
After arriving at the New Horizons headquarters, I was left awestruck by the grandeur of the building, reminiscent of the majestic pavilions of Ancient Greece. Towering structures of pristine white marble adorned with chiseled columns created an imposing and yet alluring sight. The surrounding landscape was a picturesque panorama, with lush green grass and rolling hills extending as far as the eye could see. Each blade of grass seemed to sway gently in the caress of a steady breeze, lending the scene an almost surreal quality. A colossal tree stood majestically in the distance, its vast canopy seemingly shielding the entire planet beneath it. It was a realm of unparalleled beauty.

As our group ventured into one of the many pavilions, the echoes of our footsteps reverberated through the expansive halls, creating a sense of both wonder and unease. We traversed a labyrinth of corridors, seemingly identical and endlessly winding, with twists and turns that defied logic. Finally, we came to a halt before a colossal wooden door, towering 10 meters in height and 6 meters in width, adorned with progressively smaller doors within. Judging by our group's size, it seemed we were meant to pass through the third door, an entrance that still struck me as excessively grandiose.

The man accompanying us presented his ID to the security personnel, who saluted him upon his approach, revealing a dimension to his persona that belied his initial simplicity.

With the press of a button, the massive door slowly began to open, emitting a radiant light as it creaked on its hinges. Stepping through, we were greeted by a breathtaking spectacle. The room was teeming with thousands, perhaps even millions, of individuals, all gathered for the much-anticipated beta test.

At the center of the room stood a holographic TV, its screens facing every direction. As our entire group entered, the door sealed shut behind us, prompting a collective gasp from the crowd. A middle-aged man, his once-luscious brown hair now giving way to silver with hints of brown, appeared on the screens, exuding an energy that defied his age.

"We've all arrived. Now, let us begin. In the first round, we have 236,385,485 people here. This number must be reduced to a million, then a hundred thousand in the second round, a thousand in the third, a hundred in the fourth, and fifty in the final round. You must be wondering why such low numbers. Well, that's a secret I won't disclose. Shortly, you'll be led to different rooms based on, well, you. I won't delve into the details now. When you reach your designated room, you'll find a capsule. Step inside. That's all for now. See you in the next round," he addressed us, sounding more like a member of the younger generation than his actual age.

Curses and discontent rippled through the crowd as they voiced their frustration at the lack of clarity. However, their outcries were abruptly silenced when a mellifluous voice resonated throughout the hall.

"When I call your name, please follow me. You are in group A:

Ave Black

Susan Drake

Leonardo Drake

Dawn West

Adam Horizons

That's all for group A. Please step forward and follow me," the woman announced from a podium, a staircase leading up to her position. I made eye contact with Ave, giving her a quick wave, relieved when she reciprocated. Did this mean we were friends now? The notion felt both strange and oddly comforting.

As we ascended, my gaze fell upon Adam, his charming smile drawing my attention. However, I couldn't locate Susan and Leonardo. Instead, my eyes fell upon two struggling individuals, a young boy and a girl, appearing to be in dire straits. The boy, with his short black hair and solemn gray eyes, seemed around 11 or 12, while the girl, her face marked with dirt and a cut on her left cheek, possessed unruly brown hair and troubled emerald green eyes. It was evident she was in need of assistance.

After they finally reached the top, they introduced themselves as Susan and Leonardo, the latter preferring to be called Leo, a choice that came as no surprise. The attendant's gaze lingered on me for a moment before moving on, a gesture she repeated with Leo.

As we followed her, struggling to keep pace, we couldn't help but marvel at her incredible speed. After what felt like an eternity, she came to a stop before a room marked with a golden plaque reading "Group A." Upon opening the door, she paused, casting a curious glance back at us to gauge our reactions. As the door swung open, we all let out a collective gasp. Before us lay a vast expanse featuring a sprawling lake at its center, complemented by a roaring waterfall to its left. A lavish buffet adorned the right, displaying an array of unfamiliar dishes, tempting our senses. Positioned directly ahead were five capsules, each labeled with a name. How they knew our identities remained a mystery, leaving me awestruck by the advanced data-gathering capabilities of New Horizons.

The attendant addressed us once more, her voice carrying an air of authority. "Please indulge in the feast and attend to any personal needs before entering your designated capsule. Remember, it's not about who enters first or last, but the results that matter." With a final glance in my direction and another at Leo, she took her leave.

Turning to Adam and Ave, we engaged in a lively discussion about cats as we savored the delectable spread. Following this, I made my way to the lavatory, as Adam called it, before preparing to enter my designated capsule.

Comparing it to Adam's, I noted that my capsule was slightly smaller, measuring around 1.97 meters in height and approximately 1 meter in width. Adorned with intricate black patterns resembling rising ripples, the capsule exuded a sense of elegant simplicity. As I reached out to touch it, the capsule slid open noiselessly, surprising me with its seamless operation.

Inside, an array of softly pulsating lights greeted me in the shape of pandas, emitting an inviting emerald green hue, my favorite color. Climbing inside, I found the space to be a perfect fit, evoking a sense of unparalleled comfort. Closing my eyes to savor the moment, I failed to notice the capsule's door closing. A faint sensation on my hand drew my attention, and upon opening my eyes, I discovered a tube connected to it.

Simultaneously, a mechanical voice sounded next to my ear. "Nutrition Tube activated."

Blinking in surprise, I inquired, "Who's there?" Swiveling around, I found no one in sight.

"I am an AI installed within this capsule. Each capsule hosts a unique AI. At present, I do not possess a 'name.' If you wish, you may bestow one upon me," the AI responded in a clinical yet articulate tone.

Pondering for a moment, I settled on a name.

"Very well. From this moment onward, you shall be known as Charles," I declared, firm in my choice.

"I am quite fond of that name. Would you like to begin the New Age?" Charles inquired, his voice now possessing a blend of masculinity and warmth.

"Yes," I affirmed.












Game loaded"

"System announcement- For being The 20th person to name your AI, with genuine thought, you have passed Stage 1"

I lose consciousness

[What 'World' would host like to visit]

[What 'World' would host like to....]

[What 'World would host ....]

[What 'World'.....]