Chapter 263: Special stage! (3)

"So, he is already using his trump card? That's unexpected." Zhang Liao commented.

"Probably because he got thrown over from his head." Lu Bu shrugged. He then continued, "Still, to think that we will get the opportunity to see the Eight Undulating Qi technique here, this will be interesting."

Duan Li by the side overheard them talking, and he couldn't help but to become curious.

"Eight Undulating Qi? Sounds like an impressive internal reinforcement technique.. let me have a look!"

With such thoughts in his mind, Duan Li used the Tetra Soul Sense onto Ruo Hen and analyzed the Qi flows within the latter's body. Swiftly after, his face turned purple in disgust and he almost had the urge to threw up!

"Hahahaha! That's right! Shiver in fear before I come to you in a few moments!" Ruo Hen laughed out with a high pitch tone. He was satisfied to see that Duan Li's face had turned pale.

However, what he did not know was that, in addition to that, Duan Li's body trembled not because the latter was scared of him, but because the so called technique was far too flawed!

For example, the Qi had to pass through eight specific meridians in Ruo Hen's body that channels the strength in order to reinforce the physical body. While there was nothing wrong with this, the Qi passageway that it had to travel through was far too lengthy and dissipates much of its effectiveness due to the bandwidth lag!

To put this into another perspective, it was just like how a lake and its river channel flowing to the sea was flowing along through its meanders. Although this was the natural course that water should flow as their nature was to bend, to make it efficient, one should dug a straight river down to the sea instead!

"Even the Jiu Clan's Warring Intent is far more practical than this Eight Undulating Qi.." Duan Li thought in his mind as he shook his head feeling disappointed.

Although perhaps, that is because it was a family heirloom of the Royal family? It did came from the first founder after all..

"Damn.. his bodily muscles are expanding rapidly! His strength and speed must be shooting through the roof right now! Brother Wu Jin and Junior Duan Li, we better be careful!" Dong Jinghai said with his tone full of wary as he switched his stance.

Hearing this, Duan Li could not help but to scratch the back of his head.

They sure are panicking..

Not to mention that the flaw of the technique was obvious, in that Ruo Hen would only be able to use the technique for a few minutes at best before burning himself out, the activation process was also taking too long!

"Should I just quickly go over there and knock him out?"

When he thought about it some more, he decided to go against it. After all, interrupting someone in the middle of their transformation was quite the awful thing to do.

Therefore, he crouched down and picked up a stone the size of his fist near to his feet, and threw it at the other party.


The stone came straight and hit Ruo Hen's left eye, causing it to become swollen!

"Ahh! My eye! You bastard! Have you no honor?!" Ruo Hen lashed out in anger.

Even the others around him were equally stunned by this sudden action of his. At the same time, the reality dawned onto them that the other party was pretty much vulnerable at this point.

"Excuse me, but you are taking far too long.." Duan Li replied awkwardly. But before he could finish, a figure had already dashed forward to deploy a rain of fists onto the other party.

Bush!! Bah!! Pahh!!

"Hahahaha! Those who strikes first, wins!" Wang Dong laughed out loud heartily as he knocked Ruo Hen flying out of the ring with a spinning uppercut!

Rising Dragon Fist!! (A.N: You can google this if you don't know lol)


Crashing onto the ground like a broken doll, Ruo Hen lifted his swollen face for a brief moment with a look of utter indignation plastered all over it before falling unconscious.

"..." Duan Li and the others.


"..." Liu Sheng Duhai.

"Hahahahahaha! Now that is unexpected! It seems that eccentric cultivators with proper and functioning brain still exists even to this age!" Queen Levy laughed charmingly as she tried her best to cover her mouth.


"That fool.." Ling Shin face-palmed himself as he felt a little bit embarrassed by his teammate.

The activation sequence wasn't even supposed to be that long! Just because he wanted to show off a little and put on airs, he purposely delayed the technique so that his strength would rise bit by bit!

Now look at what you have got yourself into!


"Two down, four more to go!" Wang Dong said as he turned around.

