Chapter 264: Special stage! (4)

"Gongzi's Breathing technique!" Wang Dong said with narrowed eyes.

Seeing the wary look on the latter's face, Duan Li couldn't help but to ask. After Wang Dong explained it to him, Duan Li swiftly realized that this Zhang Liao person was not someone ordinary!

"A single whiff and the air around him already turned into a vacuum.. just how massive is his lung capacity?" thought Dong Jinghai and Wu Jin with astonished looks on their face when they heard this.

Then, someone suddenly let out a disdainful laugh.

"Hahahaha! So that's the fabled Gongzi's Breathing technique that I've heard so much about before! I really had to applaud you for giving me such a surprise." Ling shin said with a hint of anger in his tone.

You are telling me to be careful? You are clearly underestimating me!

An idea flashed through his mind before he turned around to face Duan Li's group.

"Let me tell you guys a secret; the Gongzi's Breathing technique allows the user, depending on their lung capacity, to multiply their physical prowess in relation to the air that they breathed in." he said.

He then went on to explain that, while this intrinsic ability of the other party was very strong, its main flaw was that the user had to exhale an equal proportion of air as well after a duration of time had passed. At this stage, they will leave themselves open as their muscles uncontrollably relaxes their tension, making their body susceptible to physical attacks for a short moment!

Hearing that the other party actually knew about this secret, and that its flaw had been exposed and pointed out to the others, Zhang Liao's face darkened.

"Ling Shin..!" his tone cold.

"What? It can't be that you are afraid against mere Early stage Core formation realm cultivators and the rest of them, when you are already at the Pinnacle stage, could you?" Ling Shin immediately replied sarcastically.

In his mind, he has two objective for exposing such a crucial piece of information towards Duan Li's group. One was that, it was obvious that the latter's group was pretty much a stable alliance. With the overpowered Duan Li taking the helm and this information, they have a higher chance of taking down the other party together for him!

The second reason was that, he still had to be extremely wary of the person from the Qin Empire, Lu Bu. From the information he received, this person has an absolutely terrifying combat abilities!

The Qin Empire was said to be founded by one of the seven Great Generals of hell, an immortal called Qin Wulong, whose entire body was tempered by the hell's fire from the Netherworld! When this founder died, the astounding power and might inside his body erupted, creating a 10 kilometers wide lava pool!

It was then discovered that, whoever managed to temper their body inside this searing lava pool, would be able to possess a portion of Qin Wulong's immortal power!

"He is from the Wulong's Legacy Academy, and from what I have heard, he had successfully tempered his physical body inside the lava pool! I must be very careful of this man!" he thought to himself as he eyed the latter.

In addition to this, he also had to be careful of Bai Li from the Huan Empire!

"The wretched bastard is a renown assassin.. so I also have to keep an eye on him in case he took me by surprise.."

"You cunning fox.." Zhang Liao gritted his teeth as he could roughly guess what the other party was thinking.

But I guess it doesn't matter, the previous whiff wasn't even 10 percent of my total lung capacity anyway..

"Leave him be. In front of true power, craftiness could only get so far." Lu Bu said indifferently with both arms crossed on his chest.

"I know. For now, we have to eliminate them first." Zhang Liao pointed towards Duan Li. In his opinion, out of everyone here, Duan Li possessed the highest threat to them!

To think that an Early stage of the Core Formation realm cultivator would be able to push everyone single-handedly.. existence as such could probably be counted on one hand!

"Leave it to me." Lu Bu dropped both of his arms to his waist as his muscles visibly tensed and vapors exit his mouth.


The tile beneath his feet cracked into countless pieces before his figure abruptly disappeared.




Both Dong Jinghai and Wu Jin were suddenly punched squarely on their stomach at the same time as they puked out their innards and growled on the ground, seething in pain.

"Fast!" Wang Dong immediately made his move when he saw this.

"Eh? Interesting." Lu Bu was surprised to see that this Wang Dong pushed forward towards him instead of retreating as a smile crept up on his face.

Suu!! Pa! Pa! Pa!

A series of punches, slaps and kicks was deployed by Wang Dong. However, to his surprise, Lu Bu was dodging and blocking each of his attacks effortlessly with the most minimal amount of movement!


These exchanges went on for a while as sound effects, akin to cliffs and boulders breaking apart echoed throughout the stadium, inducing the audience's adrenaline as they cheered on top of their lungs!


At this moment, since both of their figure were considered tall and burly, they appeared to be like giants fighting it out to their best!

However, if one were to look carefully, they would find out that Wang Dong was pushed gradually step by step, despite being the one on the offensive!

"Enough of this farce." Lu Bu's eyes glinted as he tightened his fist, dropped his knee and threw a straight jab.

"Crap!" seeing a punch suddenly went past him and was heading straight for his abs, Wang Dong activated his Supreme Turtle's Crust, which was the previous abs flexing technique that he used to try and defend against Duan Li's punch before.



A mouthful of blood was vommitted out as two or three of his ribs shattered!


The force of the punch was so great that his massive body was dragged to the back as if pushed by a level 9 typhoon, creating trails on the platform below his feet.


Wang Dong threw another mouthful of blood as he dropped to his knees, wiping the blood off from the corners of his mouth.

"Your punch sure packs quite a bunch!" he said with an excited smile.

Mountain Hermit Style: Indomitable Gold Body!

Suddenly, a wild aura erupted out from Wang Dong as he stood up. His presence suddenly felt as heavy as the mountains, his hair fluttering crazily like a vagrant martial artists on revenge, and his muscles enlarged to become like boulders!

Witnessing this transformation, Lu Bu could not help but to be impressed.

"Oh? To think that I would be able to see such a formidable body reinforcement technique here.. However, you sure are unlucky, had it been anyone else, they would be having a hard time facing you, but against me.."

Lu Bu's aura surged as his body turned into a shade of red, a loud 'hissing' sound permeated out from the pores of his body, evidently from the extreme temperatures circulating in his body right now!

Demonic Hell's Body!

"I have inherited the legacy of Qin Wulong myself!" he bellowed out as the air around him burned intensely!


"W-What the hell? Isn't that a skill technique? I thought it was forbidden to use skill arts?" one of the audience could not help but to voice out his complaints.

"What are you, dumb? They are using a high-tier body reinforcement technique! In this competition, such things are allowed!" another person replied.

"That person is going to lose.. however, I believe that Junior Duan Li will made a move after this.." an elderly voice spoke out with confidence.

"Elderly Senior Mu Bai! What do you mean?" the people around him asked.

"Just watch.." he replied mysteriously as he played with his white beard.

Previously, during the selection of followers for Duan Li, he had saw a vision; the vague silhouette of a man standing a top of a tall mountain that pierced through the nine heavens! His hands clasped casually behind his back and his shadow extended long like the vicissitudes of life as the sun shone gently on him!

This man was Duan Li, an ill-fated hero destined to be lonely for his supreme, unmatched prowess, and it was clear that he, will stood above all!
