition, wearing a white-colored skin tight suit and a weird hat was quite lively and full of energy, becoming the center of attraction.

Furthermore, through amplifying his voice using a certain technique, he was able to shatter the night sky across the whole stadium making the audience riled up like some barbaric savages!

"Yeaahh!! Bring them in now!"

"I want to see blood! Dismembered bodies and agonized moans!"

"Umm.. I don't think killings are allowed.."

"Alright guys, the bets are closed off! Going back on your bets are not allowed from now on or you must pay up the penalties first!"

There were a number of people here whom could be considered as total lunatics while most others were just pure gamblers and was watching for fun. Some others though, were genuinely interested in the upcoming fights, especially the fans of the participants, their teachers and apprentices as well as their family members.

"For the first stage, it is the battle royale! Would the participants please come out now!"

Su! Su! Su!

With a grand wave of his hand, 4 rounded platforms appeared on top of the big stage one after another. Next, four gates were opened simultaneously, where participants flew out and landed on their designated platforms while staring at each other intensely.

"Everyone! Tonight, our Jiu Empire as the host of this competition, are honored that students from the various academies across the whole Tian continents have gathered together under this one platform to unleash and demonstrate their godly martial arts!"

The emcee then continued, "In addition, there are also some others who were actually from the prestigious academies of the other empires, such as our neighbour, the Liu Empire! Doulou Empire and the Huan Empire from the far East, as well as the Wei Empire and the Qin Empire from the far West!"

"Furthermore, quite a number of vagabonds and rogue cultivators alike, while not that much themselves, are here to help provide entertainment for us as well! Please give them a good round of applause!" the emcee finished with a high pitch voice.


The cultivators that weren't part of any of the academies spurted themselves silly.

"This damned emcee! He better watch himself from the back later on!"

"What's that? We are not that much you say? Come down here if you dare and let me whoop your ass!"

As these unaffiliated cultivators were estranged from the workings of society, they have no real problems of cursing out loud, and their expected reaction caused the audience to laugh out loud as they found it funny.

"Now, now! Hold your horses little boys and girls down there, everyone here is talented and are treated as equals. There is no need to be so worked up!" the emcee chuckled. In truth, his previous speech was a set up in order to liven up the atmosphere and make it more intense.

Treated as equal your mother!

Didn't you just disregard us in disdain? You shameless emcee!

The crowd simultaneously cursed in their minds as they knew no better.

Amid this small chaos, a group of students from the Jixue Knights Academy were sitting together on one row as they cheered along with the other audience.

"Eh, that person over there, the one wearing the same uniform as ours.. who is he? Why didn't I see his face and name in the rooster list before?" one of them said as she noticed Duan Li.

"You're right! Could it be that he is a replacement?" another female student replied.

"No wait, I've seen him before! Isn't he that.."

This group of students whispered to each other as they swiftly recognized Duan Li!


"H-He is that monster Junior that had wiped out thousands of monsters in the Blastwinter desert during the monster stampede event before with a single fist art attack!"

With their eyes sparkling wide, they immediately turned to the handler in charge of the bet.

"We want to pay a penalty fine and change our bets!" they said without a hint of hesitation.

"Ah? The penalty fine is 5 times than what you paid for before.. are you guys sure?" the handler was perplexed that a bunch of students suddenly requested this from him.

When he realized that the participant whom they were replacing their bets onto was another student of the same academy as theirs, even younger than them in fact, this handler shook his head in pity!

Hais! It's a good thing that you all have such a strong spirit of camaraderie, but this decision..

"Oh well, I'll let them experience the harsh reality in a little while, not that I am making any losses in this.." the handler thought to himself as he casted another look towards Duan Li.

Although, this person somehow suddenly appeared in the last minute.. weird, very weird!

The emcee sucked in a huge breath of air before continuing, "Alright! Without further ado, let the battle... begin!"


"Yeaahh!! It's finally starting!"

"Show us some real fights!"


On one of the four rounded platform where participants at the early stage of the Core Formation realm were grouped together..

"Guys! Lets take care of that newcomer first!" said a cunning man as he casted a derisive look on Duan Li.

"Sounds good to me! He seems like nothing much!" another man replied with a sinister chuckle.

"Don't cry to your mother now little man, this is what you get for.."

Just before these people that surrounded Duan Li from all side could jump on him, a resounding voice bellowed onto them from a distance.

"Hold it right there!!"

Tap! Tap!

"Sh*t! It's him.." these people immediately put on their guard as they saw a tall burly man approaching them.

"I'm giving you all 3 seconds to scram! Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!" the man said with an indifferent tone, his vast aura was radiating out all over his body like a broken dam!

"Damn it.." they cussed inwardly and looked at each other. With an understanding nod, they all backed away and soon found themselves some other opponents to fight.

"Hahaha! Boy, I've set my eyes on you the moment you entered this competition using the back channel! You think that this battle is a game? A place for you to gain fame?" said this tall and burly middle-aged man with an unkempt hair and moustache, wearing a worn out white martial arts gi towards Duan Li.

"You are?" Duan Li was a little bit taken aback by this person as he had to look up just to see the latter's face.

This man is huge! At least two times taller than me!

"I am called as Wang Dong! I hailed from one of the villages in the Wang mountain!" the tall man replied as he crossed his arms on his chest, looking dignified.

Wang mountain? Isn't that the name of the mountain ranges between the Jiu Empire and the Liu Empire?

Is he perhaps, related to senior teacher Wang Guozhi?

"My name is Duan Li! I entered this competition because I thought that it would be fun! As for fame, inevitably, I quite need it as well due to the nature of my identity both in the academy and the Empire.. somehow.." Duan Li said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Oh? Surprisingly, you are quite honest! Not like the usual brats I encountered who are all haughty I see! Interesting! Although I'm not sure about what you meant by your identity, it doesn't seemed like you are talking air." this person called as Wang Dong said and an intrigued look could be seen on his face.

"How about this then, you see, I'm quite dissatisfied with you entering through the back channel so easily like that while I, the great Wang Dong, had to went through some tests first to see whether I am qualified or not.. hais! Those guys are truly blind to not be able to see my greatness!" he said as he shook his head in lamentation.

Then, looking up towards the night sky, he sighed.

The Heavens are not fair!

"..." Duan Li.

Is he monologuing by himself?

Wang Dong then continued, "Therefore, I'm giving you one chance to prove yourself to me that you are qualified!"

Opening his arms wide casually, he exposed his stomach area to Duan Li.

"Come! Deliver your best punch towards my stomach! I'll judge if you are qualified or not!" he said with a prideful tone.


Atop of a VVIP viewing platform..

"That young man with the uniform of the academy.. isn't he.. that person?" a gentle voice that could make even the raging sea of the black ocean to calm down like the vivid flowing river in winter spoke out amidst the shrouding curtain surrounding her.

"Yes Empress Dowager, that young man is that person." a female servant replied. Her voice was full of deference towards the latter.

"I see.." she placed her cheek on her palm where her elbow was resting on the armrest.

A playful smile could be seen showing on her slender lips.

I never thought that going here tonight would let me witness this!

Let's see what this future Imperial Overseer is capable of..