Zhang Liao heard this and raised his eyebrows in realization as to what the other party meant.

"Oh? So you are joining that side? Are you sure that you are not making a big mistake here?" he asked.

"I'm not blind, and I'm also no fool. If I were to join your side, it might seem like 5 against 3 would be highly advantageous. But this Duan Li guy here, he is worth 10 people by himself already! Hahahahahaha!" Wang Dong laughed out again, convinced that he had made the right decision.

Hearing this, Lu Bu shook his head.

He then said, "It's true that he is strong, but do not underestimate us. We haven't even used half of our martial prowess yet, and we still have reservations in using some of the more secret technique."

Zhang Liao nodded in agreement to this and continued, "If you join us, it will be more like 30 against 12, with us being 30." he said confidently.

Soon after he said this however, a frown emerged on his forehead as he quickly turned his body around and blocked out an attack from Ling Shin towards his left ribs.

Narrowing his eyes a little bit, he asked, "What's the meaning of this?" towards the other party.


Ling Shin spatted out to the side before he replied, "You seemed to be having a major misunderstanding here. This is a battle royale, since when do we have sides?"

Zhang Liao went silent for a while before sighing.

"Fine, go suit yourself. But know that you have now become my enemy. Be careful."


Zhang Liao's image then flickered for a single instant before Ling Shin's face suddenly turned pale as the latter retreated five steps to the back while holding his neck!

"When did he..?!"

It seems that his solar plexus was hit squarely without him noticing, causing his breathing system to be stopped for a split second!

How did the other party did it?

"Brother Wu Jin, did you manage to see that attack?" Dong Jinghai said, feeling quite uneasy.

"I didn't.. " Wu Jin replied with a similar astonished expression.

Knowing that they both didn't manage to see that attack, they turned towards their junior beside them, hoping for an explanation.

To their surprise however, even this fabled monster was frowning, evidently feeling confused as well. But this momentary daze only lasted a single breath before Duan Li explained.

"That's not a physical attack but, a very peculiar breathing technique! In other words, what this Zhang Liao fellow did was just to breath in huge volumes of air in an instant, creating a temporary vacuum, leaving one with no oxygen to breath for a brief moment!"

Such method caused their opponents to suddenly become lightheaded, feeling like they were being attacked unknowingly, throwing them into a round of confusion as they leave themselves open!


After they listened to Duan Li's explanation, they could not help but to suck in cold breath. After all, it was far too ridiculous!

To think that a mere breathing technique was able to zap at one's breath? Had they not seen it with their very own eyes, even if they were to be beaten black and blue, their very life threaten, they would still refuse to believe it!

"How formidable.." Duan Li said to himself feeling quite impressed.

While he could practically refill his spiritual Qi with a single breath, a breathing technique that allows one to create a vacuum around them even if its for a single breath would require an enormous lung capacity!

Even he himself was not able to do that!

It seems like they are far more trouble than I previously thought..


"The Gongzi's Breathing technique huh.. so, he is a student from the Jinchou Mountain Academy?" the Empress Dowager said with a look of excitement in her eyes.

The Wei Empire where Zhang Liao hailed from, was built upon a gigantic mountain that had its base flattened, and according to the legends, its base was sliced horizontally by their founder, Wei Xiquan!

Due to the high altitude of which their empire rests on, there was less oxygen for the people to breath there, so after generations had passed, their lung capacity seemed to have evolve to allow more oxygen to be stored in it!

In other words, the citizens of the Wei Empire all has this trait as a common identifier! However, what was more impressive was that, those who have an especially large lung capacity, were selected to become the students of the Jinchou Mountain Academy!

This was a gigantic mountain that penetrates all the way to the third layer of the clouds in the sky!

According to their intelligence that they have gathered thus far, the Jinchou Mountain Academy splits their students into three ranks according to these three cloud layers, with the third rank being the most highest and formidable!

Turning her gaze towards Duan Li, a smile crept up on her supple lips, "He seems to be quite injured though, so how will he face them I wonder?"
